Abortion And Discharge - The Norm And Deviations

Abortion And Discharge - The Norm And Deviations
Abortion And Discharge - The Norm And Deviations

Abortion and discharge

A large number of girls and women, with the appearance of incomprehensible discharge, immediately begin to panic, without even trying to figure out the current situation.

Abortion - discharge is normal and pathological
Abortion - discharge is normal and pathological

What kind of discharge after an abortion can alert a woman, and which are considered quite normal? As a rule, the most common doctor's consultation about the very possible consequences of an abortion and discharge after it can get rid of most unnecessary questions. What can you expect? Is discharge at all possible after an abortion was made, are they the norm? What profusion of bleeding is a deviation? What is yellow or brown discharge after abortion? This article is dedicated to answering all these questions. But it must be remembered that only a doctor can provide timely medical care.

The consequences of abortion, as a rule, are abdominal pain, as well as a sharp weakening of the immune system. Further, a favorable environment is created for the emergence of new and strengthening of existing infections, which is also greatly facilitated by the trauma of the genital organs after abortion.

To avoid the undesirable consequences of abortion, women should carefully monitor the nature of their discharge. They start to appear around day 3. Abundant discharge after an abortion with a very strong smell of rot is very dangerous. This is a real sign of a genital infection that requires an urgent visit to the doctor. The earlier treatment is started in this case, the greater the likelihood of a normal outcome of all complications.

Brown and yellow discharge and abortion

A brown discharge can last about 10 days after termination of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the blood after an abortion comes out, but since the nature of the discharge is not abundant, it has time to coagulate, so the discharge is rather scarce and brownish in color. After an abortion is made, such discharge should be considered the norm.

Brown discharge of light tones is mainly a consequence of surgical intervention, when blood still continues to come out of the uterine cavity. However, brownish discharge after an abortion may also indicate a polyp in the uterus. Polyp is not a dangerous disease, but it can cause abdominal pain after an abortion, as well as during sex.

Also, after an abortion, an abundant brown discharge may indicate the presence of a rather serious ailment, such as endometriosis. A brown discharge appears before and after menstruation. They have a rather sharp unpleasant odor and are accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Endometritis after an abortion, in principle, is not a source of severe discomfort. But it must be treated, otherwise, during the next pregnancy, there will be a chance of miscarriage.

After an abortion, a yellow discharge can be called a signal of multiplying bacteria in the genitals. Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as Proteus - all these microbes in a certain amount disrupt the microflora and begin to cause infectious diseases. Yellow discharge is characteristic of chlamydia, trichomoniasis, HIV disease, which are more relevant after the termination of pregnancy.

In any case, regardless of the nature, color and smell of discharge after an abortion, it will not be superfluous to take a smear to detect an infection in the genitals.

Is bloody and heavy discharge after an abortion normal?

Blood usually should not be abundant after a surgical abortion. Usually in women, there are so-called smearing, brown discharge. If there is abundant spotting, the blood comes out in large clots, you need to seek help from the hospital.

Bloody discharge after an abortion of an abundant nature is sometimes so abundant that a woman does not have time to change sanitary napkins, is an immediate danger to life and requires immediate hospitalization. The most common cause of such discharge is a poor-quality abortion, when the remains of the embryo remain in the uterus. Bleeding is caused precisely by the fact that the remnants of the embryo constantly interfere with the contraction of blood vessels, which, after termination of pregnancy, strongly secrete blood.

After an abortion, stomach ache - what to do
After an abortion, stomach ache - what to do

Discharge after vacuum and medical abortion

However, this does not apply to medical abortion - bloody and profuse discharge is the norm here. With blood clots after an abortion, the embryo and all the amniotic parts begin to come out.

If after an abortion, the stomach hurts, and the blood clots continue to come out even after the allotted time for the abortion, this may indicate that the fetal parts have not yet come out completely. Abundant discharge after an abortion can appear for about 10 days. The abundance of such discharge after medical abortion depends entirely on the timing of the delay in menstruation. The shorter the gestational age, the less abundant the discharge will be after medical termination of pregnancy. Short periods are also characterized by not pronounced hormonal changes, which means that the discharge after an abortion will end very quickly. Heavy bleeding lasts about 2 days, after which their abundance decreases. This is a completely normal process. In case of deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor. Quite possible,that your process is an individualized one or that the medical abortion was not very effective.

And if bleeding is completely absent, then you should be alert. This means that blood has accumulated in the uterus, which is very dangerous for the body.

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