Why Is The Throat And Ear Often Sore At The Same Time?

Why Is The Throat And Ear Often Sore At The Same Time?
Why Is The Throat And Ear Often Sore At The Same Time?

Why is the throat and ear often sore at the same time?

Sore throat and stuffy ears - how to treat
Sore throat and stuffy ears - how to treat

Medical practice knows a huge number of cases when a patient complains of a sore throat radiating to the ear. Such symptoms are typical for many infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the human body. The reason that the throat and ear hurts at the same time, as a rule, are anatomical features: the nasopharynx is closely connected with the ear, so the infection can easily penetrate from it into the middle ear. Thus, the inflammatory process develops in both the throat and the ears.

When the throat and ears hurt at a temperature

Very often, a sore throat that radiates to the ear and is accompanied by an increase in temperature can be a sign of diseases such as:

  • Otitis;
  • Tubotite;
  • Acute pharyngitis;
  • Measles;
  • Scarlet fever;
  • Chicken pox;
  • Angina;
  • Diphtheria.

With acute otitis media, the throat and ear hurts at the same time, and such pain sensations usually worsen in the evening. Often this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as general weakness of the body, loss of appetite and high fever. Sometimes pus may leak from the ear, which indicates the presence of such a variety of this disease as purulent otitis media.

If a person falls ill with tubotitis, then he also has an increase in body temperature, sore throat and ear. Additional signs of this disease are often heaviness and noises in the head.

Acute pharyngitis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Sore throat that radiates to the ear;
  • Dry cough;
  • Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • Sore throat;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

Pharyngitis can often be the result of bronchitis, general intoxication of the body, or rhinitis. As a rule, in the case of this disease, the throat and ear hurt mainly when swallowing.

Scarlet fever, measles and chickenpox are more common in children. The main symptoms, in addition to sore throat and ears, include high body temperature and the appearance of a rash. Since the signs of these diseases are in many ways similar, it is very difficult to establish a diagnosis on your own: with such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sore throat and ears at a temperature also in the presence of a disease such as tonsillitis. This infectious disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and oropharynx. Often, against the background of angina, purulent processes in the body develop. In addition to high fever, additional symptoms are a yellowish coating on the tongue, soreness in the muscles and sometimes in the region of the heart, chills and bad breath.

Diphtheria is a rather serious diagnosis, since this infectious disease is often life threatening. The main signs: the throat and ears hurt at the same time, the temperature is high, an inflammatory process is observed at the site of the cut on the skin. Since diphtheria can cause intoxication of the body and damage to the cardiovascular system, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to call a doctor.

In the initial stages of the disease, exacerbations can be avoided by frequent gargling. If the illness lasts longer, then the doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics. For a speedy recovery, it is necessary to observe bed rest and exclude hypothermia.

Remember: when your throat and ear are sore, you should in every possible way avoid such drinks and foods that irritate the throat. These are usually soda, especially chilled soda, various alcoholic beverages, and solid foods. It is recommended to drink teas with honey and lemon more often. For prevention purposes, you should eat foods rich in vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

When your throat hurts and your ears get blocked

Most often, the sore throat and ears are blocked in case of colds. During a runny nose, mucus accumulates in the nose, which becomes a medium for the active development of various microbes. After all, the ears, throat and nose are one system in which substances can circulate freely. When the throat hurts and the ears get clogged with a runny nose, we can say that pathogenic microbes have made their way into these areas. This is evidenced by the inflammatory process that affects the human body.

A running cold can lead not only to ear congestion and inflammation, but also to the formation of mucus, which causes sharp, shooting pain in the ears and dizziness.

Another cause of ear congestion is often an increase in the lymph nodes that make up the lymphoid ring located in the nasopharynx. In this case, the throat hurts and the ears are blocked because the lymph nodes swell and swell, blocking the entrance to the Eustachian tubes leading to the inner ear.

It should be remembered: if the throat hurts and the ears are congested with a runny nose, you should, if possible, prevent the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the nose. Also, you should not blow your nose strongly, as this can lead to particles of mucus getting into the middle ear and provoking an inflammatory process. The spread of infection should be blocked with antiviral drugs and restorative drugs.

When the throat and ears hurt with a runny nose, at home you can try to alleviate the patient's condition in the following ways:

  • Blowing out the ears using various methods;
  • Sore throat and ears, fever - symptoms of acute otitis media
    Sore throat and ears, fever - symptoms of acute otitis media

    Removal of pain and swelling in the ear canal with the help of pharmacy drops;

  • Alcohol compresses;
  • Burying the ears with camphor oil;
  • Rinsing the nose with sea salt solution;
  • Lozenges;
  • Other antiviral and cold medicines that relieve sore throat and restore nasal breathing.

If none of the above methods brings relief, the runny nose does not recede, the throat and ear still hurt, the congestion does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, such symptoms are characteristic signs of developing otitis media, which can lead to rather serious consequences, even such as hearing loss.

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