Catarrhal Sore Throat: Symptoms And Treatment In Adults And Children, Throat Photo

Catarrhal Sore Throat: Symptoms And Treatment In Adults And Children, Throat Photo
Catarrhal Sore Throat: Symptoms And Treatment In Adults And Children, Throat Photo

Catarrhal sore throat: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

The content of the article:

  1. Symptoms of catarrhal sore throat
  2. Diagnosis of the disease
  3. Treatment of catarrhal sore throat
  4. Video

Catarrhal angina is considered the mildest form of acute tonsillitis. It occurs with the defeat of the lymphoid ring of the pharynx and causes moderate pain when swallowed and sore throat. Since the signs of the disease are similar to those in secondary pathologies against the background of acute infections (mononucleosis, herpes, scarlet fever, measles and others), the otolaryngologist performs pharyngoscopy to clarify the diagnosis. The presence of edematous and hyperemic palatine arches and tonsils, noted during the examination, makes it possible to distinguish primary tonsillitis with catarrhal changes from other diseases.

The catarrhal form of sore throat is characterized by perspiration and dryness in the throat
The catarrhal form of sore throat is characterized by perspiration and dryness in the throat

The catarrhal form of sore throat is characterized by perspiration and dryness in the throat.

A viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract often leads to the development of inflammation. Bacterial pathogens of pathology include staphylococci, streptococci (in most cases, group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus), less often pneumococci, meningococci, moraxella catarrhalis and influenza bacillus.

The causes of viral catarrhal sore throat in children under the age of 5 years are enteroviruses and adenoviruses. In older children and adults, the disease can develop with the penetration of herpes viruses, influenza viruses and parainfluenza.

The causative agent of the disease can be viruses and bacteria
The causative agent of the disease can be viruses and bacteria

The causative agent of the disease can be viruses and bacteria

There are different opinions about whether the pathology is contagious or not. However, given that the infection is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as when using household items on which its pathogens are located, it can be concluded that it is contagious. In this regard, the patient is advised to avoid visiting crowded places, and those who are near him should observe preventive measures.

The disease in most cases is recorded against the background of chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx, frequent hypothermia and a decrease in the body's immune defense in the autumn-winter period. In children, the acute form is recorded more often than in adults.

According to the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10), the pathology belongs to class X - respiratory diseases, heading J00-J06 - acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract. The ICD-10 code for catarrhal sore throat is J03 and corresponds to that for acute tonsillitis.

With timely treatment for medical help and early initiation of therapy, complete relief of the symptoms of the disease at the catarrhal stage is possible within 5-7 days. Treatment includes antibacterial or antiviral drugs, oropharyngeal rinsing, physical therapy, and avoiding strenuous exercise. With a late start of antibiotic therapy against a background of reduced immunity, there is a high probability of purulent inflammation with damage to the follicles or lacunae.

Symptoms of catarrhal sore throat

In acute tonsillitis of a catarrhal course, patients most often complain of the following manifestations:

  • perspiration and dryness in the throat;
  • moderate pain when swallowing food or water;
  • an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values (up to 38 ° C);
  • weakness, lethargy, reduced performance;
  • enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes on palpation;
  • isolated redness of the tonsils in the absence of purulent contents in them or white plaque on the mucous membrane of the throat.
The disease proceeds with an increase in body temperature and symptoms of intoxication
The disease proceeds with an increase in body temperature and symptoms of intoxication

The disease proceeds with an increase in body temperature and symptoms of intoxication

To prevent the transition of the disease to the follicular or lacunar clinical form is possible only when conducting etiotropic treatment at the very beginning - when the first symptoms appear. A late visit to a doctor or refusal of adequate therapy serves the development of complications - chronic tonsillitis, glomerulonephritis, polyarthritis, endocarditis and myocarditis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since the clinical picture of catarrhal inflammation is similar to that in infectious diseases and other pathologies of the throat, careful diagnosis by specialists of different profiles is necessary - an infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist, therapist and pediatrician.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of studies
To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of studies

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of studies

To make an accurate diagnosis, research is required such as:

  • pharyngoscopy - allows you to identify diffuse hyperemia, swelling and an increase in the size of the glands and edges of the arches, pain and hypertrophy of regional lymph nodes. During it, the doctor can take a photo of the throat;
  • Virological or bacteriological tests of a throat swab to determine the etiological agent;
  • a clinical blood test, in particular, the number of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which make it possible to clarify the activity of the inflammatory process;
  • urinalysis - the presence of protein and red blood cells, as well as an increase in the number of leukocytes, may indicate signs of kidney damage;
  • a biochemical blood test, which is necessary if you suspect the development of polyarthritis or rheumatic heart disease.

Differential diagnosis may also be required with influenza, sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, adenoids, secondary lesions of the glands with mononucleosis, scarlet fever or diphtheria.

Treatment of catarrhal sore throat

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor, depending on the causative agent of inflammation, the age and condition of the patient, prescribes the most effective treatment. The therapy should be aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the infection, reducing the activity of inflammation and preventing the development of possible complications.

If viruses are the causative agent of acute tonsillitis, antiviral agents are prescribed. In cases where the pathology is caused by bacteria - antibiotics of the penicillin series, cephalosporins or macrolides. Medication also includes the use of vitamins, tonic, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To speed up the healing process, local treatment is used with the use of antiseptic solutions for rinsing the oropharynx, symptomatic preparations in the form of tablets for resorption and aerosols, the action of which is aimed at reducing or eliminating signs of pathology.

Therapy of tonsillitis with catarrhal changes is usually carried out at home, only if it is severe, a hospital stay may be required. Patients are advised to adhere to bed rest, especially in the first days of illness, as well as the maximum limitation of physical activity.

With regard to bed rest for children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends focusing on their condition. There is no need to prohibit any activity with angina, the only exception is its diphtheria form. However, in order to avoid infection of others, you should limit the child's contact with other children and exclude visits to crowded places.

With the timely initiation of treatment, the duration of the disease on average ranges from 4 to 6 days. If the accession of complications is recorded, the patient is transferred to a hospital in the department of otolaryngology. Such patients, depending on the nature of the complications, are prescribed medications that support the functions of the central nervous system, kidneys, respiration or heart, as well as glucocorticosteroid hormones.

Removal of tonsils is indicated when purulent-inflammatory processes appear
Removal of tonsils is indicated when purulent-inflammatory processes appear

Removal of tonsils is indicated when purulent-inflammatory processes appear

Surgical intervention may be required when purulent-inflammatory processes appear in the surrounding tissue, which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, intoxication and painful sensations in the area of fluid accumulation. In such cases, on an emergency basis, under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, a paratonsillar abscess is opened.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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