Vilensky bus

To eliminate various orthopedic problems in young children, Vilensky splint is used in medicine. In fact, it is a telescopic spacer made of aluminum alloy and stainless steel with a sliding screw and genuine leather cuffs. The method of using Vilensky's splint requires it to be worn around the clock.
Vilensky bus: instructions for use
The classic indications for the appointment of a pediatric orthopedist wearing a Vilensky splint are:
- dysplasia of the hip joints;
- congenital hip dislocations;
- change in position (lateralization) of the femoral head;
- viral deformity of the femoral neck (so-called plow vara).
In modern pediatric orthopedics, the instruction for the Vilensky splint especially recommends its use in the final period of hip dislocation reduction. In the complex treatment of such pathologies, wearing it is necessary to maintain the abducted position of the hip joints.
Vilenskiy's standard tires are manufactured in three sizes:
- small (for children from birth to 4 months), providing limb separation from 16 to 23 cm;
- average (for children from 4 to 12 months), for divorce by 21-33 cm;
- large (for children over 1 year old), with a divorce of 29.5-49.5 cm.
At the same time, experts recommend individual production of Vilensky tires in professional medical technical workshops. Only a construction made in accordance with the measurements of the baby will be effective and efficient.
The Vilensky splint ensures optimal centering of the femoral head in the acetabulum of the pelvic bone. Before wearing Vilensky's splint, you should consult with a specialist for the absence of possible contraindications for using the technique.

How to wear Vilensky's tire correctly
The task of the attending orthopedic surgeon is to teach the parents of the baby how to properly wear the Vilensky splint. For this, the child should be laid with his back on a hard surface and his legs should be spread apart. Each leg is threaded into the leather strap of the Vilensky bus, fixed at the required height and laced up.
During the movements of the child, it is required to ensure that the Vilensky splint remains at the original level recommended by the orthopedist. For this purpose, you should use clothes and special aids made of natural fabrics that prevent slipping.
Depending on the nature of the lesion, the course of continuous wearing of Vilensky's splint is from 4 to 9 months. It is removed only for the time of bathing the child. Only after the completion of the development of the necessary elements or the final reduction of the dislocation of the hip joint, the specialist decides to remove the structure.
Despite the manufacturability of modern medical techniques, reviews about the Vilensky splint and the effectiveness of its use in hip dysplasia, dislocations in newborns and other similar pathologies are very positive. Compared to other similar devices, it does not have a negative effect on the placement of the feet, allows the child to move, maintain muscle tone and develop with age.
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