How to do massage correctly

Massage is one of the ancient and highly effective relaxation techniques, but not only that. It can be relaxing, tonic, healing, athletic, anti-cellulite, anti-aging, and can work wonders - provided you know how to massage properly. Despite the apparent simplicity, this is a subtle art, and in order to learn it, it is not enough to complete good massage courses, since mastering massage techniques is not enough. A good massage therapist also needs constant practice.
An amateur way, without exact knowledge of how to properly massage, can lead to the opposite of the expected result. This procedure is not as harmless as it seems. It is a powerful technique that is widely used in manual therapy. With its help, it is possible to correct serious disorders in the musculoskeletal system of a person, at the same time curing chronic diseases that have lasted for years. Accordingly, a massage done incorrectly can greatly harm health. Of course, if this is done on a one-time basis, then it is unlikely that there will be serious disorders, nevertheless, massage refers to soft techniques of influence. But regular low-quality procedures by an incompetent massage therapist who have vague ideas about how to do it right can lead to sad consequences.
You should be especially careful when it comes to therapeutic massage for diseases of the spine, and in general for any neurological diseases. Without knowledge of the specifics of these diseases, deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology, without an accurate understanding of how to properly massage in this case, it is better not to take it. Also, do not experiment with massage techniques in pediatric practice, the bones and cartilage tissue in a child are still too fragile. This does not mean that in such cases, you need to refuse massage. This means that you need to take an extremely

responsible approach to the choice of a specialist who not only knows how to do it right, but specializes in massage techniques in this particular area.
One more important note. Do not try to learn from one small article how to do massage correctly. If you really want to master such a useful and important tool as massage techniques, you should find good massage courses in St. Petersburg, Moscow or in your city and take a full course of quality training, with theory and practice under the supervision of a master. There are things that cannot be learned in ten minutes. Massage is a medical art, and it requires a respectful, serious attitude towards oneself.
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