Red spots on the face

Red spots are a natural reaction of the skin to external and internal stimuli of a physical, chemical, physiological nature. Facial skin is an open area of human skin that is most susceptible to irritants. Red spots on the face can be a reaction to both external stimuli (temperature, mechanical influences and damage, chemical stimuli), and to processes taking place inside the body. The skin of the face is considered an indicator of the state of the body, while red spots can be a signal of a dysfunction of certain organ systems. Red spots on the face have a different etiology. To find out the reasons for the appearance of red spots, it is necessary to determine when spots appear, whether the spots are the result of skin rashes (acne), what factors contribute to the appearance of spots,Whether the spots are temporary or permanent. Red spots on the face can be caused by skin sensitivity. Thus, dry skin of the face is thinner, sensitive to external stimuli, while oily skin is thicker, less sensitive to external irritants, but more susceptible to disturbances in internal processes, as a result of which oily skin is more prone to rashes.
If red spots are found on the face of an unclear etiology, you should consult a dermatologist-endocrinologist.
Red spots on the face: causes of appearance, clinical picture
When red spots are found on the face, it is necessary to observe the dynamics of their development over several days, determining the possible factors contributing to their appearance. So, with red spots on the face, the reasons for their appearance may be as follows:
- Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the immune system to exposure to a specific allergen. Red spots on the face, caused by allergens in the air, food, cosmetics, household items, clothing, are usually temporary and go away on their own without any treatment. Allergic red spots do not cause physical discomfort to the patient; in rare cases, itching, peeling is noted. The appearance of allergic red spots on the skin of the face can be caused by the intake of various medications, vitamins, dietary supplements. The main method of dealing with red spots of an allergic nature is to eliminate the allergen or to minimize its impact. The use of drugs in such cases is not recommended;
- Sun reaction - red spots on the face can appear due to skin hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays. In this case, even a short stay in direct sunlight will lead to the appearance of red spots on the face. Hypersensitivity to UV rays can be caused by the use of various cosmetics, as well as certain cosmetic procedures (peeling, grinding, cleaning). Spots of this nature disappear soon after elimination of the stimulus and do not require treatment;
- Diseases - red spots on the face can be symptoms of various diseases and organ dysfunction: skin diseases (including skin infections), such as erythema, rosacea, scleroderma, as well as dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, vitamin deficiency. If you find red spots on your face that are not caused by allergens, you should seek qualified help from a doctor. Red spots on the face caused by skin diseases, as a rule, are characterized by itching, thickening of the affected area of the skin, peeling, burning. Spots caused by disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a rule, are not complicated by itching and burning, their contours are not determined by palpation. Red spots on the face, caused by various diseases, are persistent;
- Telangiectasia is a persistent expansion of the superficial small vessels of the skin of a non-inflammatory nature, which manifests itself on the skin in the form of vascular networks and asterisks. It should be remembered that telangiectasia can also be a symptom of any disorder in the body or disease (endocrine disorders and liver pathology, chronic venous insufficiency, dermatitis, rosacea, and others);
- Pimples, acne - red spots on the face can be caused by overactive sebaceous glands, which produce secretions in excess, which leads to clogged pores and their inflammation. In most cases, the appearance of acne is also a consequence of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
- Stress - feelings, stress, emotional outbursts can contribute to the appearance of red spots.
Persistent red spots on the face that are asymptomatic should not be ignored and require comprehensive diagnostics to establish the causes of their appearance and choose the optimal treatment.
Red spots on the face: pregnancy
Pregnancy is another common cause of red spots on the face. Pregnancy provokes a complete restructuring of all body systems, the hormonal background changes. During pregnancy, a woman takes various medications and vitamins to maintain the normal development of the fetus. However, the appearance of red spots during pregnancy does not at all exclude possible allergic reactions, infectious infections. Red spots of this nature, as a rule, are not accompanied by other symptoms. If you experience itching, burning, peeling, you should consult a dermatologist to diagnose the causes of red spots on your face. Pregnancy is an important period in a woman's life when she is responsible for the health of the unborn baby. One of the possible causes of the appearance of red spots is the fifth disease or infectious erythema (red cheek disease), which in 11% of cases when infected during pregnancy provokes a miscarriage.
Red spots on a child's face: causes of education
Red spots

on a child's face can be caused by various factors. Red spots in a child that appear immediately after birth are called birth spots, among which are distinguished:
- Nevi (simple, fiery);
- Hemangiomas (strawberry, cavernous).
Also, red spots on the face of a child immediately after birth can occur due to mechanical damage to skin areas during childbirth. Red spots in newborns often do not require treatment, but only constant monitoring, as a rule, they disappear in the first year of life. In the case of sharp dynamics, a decision is made about a possible treatment.
Red spots on the face of an older child can be caused by the following factors:
- Infectious diseases;
- Inflammatory processes in the body, fever;
- Allergies;
- Climate change;
- Dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
- Insect bites.
If red spots are detected on the skin of the child's face, it is necessary to immediately consult a dermatologist to find out their etiology and prescribe treatment, if necessary.
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