Raising a child from 1 year old

The personality of a person, according to many psychologists, is formed in the first years of life. That is why it is so important when raising a child from 1 year old, during active growth and rapid development, so that the baby receives the experience necessary for his future life, which will become the basis in his future life.
Therefore, mothers and fathers, especially young ones, who have practically no experience in raising children, need to learn how to be parents, gaining the necessary knowledge about the psychological and physiological characteristics of a baby's development.
Understanding as the basis for raising a child from 1 year old
Most of the difficulties and mistakes in raising a child of 1-5 years old are based on the fact that parents do not understand their baby, considering him a “reduced model” of an adult. Therefore, parents quite often have irritation about the fact that the child ignores the reasonable arguments from their point of view. On the other hand, the desire to adjust both your life and the life of the child to modern requirements and pace, surrounding the baby with various methods of early learning using computer technologies, does not always bring the desired result.
Quite often, because of the desire for early development, parents forget about their main task - to love the baby and understand his needs. The main difference between children and adults is that a child at an early age only imitates logical thinking, imitating adults, and, having no stereotypes, is usually absorbed exclusively in the current moment and situation, living "here and now." Therefore, most of the children's emotions obey the situation - he can be sincerely upset from the loss of his favorite toy, but he is very quickly distracted if his attention is attracted by something interesting. Children aged 1-5 usually live every moment of their lives to the fullest, enjoying it.
Also, in order to understand their baby and the correct upbringing of a child in 1-2 years, parents need to understand that his consciousness is not directed to the future. Without his own experience and developed abstract thinking, the child is completely immersed in the current moment with very specific objects, people and toys.
Features of raising a child at 1-2 years old
The main source of development and upbringing of a child 1.5 years old and older is game, subject activity. For this purpose, it is necessary to use various techniques and manuals, which will contribute to the rapid development of logical thinking and cognitive activity, and, therefore, accelerate social and emotional development.
To effectively raise a child 1-5 years old, you must adhere to several rules:
- Since a child of this age gets tired rather quickly without movement, it is recommended to combine play activity with physical activity;
- Care should be taken to ensure that the baby does not get tired, finishing the game before it becomes uninteresting to him;
- Any game activity should be accompanied by active communication between adults and children, which will contribute to the development of speech.
Also, for the successful upbringing of a child at 1-2 years old, it is necessary to know that in order to communicate with a child it is necessary to speak in a language that is "understandable" to him. In order for the baby to quickly understand what his parents want from him, you should adhere to some simple rules:
- You need to try to make your speech more figurative. For a child, speech is not the main way of communication, the dominant thinking is visual-effective. Therefore, the clearer and more imaginative the appeal to the baby is, the faster he will understand what they want from him;
- Play is the best way to consolidate information in the development and education of a 1-5 year old child. With the help of the game, it is quite easy to simulate various situations, and such a presentation is permanently fixed in the kid's memory;
- Similar to games, children understand the language of fairy tales very well. At the same time, in the upbringing of a young child, you can use both well-known fairy tales and those invented by yourself. In this case, characters can be placed in situations that need to be explained to the child. Living certain moments with the heroes of the fairy tale, the baby remembers the created images for a long time, and the situation itself becomes more understandable for him;
- If possible, you need to back up your words with actions. This refers to simple concepts when it is necessary to explain the basic rules of personal hygiene or safety measures to the child;
- The easiest way to remember the necessary information is when it is presented as if by chance, in the context of the situation that has arisen. So, it is best to discuss the danger that cars carry while walking, and the need to wash your hands after a walk - immediately upon returning home.
Also, many psychologists, when raising a child of 1.5 years and older, advise using as few prohibitions and categorical “no” as possible, and instead of prohibitions, it is better to talk about the consequences and offer other possibilities. This is due to the fact that children do not accept any restrictions, and also practically do not react to irritated phrases and rhetorical questions, which in a generalized form describe their bad behavior from the point of view of an adult. In addition, children of this age do not understand irony and sarcasm, therefore, in order to convey their message to a child, it is better not to use them in their speech.
These simple rules will help to establish communication with the child and better understand his needs and characteristics, which will make the process of raising a baby from 1 year old the most enjoyable and effective.
Story-driven games as a foundation for early childhood education

In addition to games with didactic material, it is necessary to pay attention to plot games. To play out everyday situations, you can use dolls and animal toys. For a start, it is better to use plots that are simple and understandable for a kid of this age, which gradually need to be complicated by various situations and details.
For adults with rational thinking, at first glance, these games may seem boring and not useful for the development and upbringing of a child 1.5 years old and older. However, it is precisely such games that need to be given a lot of time, since they enrich the baby's experience and teach him to live, at first glance, parents, minor situations. You can start with successive moments in the baby's life - feeding, walking, bathing, playing, going to bed, which will help to understand the relationship of these actions in his own life.
At the same time, plot games provide many opportunities for the manifestation of imagination and fantasy, which is the basis for the development of the child's intellectual abilities. In addition, through the plot game, the child's ideas about reality are reinforced - about clothes, furniture or dishes. For a change, pictures of birds and animals can be entered into the game, which will increase cognitive interest.
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