Raising A Child 7 Years Old

Raising A Child 7 Years Old
Raising A Child 7 Years Old

Video: Raising A Child 7 Years Old

Video: Raising A Child 7 Years Old
Video: Understanding Your Child's Emotions: A Developmental Approach | Catherine Mogil, PsyD | UCLAMDChat 2025, January

Raising a child 7 years old

The upbringing of a 7-year-old child must be based on learning, communication and play.

Psychology and education of a child of 7 years
Psychology and education of a child of 7 years

During the game, children learn to live in society, interact with other people, and realize their knowledge, skills and abilities. Raising children 7-10 years old requires regular and obligatory praise. The child should be praised when he succeeds, and help him when there are difficulties in communication and learning. During this period, parents must form the child's correct attitude to school activities. When raising a 7-year-old child, parents should make every effort to relieve the child of fears of school and set him up positively.

Features of raising a child of 7 years old

When raising a 7-year-old child, it is imperative to include activities and games that develop attentiveness, vision and hearing. With a child, you can sculpt and draw, play "spoiled phone". Such games develop well the hearing, intelligence and fine motor skills of the baby's hands. However, when planning developmental activities, parents should take into account that the child needs to constantly change activities. Children at this age quickly get tired doing the same activity.

When teaching and upbringing, school-age children have many new responsibilities, so it is important to teach them discipline in a timely manner, establish a strict and clear daily routine. With this approach to upbringing, a 7-year-old child will become more organized, it will be easier for him to cope with all new responsibilities.

If the child has not attended a kindergarten or other preschool institution, then parents should pay special attention to his adaptation. It is much more difficult for such children to settle down in a new team. They often do not understand that they need to listen carefully to the teacher. Children find it difficult to find a common language with classmates and peers.

The full development and education of a 7-year-old child is possible only in a team. Only in a team will the psychology of children be formed correctly. Only at school will the child learn to evaluate his own decisions and actions, to understand the seriousness of the responsibilities that are entrusted to him.

Responsibility in raising children 7-10 years old

Raising children 7-10 years old is a rather difficult task for parents. After all, this is a very important period in the formation of a new personality. At this stage, the load on the child is noticeably redistributed. Parents must take into account the psychology of children of this age.

The responsibility of parents in the upbringing of school-age children lies in the correct organization of the child's day regimen. The kid will be easier to rebuild, get used to new responsibilities, get involved in the educational process.

At the beginning of the school year, adults must independently completely build the process of the child's activities (determine the time when to prepare lessons, set the time for attending circles, communicating with friends, helping around the house).

When drawing up a daily routine with alternating workload and rest, the physiological characteristics of the child should be taken into account. At the same time, adjustments and reasonable shifts in the duration and number of classes are allowed. In general, however, the repeatability of actions should be maintained.

In raising a 7-year-old child, special attention should be paid to his physical development.

Features of raising children 7-10 years old
Features of raising children 7-10 years old

During sports activities, the child learns to overcome laziness, inertia, fatigue. The kid will learn to set specific goals and achieve them. Properly selected physical activity will help teach your child self-control and self-discipline.

Labor education of a child 7 years old

When raising a 7-year-old child, it is very important to gradually transfer responsibility for performing some specific work in the household.

At the very beginning, the child can do a new job together with his mother. For example, a mother might take the child by the hand and take out the trash with him. After a while, the child can be released alone when he gets comfortable and remembers the road. The student's work responsibilities around the house are of great importance in education. Such responsibilities teach self-organization and discipline skills. During this period, parents should be flexible enough to behave in relation to the child. They need to take into account that the baby has already grown up, any failures and successes are of great importance for him. Parents should be sympathetic to all manifestations of the baby's personal development. And if there is no reasonable approval and understanding of the child from the parents, then good contact in the family may be disrupted.

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