Anti-abortion: Why You Shouldn't Terminate Your Pregnancy?

Anti-abortion: Why You Shouldn't Terminate Your Pregnancy?
Anti-abortion: Why You Shouldn't Terminate Your Pregnancy?

Against abortion

Arguments against abortion are expressed by doctors, public figures, and ordinary people.

Is abortion dangerous - consequences and complications
Is abortion dangerous - consequences and complications

Despite this, artificial termination of pregnancy is widely practiced in Russia. More than a million procedures are registered annually. Our legislation is notable for its liberal views on abortion. The entire first trimester, even only at the request of the woman, can be artificially interrupted.

Arguments against abortion

The arguments against abortion can be divided into three broad groups: medical, social, and ethical. Medical considerations have a broad evidence base. It is known that an abortion can result in serious complications for a woman and even her death. Social arguments emphasize that abortion is a huge evil for our society. The demographic problems of Russia are sometimes directly linked to abortion. As for the ethical arguments, they are based on the equality of abortion to murder. Indeed, most religions deny abortion. Even from the point of view of atheistic morality, abortion is strongly condemned.

Citizens of any age, nationality, social status are against abortion as a phenomenon. However, the majority proposes to prevent abortion rather than prohibit it.

Is abortion dangerous for a woman's life

Is abortion dangerous for a woman's life? Artificial termination of pregnancy in a medical clinic very rarely ends in the death of a woman. Doctors usually manage to provide help even in the event of the development of severe complications. The statistics on abortion at home are worse. Such interruption takes place in unsanitary conditions and without the supervision of medical personnel. Every year dozens of women die in our country who decide to have a criminal abortion.

The likelihood of death is a strong argument against abortion. But as practice shows, most women do not believe in the possibility of such an outcome. What can cause the death of a woman? Most often, heavy bleeding, allergic shock, infectious complications lead to such consequences. A woman's life is in danger with any kind of termination of pregnancy.

Against abortion: women's health

Any abortion is dangerous for a woman's health. Complications can arise already during the procedure itself. Other consequences sometimes show up after a long time.

Possible consequences for reproductive health are being tuned against abortion. Abortion provokes infertility and miscarriages in the future, disrupts the menstrual cycle, and causes gynecological diseases. Curettage can lead to infertility in 10% of cases. Medical and mini-abortions perform better, but they also threaten the ability to have healthy children in the future.

Sad statistics speak against abortion among adolescents and nulliparous. It is these groups of women who most often first decide to get rid of an unplanned pregnancy, and soon they are treated for infertility for a long time.

Is abortion dangerous for the reproductive health of an adult woman? Yes, even then the risk is high. It is especially worth avoiding repeated abortions, frequent abortions and interventions against the background of gynecological diseases.

The demographic situation in Russia is against abortion

From the point of view of the demographic situation in our country, abortion is a huge evil. The population is decreasing year after year. Of course, if all unplanned pregnancies ended in the birth of healthy children, this would have a favorable effect on statistics. From this point of view, the possibility of infertility in a woman in the future also speaks against abortion. The desired pregnancy may become impossible, which means that the growth of the country's population is in question.

The historical experience of our country has shown that the prohibition of abortion has an ambiguous effect on statistical indicators. Yes, some growth in the birth rate was observed during the years of prohibitions. But at the same time, the number of criminal abortions has sharply increased, which is especially detrimental to the health of women. From a demographic point of view, it is necessary to fight against abortions as gently as possible. First of all, attention must be paid to family planning, the introduction of contraception, material support for motherhood and childhood. Only these measures can bring the desired results. Anti-abortion laws are likely to simply make them illegal.

Moral and ethical arguments against abortion
Moral and ethical arguments against abortion

Ethical considerations against abortion

Religious and atheistic morality in general unequivocally condemns artificial termination of pregnancy. There are strong arguments against abortion. First, even an unborn child is endowed with all the rights of a free individual. Secondly, abortion is seen as a step against the will of higher powers. At the same time, abortion among young people is especially condemned. An unplanned pregnancy in an unmarried girl generally causes negative responses. Even a young mother without a stamp in her passport evokes little sympathy. Thus, the moral of society is not only against abortion, but also against intimate life outside of marriage in general. Partly for fear of condemnation, women hide the pregnancy and go for an abortion. Women who have children and undergo abortions in adulthood are less negative in society.

There are many arguments against abortion. In Russia, a woman is given the legal right to choose motherhood or abortion herself. At this stage in the development of our society, this situation remains fully justified.

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