6 Dubious Foods That Shouldn't Be Eliminated From Your Diet

6 Dubious Foods That Shouldn't Be Eliminated From Your Diet
6 Dubious Foods That Shouldn't Be Eliminated From Your Diet

6 dubious foods that shouldn't be eliminated from your diet

Dietetics, like other sciences, does not stand still. Food products are subject to comprehensive study, and scientists receive new information about their properties and effects on the human body. Unfortunately, this natural process has an unpleasant side effect from time to time: certain types of food are periodically declared harmful or deadly for no good reason.

While these beliefs are most often the result of a misunderstanding of scientific evidence, many consumers completely eliminate healthy and even healthy foods from their diet. We will talk about some of them today.


The harmful effect of eggs on the body is associated mainly with the fact that the named product contains cholesterol. Supporters of excluding chicken eggs from the daily diet argue that such measures are needed to reduce the likelihood of developing vascular atherosclerosis.

In fact, saturated fatty acids and trans fats are the main culprits of pathological changes in the vascular walls and an increase in the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. With moderate use (no more than two pieces a day), chicken eggs are not only not harmful, but also necessary for normal life. They contain essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. The proteins that make up eggs are easy to digest. Eggs are rich in choline, which is involved in the formation of cell membranes. Chronic choline deficiency is fraught with the development of liver and kidney pathologies, as well as a slowdown in the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Eating chicken eggs requires caution, because if not properly cooked, they can become a source of salmonellosis infection. The safest way to cook them is hard boiled. However, quail eggs are devoid of this drawback, and their inclusion in the daily menu does not carry the risk of infection. In addition, eggs cause allergic reactions in some people. That is why when introducing this product into the diet of babies, it is necessary to carefully monitor possible side effects.


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Adherents of a healthy lifestyle, as a rule, stop eating bread, citing the need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Nutritionists consider such actions radical. The fact is that modern consumers have a wide choice. There are bakery products that retain all the beneficial properties of bread and almost do not contain fast carbohydrates, but they contain such essential substances for the body as antioxidants, trace elements and fiber. Eating these foods lowers the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer.

Whole grain breads and bran products are most preferred in this sense. Dry bread, the range of which is also extremely wide today, in most cases cannot replace bread. In the composition of such products, various additives, sugars and preservatives are often observed, which make them more harmful than useful. When purchasing any type of bakery products, it is worth studying its composition and calorie content.


Source: depositphotos.com


All types of chocolate are very high in calories, but this does not mean that they are harmful. Bitter chocolate (containing at least 70% cocoa) is so healthy that it is recommended to eat several pieces daily. It contains flavonoids, natural antioxidants that help maintain vascular and heart health. In addition, eating chocolate helps reduce cortisol levels and increases the body's resistance to stressful situations.

Nutritionists believe that 50-100 g of dark chocolate per day is a safe dose for a healthy person.


Source: depositphotos.com


The danger of coffee is associated with its stimulating effect. Indeed, people who are overly addicted to a flavored drink may experience sleep disturbances caused by a large amount of caffeine. However, it should be noted that there are types of coffee that contain low concentrations of caffeine. Their use does not entail harmful consequences for the nervous system.

Coffee is rich in substances that reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, age-related malfunction of the nervous system and some types of cancer. As a result of studies, it has been established that to obtain a positive effect, it is enough to consume 2-3 cups of natural coffee a day.


Source: depositphotos.com


Grain is usually accused of containing excess carbohydrates (in the form of starch) and uselessness for the body. This opinion is absolutely not true.

Corn grains are rich in essential antioxidants (zeaxanthin and lutein), vitamins and fiber, which are incredibly beneficial for digestion. But the content of natural fast sugars in corn is four times lower than in apples. It has one of the most balanced compositions among food products. It is advisable to regularly include vegetable mixtures with corn in the menu: this helps to maintain health without increasing the calorie content of dishes.


Source: depositphotos.com


All nuts are high in calories due to their high fat content, that's true. However, the fats that make up nuts are omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible.

In addition, nuts are high in fiber, healthy proteins, vitamins and minerals. Their use helps to improve blood composition, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and reduces cholesterol levels. All types of nuts help maintain the body's defenses, increase vitality and resistance to infections. They improve the state of the nervous system, activate the brain.


Source: depositphotos.com

The products that we talked about contain substances useful and necessary for a person, are tasty and successfully complement the diet. The danger of their use, as a rule, is associated with non-compliance with the rules of preparation or excesses. With a reasonable approach, they are all worthy of inclusion in the daily menu.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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