Before abortion

Artificial termination of pregnancy in a medical institution requires proper preparation. Diagnostics before abortion helps to avoid complications in the future.
Pre-abortion examination
Before any type of abortion, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist. During the first visit, a gynecological examination is performed on a chair and a vaginal swab is taken. An experienced physician can already diagnose pregnancy by the appearance of the external genital organs and vagina. An increase in the size of the uterus and a change in its shape also confirms conception and allows one to judge the timing of its onset.
During a doctor's appointment before an abortion, a woman is interviewed according to a certain scheme. It is not only the first day of the last menstrual period that matters, but other information as well. For example, it is important to know what kind of pregnancy this is, how the previous ones ended, whether the woman had any allergies in the past, whether there were menstrual irregularities or other gynecological problems.
Before an abortion, a gynecologist always informs a woman about all possible methods of abortion at a given time and their complications.
Ultrasound before abortion
Ultrasound examination of the uterus before abortion is widely used. This instrumental technique allows you to confirm the pregnancy, establish its term and localization. Why is this information needed?
It is known that some interventions are performed without confirmation of pregnancy. Sometimes it later becomes known that there was no conception, but only menstrual irregularities.
It is important and accurate to know the gestational age before the abortion. Complete data can often only be obtained with ultrasound. The term affects the choice of the method of interruption, possible complications.
Knowledge of the localization of the embryo is also extremely necessary. At the place of fixation of the ovum, uterine and ectopic pregnancies are divided. In the early stages, only ultrasound allows you to get all the information on this matter. An ectopic pregnancy is treated surgically and is a reason for urgent hospitalization.
A pre-abortion ultrasound is sometimes not performed. For example, if this research is inaccessible in a settlement, and a woman refuses to undergo a paid procedure for material reasons. Usually, an ultrasound scan before an abortion is not done only when scraping. This abortion is performed for 7-12 weeks. During this period, the gynecologist, when viewed on a chair, can confirm with sufficient accuracy both pregnancy and its uterine location.
Rh factor and blood type before abortion
The blood group before an abortion is always determined if curettage is planned. You need to know it, since surgery may sometimes require a blood transfusion. Before medical and mini-abortion, this test is considered desirable but not required.
The Rh factor is of great importance in any type of artificial termination of pregnancy. It is known that women with negative Rh are at high risk of developing Rh-conflict during the desired pregnancy. This happens if the baby has Rh positive blood.
To avoid Rh-conflict in the future, it is especially important for a woman with negative blood to use reliable contraceptives. After all, every pregnancy, even ending with an abortion, increases the amount of antibodies in the blood. In the event that artificial termination of pregnancy is unavoidable, then diagnostic and therapeutic measures are necessary. Before an abortion, a woman is tested for Rh-positive sensitization, and the antibody titer is determined. After interruption, a special serum is injected within 2-72 hours, which reduces the risk of developing Rh-conflict during subsequent pregnancy.
Mandatory tests before abortion
Laboratory diagnostics before abortion allows you to assess the state of a woman's health. Sometimes this information helps to avoid serious complications during and after the procedure.
At the earliest stage, it is recommended to confirm pregnancy with a blood test for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). The concentration level of this hormone makes it possible to judge the presence of pregnancy and the time of conception.
A smear on the flora from the vagina is done with any type of intervention. It allows you to assess the presence of harmful microorganisms in the genital tract. Antibiotic treatment is sometimes required before an abortion to clear up the infection. If this is not done, bacteria can cause severe inflammation after artificial interruption.
Before an abortion with the help of pills, it is usually enough to do a CBC to determine the clotting time and bleeding time. This information is needed to exclude severe blood loss after taking medications.
Mini-abortion requires mandatory blood tests for hepatitis B and C, HIV infection and syphilis.
A classic abortion with curettage is performed after a blood test for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV infection, as well as a general analysis to determine the clotting time and bleeding time.
Additional tests before abortion
Some of the tests before abortion are performed on a paid basis at the request of the woman. If there is a material opportunity, then it is better to agree to such a survey.
The analysis for "latent infections" allows you to identify those microorganisms to which the usual smear from the vagina is not sensitive. There are a lot of such infections. Ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and other diseases can covertly occur. Before an abortion, it is better to make sure that they are absent or undergo the necessary treatment. The risk of infertility rises sharply if the necessary therapy is not given on time.
Biochemical analysis before abortion is also optional. However, some parameters of this study are extremely important. So, for example, an increase in blood sugar levels indicates a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. If appropriate measures are not taken before an abortion in such a situation, then complications in the form of inflammation and infertility are very likely. Other important indicators in a biochemical blood test: hepatic transaminases, bilirubin, creatinine, total cholesterol. All of them help to judge the state of health of a woman and the necessary therapy before an abortion.

Additional preparation for an abortion
Having made a decision to terminate a pregnancy, a woman should familiarize herself with all the necessary information. She needs to know all the features of the method, the possible health consequences. Before an abortion, you need to clarify the appointed hour of the procedure, when and where you need to come, what to take with you. It is important to know how long you will have to stay in the clinic under the supervision of medical personnel.
Psychological preparation before an abortion boils down to understanding yourself. The main thing is to understand whether the choice of artificial termination of pregnancy is conscious and voluntary. Those women whose decision was made under pressure from relatives are experiencing the most difficult abortion.
Before an abortion, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, take responsibility for what is happening. Indeed, the entire future life of a woman largely depends on the decision made.
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