Diet For The Intestines - Nutritional Features

Diet For The Intestines - Nutritional Features
Diet For The Intestines - Nutritional Features

Diet for the intestines

Features of the diet for the intestines
Features of the diet for the intestines

In intestinal inflammation, foods eaten can have a significant effect on the symptoms that accompany the inflammation. Inflammation of the intestines usually leads to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, cramps, and stomach pain.

Depending on the cause of the bowel inflammation, your doctor may recommend a dietary change, such as prescribing a special bowel diet along with prescribed medications.

Bowel Diet for Severe Inflammation

With severe inflammation of the intestines, when constipation and diarrhea alternate, in the first few days you can only eat liquid food and drink until symptoms improve.

If vomiting occurs after ingestion of liquid food or drink, it is necessary to stop the process of absorption of liquid and allow the intestines to calm down for an hour or two without straining it with the digestion process. Temporary abstinence from food and drink while following a gut diet gives the body the ability to calm and stop the contraction of the muscles in the stomach walls that contract when vomiting occurs.

Bowel Diet for Moderate Inflammation

With moderate inflammation of the intestines, it is necessary to consume as much liquid as possible, because when constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting occur alternately, dehydration occurs. Chicken broth, water, fruit juices, herbal teas and soda water are allowed. It is necessary to exclude apple, cherry and pear juices, because the sugar contained in these fruits can aggravate diarrhea. The diet should be dominated by soft and natural foods such as white bread, white rice, applesauce, gelatin, and bananas.

Diet for the intestines with low inflammation

With a small inflammation of the intestine, symptoms are practically absent, or manifested minimally. The daily bowel diet menu is similar to the bowel diet menu for moderate bowel inflammation, to which fruits, crackers, vegetables, fish, boiled potatoes and chicken breast are added. To exclude from the diet, observing an intestinal diet, it is necessary to eat foods that contain a lot of spices, fat or sugar, as well as highly processed foods, all dairy products (except yogurt), alcohol and caffeine, until the body's condition improves.

Homemade yogurt is a good food for any type of intestinal inflammation, as it can help not only heal damage to the intestines, kill infection, but also restore regular bowel movements. Yogurt contains live cultures that help the digestive system work.

Diet for diarrhea

If, for several days in a row, then constipation, then diarrhea does not allow the body to function normally, it is necessary to clear the stomach with a special diet for diarrhea.

Diet for the intestines with diarrhea allows the use of herbal tea
Diet for the intestines with diarrhea allows the use of herbal tea

The food you eat should have a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The diarrhea diet menu includes the following foods:

  • Bananas are not only easily digested by the stomach, are an irreplaceable source of potassium, which helps normalize electrolyte levels in the body, but are also rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps absorb fluids in the intestines. Bananas also contain inulin, a substance that promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms (probiotics) in the intestines;
  • White rice and vegetable purees, which are easy to digest due to their low fiber content and do not irritate the digestive tract;
  • Applesauce, which, like bananas, is a good source of pectin. However, the high fiber content of raw apples makes them too harsh for irritable gut, so mashed apples must be made from boiled apples;
  • Homemade yogurt. As a rule, following a diet for the intestines, it is recommended to exclude dairy products in cases of acute diarrhea, but yogurt is an exception to this rule, since it contains live active cultures - lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum. These active cultures are probiotics that help restore the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Steamed chicken breast - easily absorbed by the body and is a source of protein and some nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • Dried blueberries are included in the intestinal diet due to the tannins contained in them, which act on the secretion of fluid and mucus in the digestive tract. Blueberries also contain substances called anthocyanosides, which have antibacterial properties and are a good source of antioxidants.

Also, if you follow a diet for the intestines with diarrhea, herbal teas are allowed to be consumed, which have a sedative effect on the body with diarrhea, namely:

  • Mint tea - has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract, soothes and relaxes the muscles along the gastrointestinal tract, thereby reducing spasms;
  • Chamomile tea is an effective remedy for reducing intestinal inflammation and soothing intestinal spasms.

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