Health Problems? Start With The Intestines

Health Problems? Start With The Intestines
Health Problems? Start With The Intestines

Health problems? Start with the intestines

No wonder doctors say that 90% of diseases begin or develop due to improper bowel function. Violation of its functions is associated with various factors, among which an excessive "clutter" of the intestinal tract belongs to an important place. The body accumulates not only food debris, but also a lot of harmful substances that we have taken with food. They accepted it, but they did not take care of removing them. And that's the problem.

Why is gut health so important to health?
Why is gut health so important to health?

Why is gut health so important to health?

In the intestine, most nutrients are absorbed, including vitamins and trace elements that we get from food. Due to the heavy load, the intestines cannot cope with this task, the receptors simply cannot identify and “redirect” the beneficial components of food in the right direction. Many foods inhibit the beneficial microflora that is needed for proper digestion. To break down others, a lot of gastric juice or bile acids is required, and the body does not always have time to produce them in sufficient quantities. As a result, a deficiency of many nutrients develops. The nervous system, immunity, skin, hair, vision suffer …

If a person eats low-quality foods, is fond of instant meals and semi-finished products, “pampers” himself with industrially produced smoked meats and sausages, factory “confectionery”, food with an abundance of flavor enhancers and preservatives, the accumulation of harmful substances inevitably occurs. And this leads to chronic intoxication, which is manifested by general poor health. The following complaints indicate that the intestine cannot fully perform its functions:

  • Headache, weakness;
  • Stool disorder;
  • Decreased immunity and frequent colds;
  • Skin diseases (eczema, acne, psoriasis);
  • Food allergy;
  • Flatulence, bloating;
  • Bad breath;
  • Unhealthy body odor;
  • Increased nervousness;
  • Decreased performance.
Bowel dysfunction symptoms
Bowel dysfunction symptoms

Sometimes the normalization of the intestines allows you to completely solve the problem, sometimes complex therapy is required (if the intoxication lasts too long and has caused the development of gastrointestinal diseases), but in any case, the return of the intestines to normal operation includes the intake of sorbents and the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Which sorbent to choose?

The most popular sorbent that we all know is activated carbon. However, experts have long been recommending it only as a “last resort” drug - activated carbon “absorbs” toxic substances in acute gastrointestinal poisoning, but at the same time it often damages and irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, causes constipation. In order for its reception to have an effect, you have to take quite a few pills at a time - their number depends on your weight. In other words, traditional coal is far from modern standards. Therefore, we will leave it for emergencies, and for a complete cleaning of the body from toxins and harmful substances, we will choose a more progressive tool - "Liquid Coal". It has only one thing in common with coal: belonging to sorbents: means of absorption and removal of harmful substances from the body. In "Liquid coal" the sorbing component is pectin,natural substance obtained from apples. Pectin efficiently and quickly absorbs the elements that are undesirable for the body in the intestines. One of the features of pectin is that it has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis, which contributes to the easy and rapid removal of adsorbed substances from the body.

Natural sorbent Liquid coal
Natural sorbent Liquid coal

Another component of "Liquid Charcoal" is inulin, a polysaccharide that is not absorbed by the body, but is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system as a ballast substance with a probiotic effect. This means that inulin promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, which is necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, maintaining immunity, and absorbing nutrients from food.

Not a single sorbent …

Taking any, even the most effective remedy, such as Liquid Coal, does not completely solve the problem of toxic load on the intestines. In order to maintain the achieved result, you need to help the body and gradually switch to proper nutrition.

Colon cleansing: how to maintain the result?
Colon cleansing: how to maintain the result?

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