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Interstitial lung diseases (ILD) are a large group of pulmonary diseases characterized by a diffuse inflammatory process that affects the alveoli, bronchioles, pulmonary capillaries, the outcome of which is fibrosis
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Infectious arthritis is a complex joint disease provoked by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection
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Infectious toxic shock is a generalized reaction of the body to the massive penetration of infectious agents and their toxins into the bloodstream. The condition belongs to the category of emergency situations. The entrance gate of infection can be the intestinal mucosa, lungs, urinary tract, bile ducts, etc
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Infectious mononucleosis is an acute viral disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. A specific treatment for infectious mononucleosis has not been developed, it uses symptomatic
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Hypochondria is a condition when a person shows constant concern about the possibility of getting sick, complains or is concerned about his physical health, perceives his feelings as unpleasant and abnormal, etc
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Infectious mononucleosis is common in children. This is an acute viral disease manifested by tonsillitis, fever, hepatosplenomegaly, polyadenitis
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Ischemic heart disease kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. It can manifest itself in a person at any age, regardless of his gender and social status in society
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Inflammation of the iris and the ciliary, or ciliary body, which are part of the choroid, is called iridocyclitis. Treatment for iridocyclitis must be consistent and persistent
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Hysteria (hysterical neurosis) - a mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of affective, sensory, motor and autonomic disorders and associated with the patient's desire to attract attention
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Polycythemia vera (polycythemia primary, Vakez's disease, erythremia) is the most common disease of the group of chronic myeloproliferative diseases. The pathological process affects mainly the erythroblastic line of the bone marrow, which causes an increase in the number of erythrocytes in the peripheral blood, as well as an increase in the viscosity and mass of circulating blood (hypervolemia)
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Infective endocarditis is an inflammatory process of infectious origin that affects the inner lining of the heart (endocardium), which lines its chambers and valves
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Ichthyosis (from the Greek ichthys - "fish") is a genetically determined skin disease characterized by its excessive keratinization with deformation of the type of fish scales
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Ischemia (local anemia) - tissue condition with reduced, insufficient blood supply
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The main characteristic feature of sciatica is severe pain in various parts of the body. They do not allow a person to live normally and perform quite familiar actions
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Ischemic stroke is a medical emergency, which is an acute violation of cerebral circulation, which develops due to a decrease or cessation of blood supply to any area of the brain. As a rule, necrosis of the affected area develops against the background of a stroke
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Cerebral ischemia is damage to the brain tissue caused by impaired cerebral blood flow. Can be seen in people of any age and even in newborns
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Manic-depressive psychosis is a complex mental illness. Treatment of manic-depressive psychosis involves taking antipsychotics based on chlorpromazine or levomepromazine
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Manic syndrome is a psychopathological syndrome that manifests itself in recurrent depressive and manic phases
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Malabsorption or insufficient absorption syndrome is a symptom complex in which the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements is impaired in the small intestine
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Persecution mania - mental insanity, often accompanied by delusions
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Low water during pregnancy is a dangerous obstetric pathology. It is moderate and pronounced, which is determined by a deficiency of amniotic fluid
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The inflammatory process that is localized in the mammary gland is called mastitis. Typically, treatment for mastitis consists of antibiotics, infusion medications, and immunoglobulins
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Mastoiditis is an inflammation of all tissues of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Antibiotics are used for treatment, less often surgical methods are used
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Mastopathy is the most common breast disease. Treatment can be both conservative and surgical, depending on the type of disease, its stage and some individual factors
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Mastocytosis is a pathology of the circulatory system, characterized by the formation of massive cells that saturate human organs and skin
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Melasma - a pathology characterized by a violation of skin pigmentation in the neck and face
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Mesothelioma is an extremely dangerous type of tumor, characterized by damage to the pulmonary pleura and peritoneum. Mesothelioma is usually treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery
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Melanoma is a malignant tumor that develops from melanocytes - pigment cells that produce melanins. One of three types of skin cancer. Melanoma treatment consists of surgical excision of the tumor
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What is meningioma, types of tumors, symptoms of the disease, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, possible complications, prognosis
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Intercostal neuralgia is a severe pain syndrome that develops against the background of damage to the nerves of the intercostal region. It is one of the most common pathologies of the nervous system
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Meningococcal infection can be latent and latent, but can also lead to the development of severe life-threatening pathologies
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Metabolic acidosis is a violation of the acid-base balance in the body towards the acidic side. Often accompanies and complicates life-threatening conditions
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Metabolic syndrome is a complex of metabolic, hormonal and clinical disorders in the human body. It is based on tissue immunity to insulin
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Meningoencephalitis - inflammation of the substance of the brain and meninges, which can be caused by infection, intoxication, autoimmune processes
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Meningitis in children is an inflammatory disease of the meninges often found in pediatrics with a subsequent change in the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid
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Atrial fibrillation is a violation of the rhythm of the heart, a symptom of which is a chaotic contraction of the atria or individual groups of muscle fibers
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Migraine is not a fatal, but a serious neurological disease that occurs mainly in young and mature age. Migraine treatment is mostly symptomatic
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Erythema migrans is an infectious disease of a viral or bacterial nature
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Flatulence is a symptom of diseases and pathological conditions or a sign of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by excessive accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen
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Myasthenia gravis is a chronic disease characterized by weakness of different muscle groups (eye, chewing, trunk muscles, limbs, etc.)