How To Get Rid Of Panic Fear

How To Get Rid Of Panic Fear
How To Get Rid Of Panic Fear

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How to get rid of panic fear

How to get rid of panic fear
How to get rid of panic fear

Speaking about how to get rid of panic fear, we mean a state when an attack of such fear is unjustified. Panic attack is a symptom of one of the types of neurosis, anxiety neurosis. Panic fear does not lend itself to conscious control on the part of the patient himself, therefore attempts to calm down, as a rule, are unsuccessful. This is a painful condition, which is no longer borderline, but is an undoubted disease that requires medical intervention.

For the treatment of panic fear, there are various methods: drug therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy. At present, psychotherapy of neurosis is considered the most effective, since it was found that taking medications does not eliminate the problem, but only dulls the symptoms, while the disease continues to gradually progress. Medicines are still used in the treatment of panic fear, but strictly according to the doctor's prescription and very limitedly, only during the period of acute manifestation of the disease.

Physiotherapy methods are quite successful, especially when applied in courses. The greatest results can be achieved in the spa treatment of panic fear, since the most important therapeutic factors are combined here: a change of environment, sufficient rest, absence of stress, and against this background - physiotherapy treatment. Psychotherapy can also be used during sanatorium treatment, but this method is quite effective as an outpatient one, carried out at the place of residence, and even, using modern technologies, without leaving home - using the Internet.

Psychotherapy allows you to conduct not symptomatic, but etiotropic treatment, that is, to identify and eliminate the cause of panic fear, while all other methods are aimed at combating symptoms. The reasons for panic attacks are overwhelmingly psychogenic. It is a nervous shock, stress, overwork, psychological trauma - everything that slowly and constantly, or quickly and strongly knocks a person out of the rut of his usual life. The ability to cope with such factors, eliminate their negative impact on your life - this is what psychotherapy gives.

Panic attacks
Panic attacks

Lifestyle changes are necessary to effectively treat panic anxiety. The lifestyle that led to the emergence of neurosis will continue to have a destructive effect on life, and therefore treatment without changing it will be unsuccessful and, at best, will give only a short-term effect. A person suffering from neurosis desperately needs good rest, daily stay in the fresh air, healthy eating, positive emotions, communication with loved ones. Only in such conditions can we talk about getting rid of attacks of panic fear.

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