Effective remedies for cellulite

Cellulite has been declared the number one enemy of women. Despite the fact that both doctors and men interested in ladies' beauty claim that the problem is greatly exaggerated, nevertheless beauties consider it their duty to wage an irreconcilable battle with him. I must say that in the confrontation of cellulite with women, cellulite, of course, loses, but does not give up without a fight. Moreover, the arsenal of means for this epic battle is constantly replenishing, and apparently the day is not far off when only grandmothers will remember cellulite, frightening granddaughters with terrible bedtime stories.
Cellulite remedies are very diverse. The reason for the formation of "orange peel" - stagnant processes in the subcutaneous fat, accompanied by metabolic disorders. Therefore, in order for the treatment of cellulite to be really effective, the war must be waged in two directions: normalization of metabolism and elimination of stagnation in body fat. It is mistakenly believed that the complete removal of body fat solves the problem of cellulite. This statement is akin to the statement that the best headache remedy is the guillotine. That is, of course, it is, but the medicine is worse than the disease.
So, the number one remedy for cellulite is the correct metabolism. In order to provide it, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And although it sounds simple, it is quite difficult to do it, at least for a modern city dweller. A healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition, sufficient, but not exhausting physical activity, good rest, stay in the fresh air for at least one hour a day. And keep in mind that being on a gas-polluted street cannot be considered as being in the fresh air.
The second group is a means of preventing stagnation. Such remedies for cellulite include massage, lymphatic drainage, medical banks, wraps with drugs that increase blood circulation in surface tissues, myostimulation. Some of them can be used at home, some are for salon use only. From home remedies, coffee massage is the most effective, provided it is practiced daily in problem areas for at least a month.

Exercise is known as one of the most effective remedies for cellulite, normalizing metabolism and preventing the formation of fat capsules. Fitness, gymnastics, swimming - the choice is great, almost all sports activities eliminate blood and lymph congestion.
In conclusion, it must be said that any one remedy for cellulite is unlikely to be effective. An effective fight for beauty includes the simultaneous use of several anti-cellulite techniques, only then the result can be no doubt.
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