Zucchini Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Zucchini Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Zucchini Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Squash diet

The squash diet is a low-calorie diet. With the help of this diet, Catherine Deneuve, Sophia Loren and Margaret Thatcher kept fit.

Zucchini are rich in vitamins (C, E, PP, group B), organic acids and minerals (iron, copper, calcium, manganese), potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the circulatory system and maintaining the water-salt balance. Zucchini contains a lot of light dietary fiber, which improves intestinal peristalsis, and also helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body. When eating zucchini, blood cholesterol levels are reduced.

On a squash diet, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • use young, unripe vegetables;
  • choose zucchini with a dark green skin;
  • use zucchini with a peel, since it is in it that the concentration of nutrients is high;
  • prepare meals by boiling, stewing or steaming;
  • include protein foods in the diet;
  • keep salt intake to a minimum;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean non-carbonated water per day;
  • the weight of one portion should not exceed 350 g.
The squash diet is a low-calorie, but varied diet
The squash diet is a low-calorie, but varied diet

Source: depositphotos.com

Advantages of the squash diet

The squash diet is effective - about 3 kg of excess weight goes away in seven days.

Many dishes can be prepared from zucchini: they are eaten raw, added to salads, boiled and baked - this helps to diversify the diet.

A pleasant bonus of the squash diet is cleansing the body, improving the condition of the skin and hair, and normalizing the intestines.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the squash diet

The main disadvantage of the squash diet is imbalance. The diet is limited, therefore, with a long-term diet, a deficiency of some nutrients is possible. It is not recommended to stick to this food system for more than ten days.

The squash diet is contraindicated for people with impaired potassium metabolism, not recommended for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. In its raw form, zucchini should not be consumed by people with gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, with heart disease. For other chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting a diet.

What foods are allowed?

In addition to zucchini, vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, leafy greens, ginger, chicken (skinless chicken breast), lean red meat (lamb, beef), fish, cottage cheese and yogurt, vegetable oil (in small quantities) are allowed.

Drinks include green tea, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas.

What foods are prohibited?

All types of sausages, smoked meats, bakery and confectionery products, sugar, black tea, coffee, and alcohol are excluded from the diet. It is advisable to give up salt, but if this causes serious discomfort, it is permissible to use it in small quantities.

Zucchini diet menu

Below are two examples of squash diet menus. You can alternate these options for ten days.

Menu for the first day:

First breakfast Zucchini casserole.


Vegetable salad of zucchini, cucumber and carrots, seasoned with natural yogurt. Dinner Vegetable soup made from bell pepper (2 pcs.), Carrots (1 pc.), Celery (1 stalk), sprinkled with herbs after cooking, boiled turkey. Afternoon snack Salad (chopped zucchini (500 g), finely chopped bell pepper (1 pc.), Herbs and a piece of ginger are mixed with cottage cheese (200 g) and seasoned with natural yogurt (50 g)). Dinner Zucchini stuffed with vegetables and baked in foil in the oven.

Menu for the second day:

First breakfast Zucchini fritters. Lunch Zucchini and greens salad, seasoned with vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Dinner Fish baked in foil with zucchini, carrots and onions (200 g). Afternoon snack Zucchini caviar with curd-yoghurt mixture. Dinner Zucchini with mushrooms (zucchini is cut into slices, lightly fried, mixed with stewed mushrooms (except champignons), sprinkled with herbs).

Recipes from the diet menu:

  • zucchini casserole. Zucchini (1 kg) is chopped on a grater, rye flour (3 tbsp. L.), An egg (1 pc.), Greens are added, mixed, put in a greased baking sheet and baked in the oven;
  • zucchini pancakes. Grind medium-sized zucchini, squeeze the juice, add an egg (1 pc.), Flour (3 tbsp. L.), Fructose powder (1 tbsp. L.), A little salt, baking soda (1 tsp. L..), fried in vegetable oil.

Useful Tips

Tip 1. For frying, it is best to use a non-stick frying pan that can be used to cook without adding oil.

Advice 2. If the duration of the squash diet is more than ten days, it is necessary to take vitamins.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 7-10 days

3 out of 5

An easy-to-follow and quite varied diet, based on a favorite vegetable. The squash diet does not apply to the hungry and, if all the rules are followed, it provides a good result. Ideal for the summer months.

Recommended frequency: once a year Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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