Impulse Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Impulse Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Impulse Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Impulse diet

Developed and tested by professional nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, this system is based on the principles of healthy eating and does not require switching to a special diet. The restrictions apply not to individual foods, but to the amount of fat consumed. Weight is also lost due to fasting days, the regularity of which is determined individually.

The Impulse Diet is suitable for long-term use. Having restructured the diet according to the advice of Mikhail Ginzburg, it is easy to get used to following the principles of healthy eating all the time with noticeable benefits for the body.

Basic Rules:

  • the amount of fat consumed per day should not exceed 20 g;
  • you need to cook and bake food instead of frying with oil;
  • fasting days should be arranged, the frequency of which is determined individually, but not more often than 1 time in 2 days and at least 1 time a week;
  • for intensive weight loss, a more strict diet is used with restriction of carbohydrate intake.
Impulse diet: nutritional rules
Impulse diet: nutritional rules


Advantages of the "Impulse Diet"

Compliance with the "Impulse diet" makes it possible to lose from 2 to 7 kg per month, depending on the chosen diet.

The basic low-fat diet does not take long to get used to. The peculiarity of the diet is that it allows you to take into account the body's readiness to change the diet: they switch to intensive weight loss gradually, as the appetite decreases.

The advantage is the absence of strict prohibitions on the use of any products. Depending on the state of health and psychological mood, those who are losing weight plan their diet themselves.

The diet is suitable for everyone without restriction and can be applied even during pregnancy and lactation.

The Impulse Diet promotes healthy eating habits. Restrictions in the consumption of fatty foods lead to the fact that weight is reduced precisely due to excess fat, muscle mass is preserved.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Impulse diet"

Losing weight quickly using the "Impulse Diet" will not work. Weight loss occurs gradually, especially if fasting days are held infrequently.

Freedom in choosing a regimen can lead to the fact that intense weight loss will be constantly postponed, and the number of fasting days will decrease. With a weak self-organization of a losing weight, diet flexibility will turn into a disadvantage.

What foods are allowed?

You can eat any non-fatty foods. From sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, honey and cane sugar in small quantities are allowed. The daily diet should include cereals, lean meat or fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, 1-2 teaspoons of unrefined vegetable oil.

On fasting days, the diet is limited to 2-4 servings of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit and 3 servings of vegetables.

The amount of fluid consumed is not limited in any mode.

What foods are prohibited?

Foods high in fat, such as fatty meats and butter, are excluded. It is recommended to refrain from eating semi-finished products and ready-made confectionery products, since it is difficult to establish the real amount of fat in them.

In the regime of intensive weight loss, any sweets are excluded, they are replaced with low-calorie fruits. The proportion of simple carbohydrates in the diet is minimized.

Impulse diet menu

An example of a daily menu for a low-fat diet:

Breakfast 200 g of oatmeal in water, 100 g of fat-free yogurt, coffee. Lunch 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, ½ banana. Dinner 200 g of vegetable soup, 100 g of steamed chicken fillet, 100 g of buckwheat porridge. Afternoon snack 100 g fat-free cottage cheese with dried fruits. Dinner 100 g of lean fish, 200 g of fresh vegetable salad.

An example of a menu for a day in intensive weight loss mode:

Breakfast 50 g fat-free cottage cheese with apple. Lunch 25 g fat-free cottage cheese with pear. Dinner 100 g of steamed chicken fillet, 200 g of boiled cauliflower. Afternoon snack 25 g fat-free cottage cheese with apple. Dinner 100 g of lean fish, 200 g of fresh vegetable salad.

An example of a fasting day menu:

Breakfast 50 g fat-free cottage cheese with apple. Lunch 200-350 g of steamed vegetables. Dinner 200-300 g of vegetable soup. Afternoon snack 50 g fat-free cottage cheese with apple. Dinner 200-350 g of vegetable salad.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. At the beginning of the diet, it is better not to arrange fasting days more than twice a week.

Tip 2. On fasting days, instead of cottage cheese with fruit, you can use a ready-made protein shake.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: from 1 month

3.5 out of 5

An important element of the diet is fasting days, which allows the body to avoid getting used to the changed diet and maintain the rate of weight loss, however, not fast. The "impulse diet" requires discipline.

Recommended frequency: any
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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