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Hyperuricemia occurs when the kidney filtration and tubular function is impaired. Acquired hyperuricemia is most common in old age
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Hypercholesterolemia is a persistent pathological increase in blood cholesterol levels, which is one of the main risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis
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Hypovolemia is a pathological condition manifested by a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, in some cases accompanied by a violation of the ratio between plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes)
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Hypoglycemic coma is an acute life-threatening condition caused by a sharp drop in the concentration of glucose in the blood; extreme hypoglycemia
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Hypogalactia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the amount of milk secreted by the mammary glands, or a short, less than 5 months, lactation period. Is one of the main reasons for early termination of breastfeeding
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Hypokalemia is a human condition characterized by a low potassium content in the blood
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Physical inactivity is a common pathological condition in which there is a violation of body functions against the background of reduced physical activity
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Hypocalcemia - a pathological condition of a person characterized by a low calcium content in the blood plasma
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Hypokinesia is a decrease in human motor activity, characterized by a lack of volume, pace, range of motion, a sedentary lifestyle
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The causes of cerebral hypoxia or a condition associated with an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain may be cerebral circulation disorders, acute cardiovascular failure
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Hypomania is one of the mood disorders (mood disorders) characterized by a mild degree of mania and the absence of psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions)
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Hyponatremia is a pathological condition based on a decrease in the concentration of sodium ions in the blood to a level below 135 mEq / L
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Hypopituitarism - a disease characterized by partial or complete loss of function of the anterior pituitary gland
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Hypoxia in newborns is one of the most common pathologies of the early neonatal period, which threatens with serious long-term consequences
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Uterine hypoplasia is one of the developmental pathologies leading to infertility and termination of pregnancy. Often combined with ovarian underdevelopment
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Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland is a rare disease in which there is an underdevelopment of the tissues of the thyroid gland and, accordingly, its insufficient functionality
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Hypoplasia is a congenital pathology characterized by insufficient development of one or another organ. Treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms
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Hypoparathyroidism - a disease resulting from insufficient secretion of parathyroid glands of parathyroid hormone or impaired susceptibility to it of target organs, which is manifested by impaired metabolism of phosphorus and calcium
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Endometrial hypoplasia is an underdevelopment of the upper mucous layer of the uterus, which prevents pregnancy
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Hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the enamel (the upper layer of the crown of the tooth), less often - dentin (the bone substance of the tooth, which makes up its bulk) of both milk and permanent teeth
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Hypoproteinemia - a decrease in the amount of total protein (protein) in the blood serum. Whey proteins form the bulk of nonvolatile substances in blood plasma; their concentration ranges from 60 to 80 g / l, which is approximately 4% (according to other sources - 7%) of the total mass of proteins in the human body
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Hypothalamic syndrome is a complex of endocrine, autonomic and metabolic disorders that are associated with a disorder of the functions of the hypothalamus
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Hypospadias is a malformation of the urogenital system, which develops mainly in males
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Glycemia is the amount of glucose (or "sugar") in the blood. Normoglycemia is normal and hyperglycemia is high sugar
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Glioblastoma is a brain tumor that most often grows in the forehead and temples
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Hypothermia is a condition of the body that occurs as a result of a decrease in the central body temperature to a level below 35 ° C
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Hypotrophy is a pathological condition in children characterized by insufficient body weight in relation to age and height. Has several degrees of severity
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Glycogenoses is the name of a group of hereditary diseases, the cause of which is the absence of enzymes involved in the synthesis or breakdown of glycogen
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Gliosis is a mechanism for replacing damaged neuronal tissues with glial cells, which grow and eliminate lesions, as well as protect intact tissues. Glia cells are divided into the following types by the nature of growth and localization: anisomorphic, fibrous, diffuse, isomorphic, marginal, perivascular, subependymal
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Hyphema is a collection of blood (blood clot) in the anterior chamber of the eye. This condition is recorded more often as a consequence of trauma, but it can also occur when performing medical manipulations on the eyeball
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Glossitis is a special case of stomatitis and manifests itself as an inflammatory infection of the tongue caused by bacteria or viruses
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Glossalgia is a disease that manifests itself as pain in the area of the tongue. Almost always they are a consequence of any other diseases, therefore, early diagnosis of glossalgia helps to avoid serious consequences and complications
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Histoplasmosis is an infectious natural focal disease caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The microorganism was first discovered by Samuel Darling at the beginning of the 20th century, therefore the disease is known as Darling's disease. Other names: reticuloendotheliosis, cavers' disease, reticuloendothelial cytomycosis, Ohio Valley disease
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Glioma is the most common primary brain tumor originating from neuroglia cells (auxiliary cells in nerve tissue)
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Deafness is a hearing impairment in which a person completely or partially loses the ability to hear. By the type of damage to the auditory analyzer, deafness can be sensorineural or conductive
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The cause of headache in the temples is a violation of cerebral circulation and nervous regulation of cerebral vessels
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A headache in the back of the head can be of a different nature and reflect various diseases that provoke it
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Acute purulent conjunctivitis is a widespread infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva)
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Headache during pregnancy is common and occurs more often in the first and third trimester
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Dizziness is an unpleasant sensation of objects moving around