Hypothalamic Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Hypothalamic Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment
Hypothalamic Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Hypothalamic syndrome

Hypothalamic syndrome - symptoms, forms, treatment
Hypothalamic syndrome - symptoms, forms, treatment

A complex symptomatic complex characterized by trophic, endocrine, autonomic and metabolic disorders, developing against the background of a lesion in the hypothalamic region, is called the hypothalamic syndrome.

There are the following forms of the disease:

  • Vegetative-vascular;
  • Diencephalic (hypothalamic) epilepsy;
  • Neurotrophic;
  • Violation of thermoregulation;
  • Pseudo-neurasthenic;
  • Psychopathological;
  • Neuromuscular;
  • Sleep and wakefulness disorders.

Most often in medical practice, the vegetative-vascular form is found - 32%, a syndrome with a predominance of metabolic endocrine disorders is detected among 27% of patients with hypothalamic syndrome, 10% of patients find themselves with a neuromuscular form, and 4% with a violation of thermoregulation.

Possible complications of the symptomatic complex are gynecomastia, ovarian degeneration and myocardial dystrophy.

Causes of the hypothalamic syndrome

The disease can occur against the background of craniocerebral trauma, acute and chronic neuroinfection and intoxication, cerebral circulation insufficiency, chronic diseases and endocrine disorders of internal organs. Also, the causes of hypothalamic syndrome can be brain tumors, psychological trauma, stress, mental strain and alcohol poisoning.

Symptoms of the hypothalamic syndrome

The most common symptoms of hypothalamic syndrome are:

  • Vegeto-vascular neuroendocrine disorders;
  • Sleep and wakefulness disorder;
  • Violation of thermoregulation and increased sweating;
  • Increased fatigue and general weakness;
  • Feeling of lack of air;
  • Unstable stools;
  • Pain in the region of the heart and pulse lability;
  • Tachycardia and asymmetry of blood pressure;
  • Tremor of the fingers of outstretched arms and eyelids;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Severe dermographism and emotional disturbances.

Often, changes in weather conditions, emotional stress, pain factors and menstruation, provoke vegetative-vascular paroxysms in hypothalamic syndrome. Such attacks generally begin closer to the night, nothing foreshadows their onset, last on average from 15 minutes to 3 hours or more. The majority of patients with hypothalamic syndrome have hyperinsulinism with impaired glucose tolerance, as well as impaired water-salt and fat metabolism.

Hypothalamic syndrome of puberty

The clinical expression of a violation of the adreno-corticotropic function of the pituitary gland is the hypothalamic syndrome of puberty.

Usually, the cause of the onset of the disease cannot be established, however, frequent sore throats, chronic intoxication and infections in childhood, birth trauma, and excessive alcohol consumption in adolescence play a significant role in the development of the syndrome.

Hypothalamic syndrome of puberty develops in children aged 12-15 years, less often in 17-19 years, more often in females. Patients from 11 to 13 years old begin to grow vigorously, this feature is especially noticeable in young men, who very quickly overtake their peers in growth.

Symptoms of hypothalamic syndrome of puberty are as follows:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • Thirst;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Overweight;
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders - tearfulness, depression and irritability;
  • Persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • Unquenchable hunger;
  • Transient hypertension;
  • Hyperkeratosis in places of friction of clothing, in the lumbar region, cervical folds, the outer surface of the shoulders and elbow joints;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle.

Fat deposition mainly occurs in the area of the mammary glands, buttocks, pubis and shoulder girdle, which makes the neck look thick and short, the patient's shoulders rise, the face becomes rounded, and a pathological blush appears on the cheeks.

In patients with pubertal hypothalamic syndrome, the skin trophism is disturbed, it acquires a marble-cyanotic color and becomes cold to the touch, especially in the thighs and buttocks. Often in the area of the abdomen, shoulders, mammary glands, chest and buttocks, reddish, less often purple-cyanotic, stretch stripes are formed.

Girls develop secondary sexual characteristics ahead of schedule, boys' appearance becomes effeminate, facial hair does not grow at all, or very poorly, even at the end of puberty.

Diagnostics of the hypothalamic syndrome

For the diagnosis and the subsequent appointment of adequate treatment, the patient should seek medical help from a neurologist. The doctor must determine the etiology of the hypothalamic syndrome and the leading component of the disease; the results of the Zimnitsky test and the sugar curve, electroencephalography and thermometry at three points are of particular importance in diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound and computed tomography of the adrenal glands are also needed.

Hypothalamic Syndrome Treatment

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor proceeds to the selection of adequate therapy. The basis for the treatment of hypothalamic syndrome is the use of a number of drugs, namely:

  • Means, the action of which is aimed at treating the underlying disease;
  • Selectively affecting the state of parasympathetic and sympathetic tone - Bellaspon, Pirroxan, Obzidan, Platiphyllin, ganglion blockers and belladonna preparations;
  • Antidepressants and anxiolytics;
  • Glucose, Hemodeza and isotonic sodium chloride solution (for detoxification of the body);
  • Fortifying agents.
Signs of hypothalamic syndrome of puberty
Signs of hypothalamic syndrome of puberty

Recently, acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of hypothalamic syndrome, since its effectiveness is confirmed by the results of many patients.

If the disease is accompanied by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, the patient is prescribed a special diet, vitamin therapy, anorexants and biguanides.

Also, the treatment of hypothalamic syndrome should include limiting the mental and physical overstrain of the patient, excluding wakefulness at night, under the supervision of a doctor, the patient should carry out therapeutic exercises and attend physiotherapy.

Hypothalamic syndrome is a complex symptomatic complex arising from traumatic brain injury, stress, mental strain, endocrine disorders, etc. The diagnosis and treatment of the disease should be dealt with by a neurologist; it is important to know that self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences.

The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
