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The field of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, or STIs - sexually transmitted infections) is called venereology, in honor of Venus, the goddess of love in the pantheon of the ancient Romans.

Sexually transmitted diseases, or as they say at the present time, sexually transmitted diseases, include infectious diseases caused by various pathogens (bacterial, viral, fungal, etc.), which are united by the predominant method of transmission of infection. Infection with such infections requires close bodily contact with contact with body fluids. Sexually transmitted diseases are not transmitted by airborne droplets, some of the STDs can be spread in other ways: household (for example, household syphilis) and parenteral (HIV infection through a shared syringe among drug addicts), but still the predominant method of transmission remains sexual contact, and not necessarily genital.

Traditionally, venereology has considered only a few diseases, the causative agents of which are reliably known to be transmitted during sexual intercourse. Nowadays they are called classical or traditional venereal diseases. Now the list of sexually transmitted diseases has expanded significantly, since other pathogens have been identified that have a predominantly sexual transmission route. Despite the fact that the causative agents of most of these diseases are well studied and effective methods of treatment and / or prevention have been found, sexually transmitted diseases are still widespread.

In the treatment of STDs, early diagnosis and treatment started as early as possible is important, since in a neglected state most of them lead to infertility. This is a very serious problem, given that the infection of sexually transmitted infections mainly affects young people, the most active age. One of the most important areas of venereology is sanitary and educational activities, since timely measures for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases help to avoid significant health problems. For the most part, sexually transmitted diseases respond well to therapy, but their treatment must be consistent and persistent, and certainly brought to full recovery.

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