Health Articles

6 Signs Of Empathy

6 Signs Of Empathy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Empathy is the ability to experience other people's emotions no less vividly than your own. Despite the fact that in psychology the presence of such an ability is considered the norm, some people (empaths) are gifted with it to a greater extent. According to scientists, about 20% of the world's population can be attributed to this category

9 Foods That Shouldn't Be Refrigerated

9 Foods That Shouldn't Be Refrigerated

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is believed that at low temperatures food is stored longer and better, making the refrigerator the most suitable place to store food. In most cases, this is true, however, there are a number of foods for which low temperatures are the main reason for their premature spoilage

7 Methods Of Gentle Physical Activity

7 Methods Of Gentle Physical Activity

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Gentle physical exercise techniques are designed in such a way that, without overloading, overworking or injuring the body, provide it with sufficient activity. Their common property is a minimum, and sometimes a complete absence of contraindications

Changeable Female Mood: Hormones Attack

Changeable Female Mood: Hormones Attack

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

What are they, women? Beautiful, gentle, passionate and at the same time windy, impetuous, and nervous. And what is even stranger: women possess all these qualities at the same time. But only their mood sometimes sharply changes to the completely opposite: in the morning they laugh and joke, and in the evening they cry or get annoyed

Nutrition For Hair And Skin Health: TOP-7 Healthy Foods

Nutrition For Hair And Skin Health: TOP-7 Healthy Foods

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Life does not indulge a modern woman with special emotional comfort and carelessness. Fatigue, troubles at work, lack of understanding in the family and various ailments immediately affect the condition of the hair and skin. And so you want to look safe and attractive! To a large extent, the situation can be corrected by a well-chosen diet

How To Eat Right For Women Of Different Ages?

How To Eat Right For Women Of Different Ages?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Proper nutrition is a constant principle of health and well-being for a woman for many years. However, the diet at every stage of life has its own characteristics. Eating in accordance with them, a woman will be able to feel energetic and strong, as well as adapt to changes in the body so that they allow her to lead an active lifestyle at any age

7 Folk Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes On The Lips

7 Folk Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes On The Lips

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When herpes worsens, doctors prescribe local antiviral drugs. It is impossible to completely rid the body of the virus, but with the right approach, rashes and other painful symptoms disappear. There are also a number of folk remedies that help speedy healing of herpetic ulcers around the lips. We will talk about them in this article

Top 10 Popular Remedies That Won't Help With The Flu

Top 10 Popular Remedies That Won't Help With The Flu

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The following list is drugs that are not able to help with the flu, but are presented as effective remedies from year to year. Among them there are both the bestsellers of the pharmaceutical industry, and folk remedies "tested for centuries"

Golden Whisker Treatment: 5 Homemade Medicines

Golden Whisker Treatment: 5 Homemade Medicines

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The golden mustache (spironema fragrant) is a tropical plant related to the popular Tradescantia. His homeland is the forests of South America. In our latitudes, spironoma is grown as an indoor culture, and it is valued not so much for decorativeness, but for its exceptional healing properties

5 Dangerous Drug Combinations

5 Dangerous Drug Combinations

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Everyone knows that medicines must be used in accordance with very strict rules

12 Common Foot Diseases

12 Common Foot Diseases

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

According to statistics, an ordinary person travels more than 100 thousand kilometers in a lifetime. Of course, the exact distance depends on many factors (lifestyle, gender, profession, fitness, temperament, etc.). One thing is clear: the feet of our feet are constantly experiencing loads that can negatively affect their condition. Today we will talk about those foot diseases to which people are most susceptible

7 Effective Ways To Quit Sugar

7 Effective Ways To Quit Sugar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The consumption of sugar in food is more likely based on psychological dependence, caused by the desire to pamper yourself with something tasty, and later on biological, due to the body's need for glucose as a result of large releases of insulin into the blood, which cause cardiac disorders, decreased immunity, and the development of hypoglycemia , and then diabetes. Breaking this vicious circle can only be done by eliminating sugar from the diet

7 Regular Check-ups A Woman Should Undergo

7 Regular Check-ups A Woman Should Undergo

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Visiting doctors is not the most pleasant thing, and many people are in no hurry to undergo routine examinations. This behavior is thoughtless and thoughtless. After all, our health is necessary not only for us: the well-being of loved ones directly depends on how vigorous and able-bodied we are. Experts believe that women especially need 7 regular check-ups and diagnostic procedures

How To Slow Down Aging: 10 Tips For Future Centenarians

How To Slow Down Aging: 10 Tips For Future Centenarians

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The number of centenarians is very small. One person in 5 thousand lives to the age of 90, and only one in 20 thousand crosses the centenary. However, doctors say that each of us is quite capable of influencing our own destiny. In this case, it is not so much about how to live as long as possible, but about the ability to maintain physical and mental activity and avoid decrepitude. We will talk about ways to help achieve this result today

Severe Stress - Symptoms, Consequences, Treatment

Severe Stress - Symptoms, Consequences, Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Severe stress negatively affects human health. High nervous tension lowers immunity and is the cause of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases

Pain In The Abdomen, What To Do

Pain In The Abdomen, What To Do

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Abdominal pain is most often associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological or urological pathologies, acute appendicitis

Causes Of Pain Under The Right Rib

Causes Of Pain Under The Right Rib

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sharp, sharp or aching pain under the right rib may indicate the presence of liver disease, biliary tract, or intense physical activity

Ayurvedic Traditions: 10 Healthy Spices

Ayurvedic Traditions: 10 Healthy Spices

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ayurveda is the oldest healing practice that came to us from India. It is a teaching on maintaining the physical, psychological and moral health of a person using a complex of procedures, including diet, body cleansing, breathing exercises, massage, and in case of illness - and drug therapy

10 Tests To Take If You Can't Lose Weight

10 Tests To Take If You Can't Lose Weight

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Almost each of us at least once in our life thinks that the parameters of her figure need some correction. The solution is usually one of the most publicized diets. Few consult with doctors: it is believed that in order to lose a few extra pounds, outside help is not needed

How To Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad?

How To Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

On a foreign trip, you can also encounter diseases that not only ruin the long-awaited vacation, but also force you to be treated for many months after its end

11 Misconceptions About Menopause

11 Misconceptions About Menopause

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Menopause is officially diagnosed when menstruation has not been observed for 12 months. Age-related changes are often accompanied by emotional disruptions, impaired thermoregulation and sweating, dizziness and headaches, tachycardia and other unpleasant phenomena. This complex of symptoms is called climacteric syndrome

5 Possible Causes Of Bruising Under The Eyes

5 Possible Causes Of Bruising Under The Eyes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dark circles (bruises) under the eyes are a drawback that is most often fought with the help of cosmetics (correctors, salon procedures, etc.), eliminating only its appearance. However, according to doctors, the skin around the eyes is an indicator of many disorders in the body. To identify them in the early stages, without disguising a bruise, but by referring to its causes, is the task of every person who regularly finds dark spots under their eyes

Lemon Water: 8 Health Benefits

Lemon Water: 8 Health Benefits

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lemon water is an easy-to-prepare drink that has already been appreciated by supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Used warm and on an empty stomach, it is one of the most useful preventive measures to prevent dozens of diseases, and simply to increase the tone of the body

How To Naturally Increase Testosterone In Men At Home

How To Naturally Increase Testosterone In Men At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Increasing testosterone in men with a reduced level of this hormone is important not only for normalizing sexual function, but also for improving health and quality of life

6 Simple Exercises For A Facelift

6 Simple Exercises For A Facelift

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fatigue, lack of sleep, eating disorders, bad mood, the vagaries of the weather - all these circumstances reflect badly on our appearance. The face especially suffers: the skin becomes flabby, loses its healthy color, becomes covered with wrinkles, zones of edema and dark circles appear under the eyes. It is not always possible to protect yourself from the influence of aggressive factors, but we are quite able to minimize its consequences

10 Main Causes Of Lactostasis

10 Main Causes Of Lactostasis

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breastfeeding is an integral part of ideal motherhood, which allows you to establish contact with your baby from an early age and form healthy immunity. Nevertheless, this process, important in the life of mothers and children, can be clouded by lactostasis - milk retention in the mammary gland. What are the main causes of lactostasis? How to avoid problems with breastfeeding?

7 Tips For Preventing Stroke

7 Tips For Preventing Stroke

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Risk factors for the development of stroke are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, heart disease, blood disorders (too high viscosity), bad habits (overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol), old age. All prevention techniques are associated with minimizing the impact of each of these factors on health

10 Myths About Hypnosis

10 Myths About Hypnosis

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The practice of hypnotic influence on human consciousness dates back about two millennia. During this time, scientists managed to learn a lot about the phenomenon of hypnosis and learned with its help to ease the condition of patients suffering from severe ailments. Nevertheless, most people continue to share misconceptions that are no less ancient than the method of hypnotherapy itself

7 Positive Habits That Can Harm Your Health

7 Positive Habits That Can Harm Your Health

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The everyday habits that we were so diligently instilled in childhood, it turns out, are not always beneficial. Recent studies have shown that certain habits that have long been considered beneficial and even necessary can cause serious discomfort. Here are just seven of the most common ones

10 Causes Of Cracks In The Corners Of The Mouth

10 Causes Of Cracks In The Corners Of The Mouth

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The condition of the lips (their soreness, appearance) is one of the indicators of human health. Peeling, dryness, pallor, as well as cracks in the corners of the mouth can be not only a cosmetic defect resulting from physical damage and weather conditions, but also a companion of some diseases and disorders in the body that need treatment

Plaque On Teeth: A Cosmetic Defect Or A Threat To Health?

Plaque On Teeth: A Cosmetic Defect Or A Threat To Health?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The paradox is obvious: with all the variety of toothpastes, toothbrushes and mouth rinses existing today, the number of people who are embarrassed by plaque on their teeth does not decrease

5 Foods To Help Remove Nicotine From The Body

5 Foods To Help Remove Nicotine From The Body

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many of yesterday's smokers are frustrated at first, as the health benefits they expect are far from immediate. Fortunately, this process can be accelerated by daily including in your diet foods that help eliminate nicotine and substances formed as a result of its breakdown

Money Tree: 6 Ways To Use It In Traditional Medicine

Money Tree: 6 Ways To Use It In Traditional Medicine

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Crassula, better known as the money tree, belongs to the fatty family. Lovers of indoor floriculture appreciate this plant for its unpretentiousness and ease of care. Despite the fact that the medicinal properties of Crassula have not yet been officially recognized, traditional medicine has long found its use

We Are Treated With Rose Hips: 7 Remedies And Their Application

We Are Treated With Rose Hips: 7 Remedies And Their Application

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rosehip is one of the most common ornamental and medicinal plants that grows almost throughout the entire territory of our country. Most Russians know this beautiful shrub primarily as a source of fruits that are extremely rich in vitamins. However, the healing properties of rose hips are by no means limited to this. How else you can use the plant for medicinal purposes, we will tell you today

TOP 7 Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases

TOP 7 Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sexually transmitted diseases in medicine are called infections that are predominantly sexually transmitted; now they are called sexually transmitted infections, or STIs. Some of them are life-threatening. Despite the fact that most diseases of this kind are treatable, they are ubiquitous, and there is no downward trend in the incidence

Vegetarianism For Children: Health Benefit Or Harm?

Vegetarianism For Children: Health Benefit Or Harm?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A fairly large number of people adhere to the principles of a vegetarian diet. But what if there are children in a vegetarian family? Is it possible for them to eat in the same way as their parents, or is the child's body not adapted to the use of exclusively plant foods?

Household Chemicals: Convenience To The Detriment Of Health

Household Chemicals: Convenience To The Detriment Of Health

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The life of a modern woman is very difficult. There is a sorely lack of time for all matters, so each of us is trying, as far as possible, to reduce his costs for necessary, but not the most exciting housework. In this we are successfully helped by household chemicals. Unfortunately, not all of them are safe for health

5 Reasons To Stop Using Antibacterial Personal Care Products

5 Reasons To Stop Using Antibacterial Personal Care Products

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Among the many perfumery and cosmetic products produced today, a special group is made up of products containing antibacterial components. Many experts argue that all skin care products that contain antibacterial agents can cause significant harm to health

10 Doctor's Statements That Should Alert The Patient

10 Doctor's Statements That Should Alert The Patient

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The trust that the patient has in relation to the doctor is an extremely important factor. Without it, healing is impossible or very difficult. Unfortunately, there are times when the doctor and the patient do not just have different characters. There is also the possibility of meeting a not quite competent or economically committed doctor

6 Common Flu Mistakes

6 Common Flu Mistakes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Millions of people around the world are affected by the flu every year. It is not so much the disease itself that is dangerous, but its complications: it is they that most often cause long-term disability and even death of patients. Health authorities of most developed countries are making significant efforts to popularize anti-influenza vaccinations and inform the population about the rules for treating the disease