11 misconceptions about menopause
Climax is the process of extinction of the reproductive function of the body as it ages. In women, the main symptom of menopause is the termination of the menstrual cycle. Menopause is officially diagnosed when menstruation has not been observed for 12 months. Age-related changes are often accompanied by emotional disruptions, impaired thermoregulation and sweating, dizziness and headaches, tachycardia and other unpleasant phenomena. This complex of symptoms is called climacteric syndrome.

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Menopause is considered a completely natural condition, but many women perceive it as a disaster. The reason is the misconceptions associated with the onset of menopause and changes in hormonal levels. Let's try to dispel the most famous of them.
Menopause begins at age 40
The timing of menopause is very individual. This is influenced by:
- heredity;
- the presence of chronic diseases (in particular hormonal pathologies, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms);
- the geographical factor (women living in hot climates, menopause occurs earlier);
- socio-economic circumstances. In those countries where women are engaged in hard physical labor or have a large number of children, the average age of menopause is indeed close to 40-43 years. Most modern residents of economically developed countries of Europe, Asia and America feel the first signs of menopause 10 years later;
- psychological instability, frequent stress, the presence of mental disorders;
- behavioral factors (bad habits, features of sexual activity).
Cases of both very early and late onset of menopause are known. The age at which menopause occurs ranges from 36 to 60 years.
After the cessation of menstruation, it is impossible to become pregnant
A woman's reproductive function does not fade away immediately. The likelihood of conception persists for two years after menopause. Therefore, giving up immediately from contraceptives is extremely imprudent.
It is very important to understand that age-related changes in hormonal levels require individual selection of new contraceptives. In order to avoid harm to the health of a woman, a doctor should be responsible for prescribing the appropriate drugs.
Menopause is a malfunction of the endocrine system
Climax is a natural state. It is not a pathology. The hormonal background really does not become the same as in youth. There is a deficiency of ovarian hormones, causing changes in metabolism, the work of some organs and systems.
The amount of female hormones in the body can be adjusted with the help of correctly selected medicines, which will make physiological changes less abrupt and improve well-being.
With menopause, a woman's health deteriorates catastrophically
Menopause does not provoke the development of serious disruptions in the body. However, her symptoms are very individual. They can create certain discomfort and worsen a woman's condition, more often in cases where there were health problems before.
If hot flashes, dizziness, emotional instability and other signs of menopause significantly reduce the quality of life, interfere with her usual activities, a woman should consult a doctor. The gynecologist-endocrinologist will assess her condition and select hormone replacement therapy, taking into account the characteristics of the organism.
Climax - the beginning of old age
Invalid statement. The arrival of menopause does not mean either the approach of physical decrepitude, or a decline in working capacity, or negative changes in outlook. Many women during this period live more actively than before, they carry out cherished plans, they are realized professionally and socially.
Menopause symptoms can only be relieved with medication
Modern hormone replacement therapy is effective enough to reduce the intensity of menopause symptoms to a completely tolerable level. For women who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not want to take hormonal drugs, there is also a way out. There are many folk remedies available to ease the discomfort of menopause. In particular, it is useful to take decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, vitamin teas, water procedures. Long walks, swimming, and soothing and toning aromatherapy can be of great help.
Some plants (red clover, cimicifuga, etc.) contain hormone-like substances. On the basis of these herbs, biologically active supplements have been created, which are widely advertised as "completely relieving the unpleasant symptoms of menopause." Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. For some women, such remedies do bring temporary relief, but the reaction is very individual. In addition, dietary supplements are not subject to mandatory certification. Their composition and action (including side effects) are not always predictable. Taking supplements cannot be considered a complete and safe hormone replacement therapy. In the absence of allergic reactions, a woman can try to deal with the symptoms of menopause with the help of self-prepared preparations of the corresponding plants. But such treatment must be approached very carefully:the slightest violation of the recipe or intake schedule can harm health, and the positive effect (taking into account the individual reaction) is not guaranteed.
Menopause brings extremely negative changes
Many women perceive the decline of reproductive function without any upset. Few people regret the disappearance of menstrual bleeding, especially if they were regularly accompanied by pain, weakness, dizziness and other signs known to all women to one degree or another.
As for the ailments characteristic of menopause, not everyone has them. Severe cases of climacteric syndrome are rare and, as a rule, amenable to correction with modern drugs.
Menopause necessarily spoils a woman's appearance
Changes in hormonal levels do not really have the best effect on the condition of the skin, hair and mucous membranes. The integuments become dry and lose their tone, mimic wrinkles deepen. Some women put on extra weight.
These troubles can be dealt with. Of course, not everyone has access to the kind of body care that famous actresses use, who during menopause keep their figure and face in a state that young girls can envy. However, any woman can afford many anti-aging cosmetics. Do not neglect folk methods of preserving beauty, since some herbs, fruits and vegetables have a tonic and nourishing effect on the skin and hair. Sports activities, water treatments and healthy eating will help to tidy up the figure.

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Menopause has a fatal impact on sexuality
If a woman is healthy and monitors her condition, the climacteric period does not affect her sexual life in any way. Some discomfort may occur due to increased dryness of the mucous membranes in the intimate areas. This problem can be easily solved with the help of special creams and ointments.
Hormonal drugs and late labor can delay the onset of menopause
There are no drugs that can prolong reproductive function. Late pregnancy also does not have this effect. However, it has been noticed that many women who become mothers at a fairly mature age (40 years or more) rarely complain of ailments associated with menopause. Perhaps the abundance of positive emotions has a beneficial effect on well-being and helps to endure unpleasant symptoms.
Climax is a purely female problem
Age-related changes in the body also occur in men. In the period from 45 to 60 years, representatives of the stronger sex often suffer from discomfort due to changes in hormonal levels. Typical symptoms are sleep disturbances, increased sweating, sudden flushes of heat to the head, headaches, and rapid weight gain. Emotional disruptions can also be observed, expressed in bouts of irritability or apathy.
The ailments associated with menopause can be corrected in both women and men. It is important to pay attention to the deterioration of the physical and emotional state in time and turn to specialists who are able to conduct a high-quality examination and prescribe adequate treatment.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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