How To Slow Down Aging: 10 Tips For Future Centenarians

How To Slow Down Aging: 10 Tips For Future Centenarians
How To Slow Down Aging: 10 Tips For Future Centenarians

How to slow down aging: 10 tips for future centenarians

The number of centenarians is very small. One person in five thousand lives to 90 years old, and only one in twenty thousand crosses the 100-year milestone. However, doctors say that each of us is quite capable of influencing our own destiny. It is not so much about living as long as possible, but about the ability to maintain physical and mental activity and avoid decrepitude. We will talk about ways to help achieve this result today.


Many people believe that the aging process starts after 40 years - it is from this age that most people often feel unwell and give in to fatigue. However, physiological aging has its own laws. In particular, its rate is directly proportional to the intensity of metabolic processes. It turns out that in youth a person ages faster than in mature years.

The conclusion is obvious: the sooner we start to take care of maintaining our own health, the more surely we get a delay from the onset of decrepitude. Hence, the slogan "Take care of health from a young age!" should become a guide to action for every responsible person.




It has been proven that an optimistic view of the world prolongs life for years. The reasons are clear: people who relate to everything with interest and without despondency, tolerate stress more easily, they are less likely to overtake such ailments as a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Do not forget that cheerful elderly people are more sociable than their peers with a different character. Optimism helps to find friends, to feel in demand. Merry fellows are more often personally happy, and in the event of the loss of partners, it is easier to find new contacts, even at the most advanced age.



Body hygiene and optimal daily routine

To ensure longevity, it is worth watching, among other things, for your appearance: keeping your skin, hair, teeth in order. Any deterioration in their condition entails the risk of developing chronic diseases. In addition, it is necessary to observe the optimal mode of work and rest. Neither wear and tear nor fundamental idleness contribute to an increase in life expectancy. Getting enough sleep is very important: during sleep, melatonin is produced, which slows down the aging process.

Body hygiene and optimal regimen
Body hygiene and optimal regimen


Healthy eating

The needs of the human body change over time. The daily diet should also be adjusted accordingly. It is believed that it is desirable to eat less abundant and high-calorie in adulthood than in adolescence. It does not follow from this that older people need to adhere to any particular diet: the list of foods can be compiled depending on personal preferences and taking into account diseases, if any. In any case, it should be varied and balanced in essential nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. According to experts, longevity is promoted by the use of:

  • fermented milk products that prevent the development of osteoporosis;
  • oily fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, etc.). It is rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the condition of blood vessels and heart, normalize blood pressure and have anti-inflammatory effects;
  • seeds and nuts. They contain selenium, which prevents the development of malignant neoplasms, and a large amount of antioxidants that help slow down the process of destruction of cell membranes;
  • berries, vegetables and fruits that are dark (purple or red) in color, which are a source of bioflavonoids that support the health of the cardiovascular and other body systems.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating


Rejection of bad habits

Alcohol lovers, as a rule, refer to information about a high percentage of centenarians in traditionally wine-making regions - in the south of France, in Greece, in the Caucasus. There is a good deal of deceit in this: people living in such areas really drink alcohol from their youth, but very moderately, and almost never suffer from alcohol dependence. One should also take into account the fact that in countries that are champions in terms of the number of centenarians, strong drinks are very rarely on the menu, but residents drink one or two glasses of red grape wine every day, and this is a good means of maintaining physical and mental vitality.

According to a study conducted by gerontologists in Moscow, among the capital's centenarians, only 1% of smokers, and those with alcohol dependence were not in this category at all.

Rejection of bad habits
Rejection of bad habits



The popular expression “movement is life” is absolutely true. Physical inactivity leads to problems with the heart and blood vessels, respiratory and digestive organs. All body systems are affected, including the musculoskeletal system.

There is another unpleasant aspect of a sedentary lifestyle: a person who avoids physical activity and activity gains excess weight. A moderate diet does not correct the situation too much, since the calories received, if not completely consumed, will inevitably replenish body fat. This is a direct road to metabolic disorders, endocrine problems, type 2 diabetes and other health problems.



Constant and correct mental stress

It has been proven that people with higher education are much more likely to become long-livers than representatives of other social groups. This is especially noticeable for people involved in mental work (teaching, artistic or literary creation, etc.).

Many believe the reason is that mental work is easier than physical work and that educated people take better care of their health, but this is not the case. Intellectual and physical activity is preserved, since people of mental labor constantly have to master new knowledge and use it intensively.

Constant and correct mental stress
Constant and correct mental stress


Social realization and demanded labor

For work to prolong life, it must be a joy. This does not mean that a future long-liver is necessarily doing something physically not burdensome. It is not so much the specificity of the activity that is important as a high level of professional implementation, which ensures a person's satisfaction from work and the public demand for its results.

In addition, it is very important for longevity that there are as few routine moments in work as possible. It is not for nothing that people who live for a long time not only reach the heights in their profession, but also very often master related specialties, and very successfully.

Social realization and demanded labor
Social realization and demanded labor


Sexual activity

Regular sex at the age of 45–55 years significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, helps to normalize hormonal levels. In women, this fact delays the onset of menopause.

Finally, being loved and sexually in demand, a person simply feels much better than their lonely peers.

Sexual activity
Sexual activity


Family support

There are very few loners among centenarians. Family coziness, comfort and daily support of loved ones help to maintain health and vigor. And the fact that there is someone to take care of the health of an elderly person is an obvious bonus.

The presence of a close-knit family, grandchildren and great-grandchildren creates in grandparents a sense of their own need, gives their life a high meaning. In such a situation, you want to be cheerful, so as not only not to become a burden, but also to provide all possible help to loved ones as long as possible. Being in demand in the family is one of the strongest motivations for continuing to be active and maintaining health.

Family support
Family support


Longevity is not just a large number of years lived. This is a good memory, decent physical shape, mental activity, social relevance, a wise and optimistic view of the world. With competent and systematic work on oneself, all this is quite accessible to any person.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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