7 ways to slow down aging
We are all interested not only in living long, but also in maintaining vigor of body and spirit, a bright mind and attractive appearance until a ripe old age. Scientists are working tirelessly to create drugs that slow down the aging process of the body, but the release of effective drugs is still far away.
We will tell you about the available ways to slow down aging. They are based both on scientific data and on the centuries-old experience of mankind, in the history of which there were many centenarians.

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Ensuring good digestion
Proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract allows the body to receive the nutrients, trace elements and vitamins it needs for health. Any digestion failure affects the condition of all systems, internal organs, as well as hair, nails and skin (that is, appearance). In addition, colonies of microorganisms live in the intestines, which play a critical role in maintaining our immunity. If the beneficial microflora dies for any reason, harmful bacteria take its place, the active life of which can cause the development of various diseases.
The health of the digestive system directly depends on what a person eats. Many children, through an oversight of their parents, get used to fast food, chips, snacks, sweet bars and fruit waters, which very quickly become the basis of their diet. The fact is that these products contain addictive additives; any other food after them seems bland. Several years of eating "junk food" cause serious damage to the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. Sometimes you have to fight the consequences all your life.
To maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to include in the daily diet a large amount of vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs, cereals and bread from wholemeal flour. This helps to activate the vital activity of beneficial microflora and contributes to the good functioning of the immune system. Protein should come from seafood, lean meats and poultry, dairy products and legumes, and fats from vegetable oils, fish and nuts.

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Correct drinking regime
On average, the human body needs about 2 liters of water per day. Attempts to limit fluid intake lead to deterioration of the skin condition, decreased muscle tone, and the development of sleep problems. The cardiovascular system also suffers: the blood becomes more viscous, which makes the heart work with increased stress.
Fluid deficiency contributes to the development of obesity, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hypertension, kidney stones and many others. Women may have problems with their menstrual cycle. Each of these diseases is a factor in premature aging.

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A good sleep
A person needs a night's sleep not only so that the body can relax. This is a way to get rid of emotions accumulated during the day, stress; it is relaxation for the brain and senses. If sleep is fragmentary or lasts less than the necessary time, the possibility of good rest disappears. With the regular repetition of such a situation, physical and mental fatigue accumulates, neuroses and depression appear, immunity decreases, which gives rise to the development of diseases.
Sleep problems are not always a sign of any pathology: they often arise due to non-compliance with the daily routine. Trying to solve the problem with medicines (including herbal medicines), as a rule, only exacerbates it. Doctors in such cases talk about the need to develop a habit of proper sleep. The patient must fulfill a number of conditions concerning the time of the beginning of night rest, options for replacing it with daytime sleep, etc. The problem can be solved, but it takes time and considerable volitional efforts.

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Good ecology and favorable indoor climate
According to WHO experts, living in regions with clean air is one of the most important factors in ensuring longevity. Unfortunately, this is not available to everyone: the ecological situation in which many are forced to live leaves much to be desired. However, everyone can take care of themselves. It is necessary to spend as much free time as possible in nature: walking in the evenings in the park, going to the forest or to the river bank on weekends. It is important to create an optimal microclimate in working and living quarters, monitor the temperature and humidity of the air, regularly ventilate apartments and offices, grow indoor plants that can emit useful phytoncides or absorb volatile substances harmful to health.

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Saturation of the body with vitamins
Many vitamins have antioxidant effects; their entry into the body helps to slow down the aging process. But this requires reasonable care. The fact is that situations when people developed real vitamin deficiencies have remained in the distant past. Most people in developed countries can organize their meals in such a way as to get all vitamins from natural sources (fruits, vegetables, nuts and other products). The intake of synthetic vitamins is required only for patients suffering from serious metabolic disorders and some other ailments. Vitamins are prescribed by the doctor, carefully prescribing the dosage. As a rule, we are talking about medicinal vitamin preparations, and not popular dietary supplements containing vitamin complexes.
Pharmacy multivitamin preparations should be treated with a grain of salt: a healthy person does not need them. There is evidence that synthetic vitamins are absorbed worse than natural ones, and are simply useless at best, but if taken carelessly, they can cause health problems. Be that as it may, a salad of fresh herbs, juicy vegetables, berries and fruits are both tastier and healthier than tablets.

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Positive attitude
Optimism, benevolence and a cheerful disposition prolong life. On the one hand, such qualities help a person to more easily endure stress, which often causes physical ailments. On the other hand, they usually accompany curiosity, the ability to receive new information and get along with others, which is a necessary condition for the long-term preservation of intellectual activity.
Special studies of this kind have never been carried out, but the relatives of many centenarians claim that their grandparents not only worked all their lives, but were also cheerful and helpful people. It turns out that a positive outlook on life is quite capable of slowing down the aging process.

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Skin care
All disruptions in the work of the body are reflected in the condition of the skin. In addition, it is daily exposed to aggressive environmental factors. The skin is the first to signal that the body is beginning to grow decrepit. That is why the skin needs careful care: the face and hands should be regularly treated with moisturizers and nourishing creams, protected from the sun, wind and cold.

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It is quite possible to slow down the aging of the body and avoid its external manifestations for a long time. To achieve this goal, you need not so much - to establish nutrition, adjust sleep and wakefulness, optimize the microclimate, take care of the body and maintain good spirits.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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