How to slow down aging

We all want to preserve, if not eternal youth, then at least slow down aging. Old age can be not only sad and weak, but nevertheless the later it comes, the better, and it is entirely within the power of a person to push it away.
Slow down aging is primarily to slow down the process of loss of water in the body. It is the loss of water by the skin that leads to its flabbiness and the appearance of wrinkles, but such processes occur throughout the body, they are just more noticeable on the skin. How to make up for water loss? Drink it in sufficient quantity, just. A sufficient amount is calculated as 25 g of water per 1 kg of body weight, while the water should not be replaced by any other fluids.
Physical activity is the most important component of youth. Movement is necessary, without proper load, both the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system work worse, and the processes of destruction in them start much earlier than they could. Physical activity helps to improve blood circulation and slow down aging, because a good blood supply to organs is the main condition for maintaining their health and functions.
Healthy eating is another cornerstone, without which it is impossible to slow down aging. Scientists, having studied the diet of centenarians in different parts of the Earth, came to the conclusion that food is fresh and simple, containing a maximum of useful substances, prolongs life. More vegetables, fruits, herbs and high-quality dairy products, less fatty, fried, smoked, confectionery and industrial foods, moderation and regularity of meals - these are the basic principles of a healthy diet.
Quitting bad habits is another condition for maintaining youth. You can make any effort, spend huge sums on cosmetic procedures, but if at the same time a person remains a slave to bad habits, it will not work to slow down aging. Psychologists say that the presence of bad habits is the body's programming for self-destruction, a hidden call to death.

It is not so difficult to give up bad habits and slow down aging, you need to oppose them with useful ones: instead of smoking - walking in the fresh air, instead of alcohol - one and a half liters of clean water a day, instead of night binges - full sleep, and instead of plentiful feasts - tasty, fresh healthly food. All this is generously flavored with positive emotions, and here is a recipe for, if not eternal, then undoubtedly a long youth.
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