7 Folk Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes On The Lips

7 Folk Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes On The Lips
7 Folk Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes On The Lips

7 folk remedies to get rid of herpes on the lips

Herpes simplex of the first type (an infectious disease manifested by periodic blistering rashes on the lips) is one of the most common ailments. According to statistics, only 5% of the inhabitants of our planet are immune to its pathogen, and the reasons for this feature have not yet been clarified. The rest of the people are carriers of the virus.

Effective folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Effective folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com

The causative agent of herpes belongs to the so-called conditionally pathogenic microflora. This means that most of the time it is in the human body, without causing any trouble to its owner. Problems begin when the body's defenses weaken. Hypothermia or overheating, prolonged exposure to the sun, stress, overwork and other factors that weaken the body's defenses can serve as an impetus for the development of the disease. As a result, the virus is activated and the host develops symptoms of the disease. One of the most common and unpleasant is the formation of bubbles and weeping sores on the lips. This is not only an annoying cosmetic defect: the rash is itchy, it interferes with eating. Sometimes the named process is accompanied by headache, catarrhal symptoms and fever.

When herpes worsens, doctors prescribe local antiviral drugs. It is impossible to completely rid the body of the virus, but with the right approach, rashes and other painful symptoms disappear. There are a number of folk remedies that help speedy healing of herpetic ulcers around the lips. We will talk about them in the article.

Low fat milk

The method consists in applying skimmed (up to 1.5%) milk to the bubbles and sores on the lips. The liquid must dry on the skin by itself, you cannot wash off the milk residues. Repeating the procedure every 2-3 hours, you can achieve the disappearance of the rash within 24 hours.

Low-fat milk is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Low-fat milk is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com

Liquorice root

Licorice root (licorice) must be ground into powder and mixed with boiled water until mushy, apply the mixture to the affected area overnight and let it dry, and in the morning wash off the residues.

Licorice root is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Licorice root is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com

Hydrogen peroxide

Herpetic vesicles can be reduced by wetting the affected area every 2-3 hours with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The tool is very effective: the rash disappears within 1.5-2 days. It is also convenient that the peroxide is colorless, does not leave marks on the skin and has no odor.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: spasibovsem.ru


This method should be used when there is no need to leave the house in the near future. It is enough to apply once garlic to the rashes, passed through a press or chopped on a fine grater, so that the bubbles begin to disappear.

Garlic is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Garlic is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com

Peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil is sold in every pharmacy today. This is one of the best remedies for fighting cold sores. The affected areas must be lubricated with them 3 times a day. Peppermint oil can also be used in crowded places: its pleasant and invigorating aroma will not hurt anyone.

Peppermint oil is one of the remedies for herpes on the lips
Peppermint oil is one of the remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com

Aloe juice

The juice of a popular houseplant is great for herpes. The method of treatment is very simple: you can not even squeeze the juice, but simply apply a cut of aloe leaf to the affected areas. To enhance the effect of the product, it is recommended to keep the cut leaf in the refrigerator for several hours before use.

It is believed that the most pronounced therapeutic effect is provided by the leaves of plants that have reached the age of three.

Aloe juice - one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Aloe juice - one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com


The sharp cooling of the skin areas affected by herpes helps to stop the development of herpes symptoms. When puffiness and unpleasant tingling appears, foreshadowing the formation of bubbles, you need to apply pieces of ice to your lips. Unfortunately, the remedy helps only at the very beginning of the rash: the bubbles and sores that have already appeared do not disappear when the skin cools.

Ice is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips
Ice is one of the folk remedies for herpes on the lips

Source: depositphotos.com

All the remedies described are effective, but different people are sensitive to them in different ways, so everyone can choose for themselves what works best for him. It is worth recalling that we are not talking about completely getting rid of herpes, but about reducing the severity of the most unpleasant and obsessive symptoms of its exacerbation.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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