Nutrition For Hair And Skin Health: TOP-7 Healthy Foods

Nutrition For Hair And Skin Health: TOP-7 Healthy Foods
Nutrition For Hair And Skin Health: TOP-7 Healthy Foods

Nutrition for hair and skin health: TOP-7 healthy foods

Life does not indulge a modern woman with special emotional comfort and carelessness. Fatigue, troubles at work, lack of understanding in the family and various ailments immediately affect the condition of the hair and skin. And so you want to look safe and attractive! In many ways, the situation can be corrected by a well-chosen diet. Experts believe that it is enough to regularly include certain foods in your diet so that your appearance does not depend so much on various unfavorable factors and everyday troubles. We will talk about the most useful food in this sense today.

Avocado fruit

Residents of South America do not call this fruit "oil of the forest" for nothing: the ripe fruit tastes like butter with a pleasant hint of nuts and greens.

Avocado pulp is very high in calories. It contains a large amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, is rich in vitamin E, trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are perfectly absorbed by the body. This combination of nutrients allows avocados to optimize skin firmness and oiliness. Eating this fruit helps reduce wrinkles in older women and acne in adolescents. No less beneficial, the fruits act on the skin locally when included in the composition of masks for the face and décolleté.

In addition, avocado is useful for certain gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, cataracts. It is recommended to be eaten by people undergoing heavy physical activity or recovering from operations or infectious diseases.

Avocado does not have the traditional fruity taste, but it goes very well with other foods (fish, nuts, shrimp, etc.). Therefore, it is actively used in the preparation of snacks, salads, soups, sandwiches and even sushi. Vegetarian diets are eager to use avocados as a substitute for meat and eggs.

Avocado pulp has a rather strong allergenic effect. In addition, pathogens such as listeriosis are often found in it. Therefore, the fruit should not be eaten by pregnant women, nursing mothers, young children and people with weakened immunity.

Avocado fruit
Avocado fruit



Flaxseed is a recognized leader among plant products in terms of the content of polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber (especially its most useful type - gelling, or water-soluble). In addition, the delicious golden seeds contain substances that are extremely important for humans - lignans, which can provide powerful protection of blood vessels from hardening.

The cosmetic effect of flaxseed is expressed in enhancing hair growth, easing seborrhea symptoms, and improving aging skin. Hair condition can be improved by eating about 3 tablespoons of crushed seeds per day. Experts say that the beneficial properties are preserved even when flaxseeds are cooked (for example, when added to flour for baking).

Eating large amounts of flaxseed can provoke an exacerbation in gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in gallstone and urolithiasis.



Carrot juice

Freshly squeezed carrot juice contains a shock amount of beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A. This substance is involved in the work of the thyroid gland and strongly affects the state of hormonal levels. Lack of vitamin A negatively affects the state of vision, skin, hair, teeth and bones.

Carrot juice normalizes dry skin; it is useful for various dermatitis and other skin lesions. In nursing mothers, it improves the properties of milk, saturates it with substances that are useful for strengthening the immunity of babies. Pregnant women are recommended to drink carrot juice in case of anemia and fatigue.

Vitamin A, which the body gets from drinking carrot juice, is fat-soluble. This means that for a more complete assimilation of the useful substance, the intake of juice should be combined with fatty foods.

Carrot juice has a slight diuretic and choleretic effect, which must be taken into account when taking it regularly. Long-term use of the juice can contribute to the appearance of a yellowish skin tone.

Carrot juice
Carrot juice


Raw egg yolk

The yolk of a bird's egg is one of the natural formations, the most saturated with trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. This is not surprising: it is designed to provide the embryo with everything it needs during its development. From one yolk, a person can get the daily intake of many vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, sulfur and other trace elements. In addition, the yolk contains "good" cholesterol, phospholipids, cholein, which prevents the development of malignant neoplasms, and lecithin.

Eating yolks in food has a beneficial effect on the condition of almost all systems and organs, including the skin and hair. It should be noted an annoying feature: a similar effect is exerted by yolks that have not been heat-treated, but all experts are unanimous that eating raw eggs is very dangerous, since they can be infected with salmonella. The problem is solved quite simply: only the yolks of quail eggs need to be eaten raw. In this case, the risk is minimal (salmonella is not found in quail eggs).

In cosmetology, egg yolks are actively used in masks that increase skin elasticity, mixtures to strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff, etc. When eating yolks, remember that they can cause an allergic reaction and exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

Raw egg yolk
Raw egg yolk



Fresh fruits of the olive tree contain up to 80% of healthy fats, including monounsaturated acids, which are necessary for strengthening mucous membranes and cell membranes. The oil obtained from olives helps to detoxify the body and slow down the aging process.

Domestic trade offers exclusively canned (salted) green and black olives. Contrary to popular belief, black varieties are not more ripe: they are simply fruits with a specially fixed dark color. To fix the color, iron compounds are used, which in small concentrations do not harm the body. It is believed that moderate consumption of canned olives (3-5 pieces per day) has an extremely beneficial effect. The use of these fruits for food has practically no contraindications.

Cold-pressed olive oil is used in cosmetology. For example, a mask of a tablespoon of oil and egg yolk lifts and tones the skin very quickly.



Fatty fish

Oleic, palmitic, polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are vital for the body, but can only be obtained from food. Their main source is marine fish of fatty varieties. Eating such fish at least three times a week provides conditions for maintaining healthy hair and skin, elasticity of blood vessels, to weaken inflammation and reduce swelling.

Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardine, flounder and halibut are especially useful.

Low-fat fish
Low-fat fish


Nuts and seeds

They contain healthy oils, proteins and vitamin E. Eating any seeds has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin, helps to maintain health and youth, revitalize the brain, and improve memory. For optimal effect, you need to eat 25-50 g of nuts or seeds per day.

Preference should be given to seeds that have not undergone heat treatment: they have more nutrients. However, it must be remembered that many nuts are allergenic.

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds


Skin and hair health is ensured not only by a properly selected diet, but also by a healthy lifestyle. It is impossible to look good without getting enough sleep, without being outdoors and preferring sitting at a computer to physical activity. By combining moderate exercise, healthy nutrition and a normal daily routine, you can achieve good skin and hair condition without resorting to expensive cosmetic procedures.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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