10 Causes Of Cracks In The Corners Of The Mouth

10 Causes Of Cracks In The Corners Of The Mouth
10 Causes Of Cracks In The Corners Of The Mouth

10 causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth

The condition of the lips (their soreness, appearance) is one of the indicators of human health. Peeling, dryness, pallor, as well as cracks in the corners of the mouth can be not only a cosmetic defect resulting from physical damage and weather conditions, but also a companion of some diseases and disorders in the body, and then treatment is required. Consider 10 reasons for the appearance of angular cracks (seizure) in the corners of the mouth and how to eliminate them.


Injury to the area around the lips leads to cracks, annoying with a feeling of dryness, tightness of the skin, pain. The most common cause of injury is regular visits to the dentist, during which a person has to stretch their lips and open their mouth too wide. This is especially true when the doctor carelessly uses an instrument, for example, a mirror for examination. Sometimes, with prolonged treatment at the dentist, the crack simply cannot heal.

In addition, similar problems can arise when using removable dentures: when they are inserted and removed, it is the area of the corners of the lips that is particularly sensitive, which is most injured.

For quick healing in such cases, it is recommended to apply a complex of vitamins A and E to the damaged areas, make lotions from medicinal herbs (sage, calendula, chamomile).


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Poor oral hygiene

Penetration into microcracks on the skin of infection with insufficient hygiene of the body and oral cavity also often causes inflamed wounds in the corners of the mouth - especially in children who touch their face with dirty hands. The frequent appearance of angular cracks due to bacterial load also affects people who neglect to regularly brush their teeth and gums.

Poor oral hygiene
Poor oral hygiene

Source: depositphotos.com

Unfavorable weather conditions

Dry windy weather, frost, dry heat are common causes of peeling, tightness of the skin in the mouth area, which, if it is insufficiently hydrated, can lead to the formation of an inflamed crack. It is not difficult to prevent its appearance by caring for a sensitive place: daily applying a nourishing cream or petroleum jelly before going outside.

Unfavorable weather conditions
Unfavorable weather conditions

Source: depositphotos.com


A lack of vitamin B12 in the body can be the cause of angular cracks, and with them swelling and redness of the lips, inflammation of the tongue, conjunctivitis, burning in the eyes. This condition is observed with spring vitamin deficiency, insufficient intake of vitamin from food and with diseases leading to a violation of its absorption by the body. In the first two cases, it is recommended to compensate for the lack of vitamin by including in the diet a sufficient amount of meat and dairy dishes, eggs, cabbage, spinach, legumes, whole grain cereals. In the latter, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.


Source: depositphotos.com

Fungal skin lesions

Cracks in the corners of the mouth can be fungal in nature - for example, caused by the fungus Candida. The disease is often provoked by reduced immunity due to past illnesses or the presence of general diseases (gastrointestinal pathologies, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, etc.), taking antibiotics, cytostatics, hormonal drugs. Candidomycotic, or yeast seizure, as a rule, is covered with a grayish-white bloom, which can be easily removed with a napkin, there is no crust. Treatment of a crack is carried out with the help of nystatin, levorin or other special ointments, and in severe cases it is accompanied by the intake of antimycotic drugs inside. The doctor should prescribe medications for the treatment of fungal seizures.

Fungal skin lesions
Fungal skin lesions

Source: depositphotos.com


One of the elements of primary syphilis - a hard chancre - is often disguised as a common bite. At the same time, the crack is usually painless, covered with a silvery-white coating and has a seal at the base, which, when the lips are stretched, becomes oval. When a secondary infection (bacterial or streptococcal) is attached, the syphilitic seizure deepens and turns into an ulcer causing discomfort. Treatment of such a violation is carried out under the supervision of a venereologist and consists primarily in the destruction of the causative agent of syphilis - treponema pale.


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Iron-deficiency anemia

Low hemoglobin is one of the common causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth. In the presence of the disease, the ulcer is often accompanied by general weakness, pallor, palpitations, shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Treatment of angular fissure with anemia should be accompanied by the elimination of iron deficiency in the body, depending on its cause: the use of foods rich in iron and vitamin B12 (whole grain bread, fruits, red meat, nuts, herbs), taking special drugs, antiparasitic therapy (in the presence of worms) and other methods.

Iron-deficiency anemia
Iron-deficiency anemia

Source: depositphotos.com

Diseases of the internal organs

Sometimes chronic and recurrent seizures can accompany some common diseases - for example, endocrine ailments, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and even disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere. In this case, the sore is usually soft to the touch, covered with a crust and is moderately painful. Elimination of the crack is possible with the full therapy of the disorders that caused it. It is worth noting that a persistent crack in the corner of the mouth is not recommended to be treated on its own - according to the observations of doctors, in 3% of cases it can acquire a malignant character.

Diseases of the internal organs
Diseases of the internal organs

Source: depositphotos.com

Atopic cheilitis

Atopic cheilitis is an inflammatory disease of the lips, which often leads to the formation of seizures. The disease is neurodermatological in nature and can be triggered by allergies, hormonal disorders, but more often by malfunctions of the nervous system, which is why it is most common in children and adolescents 10-17 years old. A crack with an ailment occurs against the background of peeling, dry skin of the lips and face; also observed inflammation of the border of the lips, covering their surface with small scales. With atopic cheilitis, vitamin therapy, treatment with antihistamines, corticosteroid ointments are carried out in strict accordance with the doctor's prescription.

Atopic cheilitis
Atopic cheilitis

Source: depositphotos.com

Bad habits

Bad habits are common sources of health problems, and this symptom is no exception. Smoking, drinking alcohol, licking lips, biting nails, holding a foreign object (pencil, pen) in your mouth contribute to a decrease in both general immunity and local immunity. When the harmful effects cease, cracks that have arisen for the above reasons quickly heal and stop appearing.

Bad habits
Bad habits

Source: depositphotos.com

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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