5 possible causes of bruising under the eyes
Dark circles (bruises) under the eyes are a drawback that is most often fought with the help of cosmetics (correctors, salon procedures, etc.). However, according to doctors, the skin around the eyes is an indicator of many disorders in the body. Recognizing them in the early stages, finding out the causes of dark spots under the eyes, is an important task. Timely identification and elimination of the disease underlying a cosmetic (at first glance) problem will prevent unwanted health consequences.
Wrong way of life
One of the common causes of dark circles is an inappropriate lifestyle, which also leads to damage to blood vessels and sensitive skin under the eyes. The provoking factors are bad habits (smoking, alcohol intake, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, late entertainment). Both stress and insomnia can cause darkening of the skin around the eyes. Tissue hypoxia, toxin poisoning, vitamin deficiency are common prerequisites for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
In these cases, the cosmetic defect can be easily eliminated if you start adhering to a healthy lifestyle: playing sports, walking in the fresh air, increasing the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

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Anatomical structure of the facial skin
Sometimes bruising around the eyes is genetically determined. The cause of dark circles in this case is thin skin with a network of capillaries that show through it. The structural feature, as a rule, is noticeable from birth (most often - in the form of a bluish or greenish tint closer to the inner corner of the eye) and can be aggravated by allergic reactions, improper facial skin care, and prolonged exposure to the sun. Bruising is most common in people with deep-set eyes and fair skin.
It is impossible to eliminate such dark circles using traditional methods (healthy lifestyle, nutritious masks). In this case, the use of cosmetic products is most justified: concealer, whitening creams, salon procedures.

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Age features
As a person ages, the skin around the eyes dries up, and its fat layer also becomes thinner, exposing the network of blood vessels. In addition to age-related changes, the skin is weakened by exposure to sunlight and washing with soap. To prevent the appearance of circles under the eyes for these reasons, it is worth using moisturizers, nourishing masks, contrasting washes, compresses from herbal infusions.

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Dehydration and edema
Bruises under the eyes are a bright symptom of dehydration, a manifestation of the intoxication caused by it. If this is accompanied by thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, lethargy, it is required to eliminate the lack of fluid in the tissues, restoring the water balance. To do this, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water a day, giving up the usual tea and coffee.
Dark circles and swelling under the eyes caused by dilated blood vessels are evidence of fluid stagnation in the body, which can occur with smoking, excessive salt intake and some diseases of the internal organs. If bruises under the eyes are combined with swelling of the legs, varicose veins, shortness of breath, weight gain, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

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Diseases of the internal organs
Circles under the eyes are a frequent companion (and sometimes the only one for a long time) of many chronic and acute diseases of internal organs. It is especially worth paying attention to this symptom if it arose abruptly, without any reason - or, on the contrary, constantly worries, for example, every morning. Circles under the eyes are accompanied by many ailments, including life-threatening ones. These include:
- kidney disease. Accompanied by morning edema under the eyes, pressure drops, urination disorder;
- metabolic diseases. May occur with diet, fasting, anorexia. In this case, the circles are usually bluish in color;
- diseases of the pancreas. Accompanied by a change in skin type (dry or oily), the appearance of age spots, nausea, pain in the left side;
- liver disease. The yellowish-brown color of bruises is caused by intoxication of the body or fatty damage to the organ;
- diseases of blood vessels and heart. In case of violations of the endocardium and myocardium, causing blood retention in the vessels and veins, the capillaries under the skin of the eyes are more noticeable. Moreover, bruises often appear in the evening, disappearing by the morning;
- helminthiasis. Circles under the eyes are disturbing, along with recurrent pain, bloating, weakness, and stool disorders;
- infectious diseases (usually adenovirus);
- anemia. The purple color of the circles under the eyes is associated with a lack of hemoglobin, which is a carrier of oxygen to tissues and organs;
- chronic fatigue syndrome. Also accompanied by drowsiness, decreased attention, forgetfulness.

Source: depositphotos.com
If you find any symptom that accompanies the bluish color of the area around the eyes, it is recommended to see a doctor. Perhaps attentiveness and a responsible attitude to health will save you from a serious illness.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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