Bruise under the eyes

I will make a reservation right away, we will not talk about hematomas received in an unequal battle, but about dark circles under the eyes, with which, probably, everyone without exception is familiar. In fact, the best remedy for bruises under the eyes is a good rest for several days, since the main reason for their appearance is the usual lack of sleep.
However, if you need to look fresh now, and there is no time to sleep off, you can resort to simple and proven remedies for bruises under the eyes, which have helped out a single beauty.
Meet the number one remedy for bruising under the eyes - potatoes.
Firstly, you can simply cut a potato boiled in a uniform in half and put it to your eyes and lie there for 15-20 minutes.
Secondly, you can grate half a peeled raw potato on a fine grater, mix with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply the resulting gruel to the skin around the eyes for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water or tea.
Thirdly, you can mix the same grated half of a raw potato with a teaspoon of oatmeal and, adding a little raw milk, again apply to the skin around the eyes at the same time.
Fourth, as a remedy for bruising under the eyes, you can use ordinary mashed potatoes in milk. Warm puree is also applied as a mask on the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes, then washed off.
The number two remedy for bruising under the eyes is sage decoction. Brew a teaspoon of dry sage herb in half a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse. When the infusion has cooled to a pleasant temperature, use it in the form of lotions: moisten two cosmetic tampons and apply to the eyes for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. Also, sage decoction is very effective in the form of cosmetic ice. It is very simple to prepare it: you need to let the resulting infusion cool, filter it through a piece of gauze and pour it into ice molds. Then refrigerate and use as needed. By the way, as a remedy for bruises under the eyes, not only ice from sage, but also from cornflower flowers and parsley leaves is suitable.
Black eye remedy number three, the most effective. To do this, you need to take any two remedies for bruises under the eyes, or divide one into two parts, heat the first to an intensely warm state, cool the second strongly, apply alternately to the eyes, then a warm compress, then a cold one, each for one to three minutes. The general session is 10-15 minutes, and you will be as fresh as a cucumber.
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