10 doctor's statements that should alert the patient
The trust that the patient has in the doctor is an extremely important factor. Without it, healing is impossible or very difficult. Unfortunately, there are times when the doctor and the patient do not just have different characters. There is a possibility of meeting an economically committed or not quite competent doctor.

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According to Russian law, every citizen can choose both a medical institution and a doctor (a therapist or a narrow specialist) who will deal with his problems. Unfortunately, our compatriots exercise their rights in this area very rarely - partly due to the habit of “automatically” visiting doctors at the place of registration, developed over decades of life in the Soviet state, and partly due to ignorance of their rights.
Sometimes, continuing to visit a bad doctor, the patient simply does not understand that such treatment is more harmful than beneficial. As a rule, the idea to consult other specialists comes rather late, when the patient's condition has not changed for the better for a long time, or even worsens. However, it is not necessary to take matters to extremes. The professional and personal qualities of the person who is going to treat you can be recognized quickly, almost at the first conversation. Today we will acquaint our readers with those statements of doctors, which should become a reason for contacting their more competent colleagues.
You shouldn't get sick here
An experienced doctor would never say that. He perfectly understands that every human organism is unique. The same disease manifests itself differently in different people; symptoms (including pain) can vary greatly in intensity and localization. If a patient complains of pain in a non-standard place, this does not mean that he invented it, and the statement that “there is nothing to hurt there” will not make it easier for him.
Pain syndrome indicates serious malfunctions in the body, that the patient needs a thorough examination. An attempt by the doctor to ignore your complaints indicates incompetence or unwillingness to help. We need to look for another specialist.
This is a reaction to the weather
Meteorological dependence does exist, but it is not an independent disease. If the patient notes a connection between the deterioration of his health and the weather, the doctor should take this fact into account and order studies that will help to find out the real cause of the ailment. Weather changes often act as a factor that exacerbates the symptoms of the underlying disease.
This is from your age
All people get old, while no one's health improves. The patient's age cannot be a reason for refusing medical care. If the doctor claims that the cause of your ailment is exclusively "senile" changes, this is a sign of his dishonesty.
Anyone who complains of painful symptoms should receive a complete examination and adequate treatment.
Your malaise from the nerves
The list of diseases in the development of which psychological factors play an important role is quite wide. It includes bronchial asthma, some types of arterial hypertension, gastrointestinal pathologies and many others. In people suffering from psychosomatic diseases, stressful situations worsen the general condition and exacerbate pathological processes. In addition, depression, bad mood and an overly acute perception of life's troubles can weaken the body of any person and increase the likelihood of developing diseases for him.
An experienced physician usually takes into account the psychosomatic factor and prescribes appropriate treatment (including the use of sedatives). But to see the only cause of the disease in the "nerves" is unacceptable and means danger to the patient.
Regular, unprotected sex will help you
Prolonged absence of sexual intercourse contributes to the occurrence of hormonal disruptions and a general deterioration in health. However, this factor is far from being as radical as some medical professionals are inclined to believe. There are simply no ills for which daily sex would be a substitute for any adequate treatment.
The advice to engage in unprotected sex with the aim of healing or rejuvenating the body is evidence of the absolute incompetence and irresponsibility of the doctor. Unprotected contacts do not have any therapeutic effect, but they greatly increase the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
We will carry out diagnostics on a device that allows you to determine any disease
There is no diagnostic device capable of detecting any pathology, as well as a cure for all diseases. A competent doctor makes a diagnosis based on a set of laboratory and hardware studies.
Statements about the need to check on the next "magic" device, as a rule, precede the appointment of treatment with dietary supplements, dubious procedures and other expensive but ineffective methods associated with unofficial medicine.
There are several hypotheses about your condition
The patient goes to the doctor in order to use his knowledge and get expert advice. The more difficult the diagnosis, the less the patient is able to independently understand its results. Therefore, the doctor should not show the patient his doubts and talk in too much detail about all the options for the origin of the disease. Such explanations only upset and frighten the patient, reduce his degree of confidence in the specialist.
You don't need to know how you will be treated
For a long time in our country, the paternalistic principle of communication between a doctor and a patient was adopted, suggesting that informing a patient about the specifics of his illness and treatment options is harmful. This approach allowed doctors to literally decide the fate of patients without their knowledge and consent. Needless to say, this did not contribute to the maintenance of mutual trust between doctors and patients, especially in cases where the treatment for some reason was ineffective.
Today the situation has changed radically. The doctor is obliged to provide his patients with complete and reliable information regarding their state of health. If the doctor does not answer your questions and generally behaves as if you are preventing him from treating you, find another specialist.

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People related to your zodiac sign often experience similar ailments
Outside of professional duties, a doctor, like any person, can have certain religious views, be a supporter of views that are not confirmed by official science. This does not give him the right to explain the patient's condition by birth under a specific sign of the Zodiac, belonging to any confession, observance of moral and ethical standards, etc. This behavior is illiterate and unprofessional.
No less doubtful are references to the fact that the disease is caused by "acidification", "alkalization" or "slagging" of the body. Terms of this kind are used by charlatans, science does not confirm these phenomena.
I recommend that you buy medicines in this particular pharmacy
According to Russian laws, the doctor prescribes not the drug, but the active substance and recommends the mode of its administration (dosage, frequency, etc.), guided by the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient's condition. The doctor does not have the right to insist on the use of a drug of a certain trade name, especially on the purchase at a specific point in the pharmacy chain. The principles of professional ethics do not allow a physician to be economically engaged and act in the best interests of any manufacturer or seller of medicines and health services.
When talking to a doctor for the first time, the patient should be very careful. This is not easy for the patient - he already experiences unpleasant sensations and anxiety. However, it is worth focusing and trying to assess how professional the doctor is. If he does not inspire complete confidence in you, do not hesitate, contact another specialist. This will help avoid complications and increase the likelihood of your cure.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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