The need for timely diagnosis and examination
Today medicine has stepped forward and continues to develop. In particular, early diagnosis of diseases has become available. This is especially true for modern people, whose bodies are constantly affected by bad ecology, stress and much more. Doctors recommend undergoing medical examination once a year. This will be quite enough to detect this or that disease at its early stage and immediately begin treatment. In addition, if any symptoms appear, you should also immediately seek help from specialists. This will avoid the further development of the disease, the occurrence of complications.
One of the most popular types of modern examinations is complex diagnostics. Within its framework, you can get advice from a large number of doctors: from therapist to narrow specialists. In addition, there is an opportunity to pass all the necessary tests. The most popular and informative today are:
- biochemical (allow you to identify current diseases of many organs and systems);
- cytological (study of the structure of cells of organs and tissues for atypia);
- PCR diagnostics (allows you to detect the presence of a virus or bacteria DNA in the patient's body);
- immunological (aimed at determining specific antibodies in blood plasma);
- bacteriological (detect the presence of pathogenic microorganisms).
Together, all of the above studies allow the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment. You can pass these and many other tests in the Echinacea clinic, whose laboratory is equipped with modern and accurate equipment, which, in addition to analyzes, allows you to carry out all the necessary hardware diagnostics. Any necessary procedures can be performed in the clinic without wasting time on trips to separate commercial laboratories.
The clinic has been working in the medical field for 21 years and has an impeccable reputation. All medical personnel are highly qualified, all doctors are recognized professionals in their field. Entrust the care of your health to a clinic that cares not only about the professionalism of its staff, but also about quality service.

Who needs diagnosis first?
Of course, every modern person should take care of his health. Early diagnosis, prevention and timely treatment of diseases allow you to remain active, able to work and live a full life. But it is worth mentioning separately about people who must undergo a systematic examination. These include persons:
- old age;
- planning a pregnancy;
- with the presence of chronic diseases;
- working in hazardous industries with difficult working conditions;
- with other risk factors (stress, overweight, predisposition to one pathology or another, bad habits, and so on).
What diagnostic programs are there?
Today, each patient, as part of an annual examination, can, together with a doctor, choose the program that suits him best. So, if a person has a genetic predisposition to a particular disease, this is what should be emphasized in the framework of diagnostics. This is also possible if any serious illness has been previously transferred. In this situation, close attention should be paid to the affected organ or system.
If we talk about specific programs for early diagnosis, today the most significant and widespread is a comprehensive examination of women's health. Within its framework, representatives of the fair sex over 35 years old are invited to undergo an examination by a mammologist. If the doctor has any suspicions, he refers the patient to an ultrasound scan of the mammary glands or mammography. A biopsy may then be ordered. In addition to examining the breast, the condition of the uterus, appendages is studied, colposcopy is performed, the necessary tests and smears are taken. The complex of such measures allows doctors to assess the state of a woman's health and prescribe the correct therapy, if necessary. Such a program is recognized as extremely effective for the prevention of cancer.
For men over 40, another comprehensive examination is recommended. It includes a visit to a urologist and a blood test for a specific prostatic antigen. The study is carried out quickly enough and allows you to get the most accurate results. Thus, effective prevention of adenoma and prostate cancer, which today is one of the four most common oncological diseases, is carried out.
As for persons of both sexes, experts recommend that people who have sex should be tested for STDs once a year. These pathologies are usually asymptomatic, but develop into chronic diseases, the treatment of which is extremely difficult.
Thus, the need for timely diagnosis of various diseases today does not raise doubts either among doctors or among patients themselves. In our clinic, you can undergo examination and hardware diagnostics of the whole organism from qualified specialists, pass any tests. You have access to doctors of the narrowest areas, who know their business perfectly. It is worth noting that both adults and children can be diagnosed.

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