Health Promotion Means

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Health Promotion Means
Health Promotion Means

Video: Health Promotion Means

Video: Health Promotion Means
Video: An Introduction to Health Promotion and the Ottawa charter 2024, October

Health Promotion Means

Systematic hardening as a means of promoting health
Systematic hardening as a means of promoting health

Health promotion tools are methods of achieving complete physical well-being of a person, one of the signs of which is the ability to easily adapt to changing environmental conditions. Physical education and hardening are the main ways to normalize health and strengthen immunity. The fundamental principles of wellness procedures are their regularity and a gradual increase in intensity. The best result is achieved by combining several types of training.

Hardening as a means of promoting health

Hardening as a means of strengthening health is a set of measures aimed at improving internal thermoregulation.

Aerotherapy is a dosed effect of air on a naked body. Air currents cool the skin receptors, increase the cold sensitivity threshold and speed up the metabolism. You need to start hardening in the summer, best of all - before breakfast and at an air temperature no higher than 15-20 ° C. The duration of the procedure is determined individually, but it is recommended to gradually increase its time from half an hour to two hours a day.

If it is not possible to take air baths outside, then you can accustom the body to cooling at home, for example, stand by open windows or gradually reduce the room temperature using an air conditioner. For good results, it is worth stripping completely or leaving as little clothing as possible, such as a swimsuit. In order not to get cold, it is enough to do a few physical exercises from time to time.

Heliotherapy is a health promotion that works through the invisible spectrum of sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation has bactericidal properties, under its influence vitamin D and melanin are formed in the skin and a tan appears. Infrared rays prevent blood clots from forming, which lowers the risk of stroke or heart attack.

This type of recovery requires caution, as prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to heat stroke and burns. The first sunbathing should be taken in cloudy weather or in the shade, since scattered and reflected rays are less dangerous. The recommended time for hardening is early morning and evening. Subsequently, you can sunbathe in the open sun, increasing the duration from ten minutes to two hours.

In order for the radiation not to have a harmful effect, it is necessary to take a break every half hour and spend a few minutes in the shade. It is advisable to sunbathe in a headdress and sunglasses.

Aquatherapy is the most effective means of improving health. It activates the immune and endocrine systems, stimulates metabolic processes, and also prevents colds. Hardening begins with wiping. Rub the neck, arms, chest and back with a damp towel for no longer than five minutes. Initially, the water should be no warmer than 34 ° C, but every few days you need to lower its temperature by 1 ° C.

After a month, you can proceed to douche, gradually cooling the water from 30 ° C to 15 ° C, which will prepare the body for a contrast shower. The cold and hot jets are quickly alternated several times within a minute and day by day the time is increased to ten minutes. This procedure has contraindications (cardiovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes and others), therefore, it requires permission from the attending physician.

Swimming in open water is one of the most beneficial ways to improve your health, as the air and the sun's rays have an additional beneficial effect. The first three days you can swim for no longer than a few minutes, then gradually you need to bring the duration to half an hour. The lower the water temperature, the more active the movements should be in order to prevent hypothermia.

Extreme training, such as rubbing with snow or winter swimming, becomes possible only after many years of systematic hardening.

Running for health promotion

Running as a means of health promotion is the simplest and most accessible form of physical exercise that does not require special premises and equipment. At the same time, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are strengthened, in particular - the blood is saturated with oxygen, the elasticity of the blood vessels increases, and the mass and size of the heart also increases. It is also a great way to lose weight, as calories are burned both during and after running.

Determination of the pace and duration of jogging is carried out taking into account the current state of health. You should definitely consult with your doctor and find out if the heart is able to cope with prolonged moderate stress. In addition, you can not run with spinal injuries, heart defects and varicose veins.

Fitness and running for health promotion
Fitness and running for health promotion

For such a means of promoting health as running, the choice of sports equipment, first of all, shoes, is of great importance. The load on the legs and the degree of muscle fatigue depend on its convenience. You can calculate the intensity of the first sessions by running a short distance at a low speed.

As soon as it became difficult to breathe, you need to stop and fix the time of continuous running, then divide the resulting number of minutes in half and round down. This will be the starting time for regular sessions for the first two weeks. If less than a minute has passed before the onset of shortness of breath, then you need to start classes with walking.

Exercise and hardening of the body are the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Rational nutrition and the absence of bad habits significantly increase the effectiveness of these health promotion tools.

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