Diet Of Osama Hamdiy - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet Of Osama Hamdiy - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Diet Of Osama Hamdiy - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Osama Hamdiy's diet

Initially, the diet of Osama Hamdiy was developed for patients with diabetes mellitus in need of significant weight loss, its author is a professor, doctor of medicine, a well-known nutritionist in the United States.

The diet refers to protein, it is also called egg (eggs - the main product of the diet) or chemical (it works by changing the chemical processes in the body). Losing weight is not due to a decrease in the calorie content of the diet, but due to an increase in the proportion of protein in the diet while reducing the proportion of carbohydrates. Usually, the body receives the bulk of its energy from carbohydrates. In the case of their deficiency, he is forced to obtain energy from fat, which leads to the consumption of accumulated fat deposits.

There are references to Osama Hamdiy's cottage cheese diet, which is identical to the egg diet, only cottage cheese is used instead of eggs. This diet is recommended for those who cannot tolerate eggs. However, unlike the egg diet in question, Osama Hamdiy's authorship of the curd diet has not been confirmed.

When dieting Osama Hamdiy, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • if the menu does not indicate the exact amount of food, you can eat until satiety, but you cannot overeat;
  • vegetables are cooked without adding salt and oil;
  • you should drink about 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day;
  • it is forbidden to change the time of meals, the number and composition of dishes that are indicated in the menu, add to the diet or remove products from it;
  • the intervals between the main meals should be at least two hours, you need to have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime;
  • with a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat a few tomatoes or cucumbers, but not earlier than two hours after the previous meal;
  • if for any reason it was necessary to interrupt the diet, it is not continued, but started again, from the first day.

It is recommended that you monitor your weight loss by weighing yourself daily after your morning toilet. For this, it is better to use electronic scales, they are more accurate.

The diet should be accompanied by regular but moderate physical activity.

If the restrictions are well tolerated and there is a need for further weight loss, you can extend the diet for another four weeks. In this case, in the first and second week, the menu of the first week is used, in the third and fourth weeks - the menu of the fourth.

Osama Hamdiy's diet is a popular egg diet developed by a doctor for diabetics
Osama Hamdiy's diet is a popular egg diet developed by a doctor for diabetics


Benefits of the Osama Hamdiy diet

Osama Hamdiy's diet is highly effective, it allows you to get rid of significant excess weight. It is believed that with the help of the diet of Osama Hamdiy, you can lose up to 30 kg within a month. However, experts deny the possibility of such a dramatic weight loss. If this were real, the damage to the body would be enormous, there would be no need to talk about the health benefits. The real numbers of weight loss with an egg diet are 10-12 kg per month.

Due to the predominance of protein foods in the diet, there is no loss of muscle mass, which prevents the appearance of sagging muscles and severe sagging of the skin.

The diet is suitable for patients with pre-diabetic conditions and diabetes mellitus.

Disadvantages and contraindications of Osama Hamdiy's diet

The main disadvantage of the Osama Hamdiy diet is the need to strictly follow the rules, and in case of any deviation, the diet must be started from the beginning.

The choice of products is largely limited, so often (especially at the beginning) there is a strong feeling of hunger, which is fraught with a breakdown.

The diet is contraindicated in diseases of the biliary tract and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, as well as allergies to eggs and citrus fruits.

For any chronic illness, a doctor's consultation is required before starting a diet.

What foods are allowed?

  • Eggs.
  • Lean meat, chicken (skinless).
  • A fish.
  • Low-fat cheese, feta cheese, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables (except potatoes).
  • Fruits and berries (except prohibited ones).
  • Wholegrain or rye toast bread.

Salt, pepper, garlic and onions are allowed as seasonings, but do not overuse them.

From drinks allowed pure (not mineral, not carbonated) water, herbal infusions, tea and coffee in moderation.

What foods are prohibited?

Sugar, baked goods, fatty, fried foods are prohibited. Potatoes, bananas, grapes, figs, dates, mangoes are excluded.

Osama Hamdiy diet menu

Breakfast in the first two weeks of Osama Hamdiy's diet is the same: one or two boiled eggs and half an orange or grapefruit.

First week menu:

First day

Lunch: fruits.

Dinner: grilled chicken or beef.

Second day

Lunch: chicken meat, tomato, small orange.

Dinner: two eggs, fresh vegetable salad, rye toast, orange.

The third day

Lunch: cheese, rye toast, small tomato.

Dinner: grilled chicken or beef.

Fourth day

Lunch: fruits.

Dinner: meat, fresh vegetable salad.

The fifth day

Lunch: eggs, boiled vegetables (carrots, zucchini, green peas).

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad.

Sixth day

Lunch: fruits.

Dinner: meat, fresh vegetable salad.

Seventh day

Lunch: chicken, fresh vegetables, orange.

Dinner: boiled vegetables.

Second week menu:

From the first to the third day

Lunch: beef or chicken, fresh vegetable salad.

Dinner: one or two boiled eggs, half an orange or grapefruit.

Fourth day

Lunch: boiled eggs, hard cheese, vegetables.

Dinner: boiled eggs.

The fifth day

Lunch: sea fish, boiled or grilled.

Dinner: boiled eggs.

Sixth day

Lunch: meat, tomato, orange or grapefruit.

Dinner: fruit salad of peach, orange, melon and tangerine.

Seventh day

Lunch: beef or chicken.

Dinner: beef with boiled vegetables, tomato, orange.

Menu of the third week (these products are consumed during the day):

First and second days Fruit. The third day Vegetables, raw or steamed. Fourth day Fish, cabbage salad, vegetables. The fifth day Meat and vegetables. Sixth and seventh days Fruit.

Menu of the fourth week (these products are consumed throughout the day in any sequence and in any combination):

First day Half boiled chicken, 4 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers, canned tuna (in its own juice), grapefruit or orange. Second day 200 g boiled chicken, 2 whole grain toast, 4 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers, orange, melon, peach or pear. The third day A spoonful of cottage cheese, a portion of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers, grapefruit. Fourth day Half boiled chicken, cucumber, 3 tomatoes, fruits of the same type. The fifth day 2 boiled eggs, lettuce, 3 tomatoes, orange. Sixth day Boiled chicken breast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, whole grain toast, yogurt, grapefruit. Seventh day 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, canned tuna (in its own juice), boiled vegetables, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, orange.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. Do not neglect physical activity, it helps to maintain metabolism at the required level and maintain muscle tone. Swimming, yoga, aqua aerobics, Pilates are optimal.

Tip 2. Boiling can be replaced by steaming, grilling or baking in the oven.

Tip 3. Instead of canned tuna, you can use any other fish in boiled, baked or steamed form, as well as canned food in its own juice (without adding oil).

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 4 weeks

3.5 out of 5

The popular egg diet developed by Dr. Osama Hamdiy for diabetics in need of significant weight loss. It is very effective for losing weight, but requires discipline.

Recommended frequency: once a year Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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