
Sactosalpinx is a pathological disease of the fallopian tubes of an inflammatory nature, provoking a violation of their patency due to the accumulation of serous fluid in the hollow formation of the tube.
The fallopian tubes (salpinx) are a paired organ, cylindrical canals, the lateral ends of which open into the abdominal cavity, and the medial ends break off into the uterus. The pipe on average reaches 10 - 12 cm in length and 0.4 - 0.6 cm in width. The right and left fallopian tubes may differ in size. The main function of the fallopian tubes is to move the egg into the uterus.
The fallopian tubes are covered with a serous membrane, under which there is a sub-serous base, represented by loose connective tissue. The muscular layer of the tube, which lies under the connective tissue, consists of three layers of smooth fibers:
- Thin longitudinal outer layer;
- Medium circular, thicker layer;
- Inner longitudinal layer.
The muscular membrane of the tube provides its peristalsis, which facilitates the movement of the egg. Under the muscular membrane of the fallopian tubes lies a mucous membrane that forms folds, covered with a single-layer prismatic and ciliated epithelium, flickering in the direction of the medial end of the tube, thereby promoting the advancement of the egg into the uterine cavity. It is in the canals of the fallopian tubes that the fertilization of the egg takes place.
Sactosalpinx is a hollow, rounded formation of elastic consistency in the fallopian tube, accumulating serous fluid and making it difficult for the egg to move into the uterus. If the exudate of its own secretion accumulates in the hollow formation of the pipe, then we are talking about sactosalpinx. When pus accumulates in the formed cavity, pyosalpinx is diagnosed. Sactosalpinx formation can be observed both on one side and in both fallopian tubes. In some cases, a valve sactosalpinx develops, in which formations under the pressure of the accumulated fluid from time to time break through and pour out into the uterine cavity. After a while, sactosalpinx is formed again.
Sactosalpinx: symptoms of pathology
With the development of sactosalpinx, the symptoms may be as follows:
- Abundant watery discharge from the genital tract (with a valve type of formation);
- Sharp cramping pains;
- Menstrual irregularities;
- Dysmenorrhea;
- Inflammatory processes of the ovaries;
- Drawing pains;
- Ectopic pregnancies;
- Increased body temperature;
- Infertility.
However, not all women suffering from sactosalpinx, the symptoms of which are identical to the usual inflammation of the fallopian tubes, note menstrual irregularities, uncharacteristic pain and changes in discharge. In most cases, saktosalpinx is diagnosed during examination to identify the causes of infertility or with an ectopic pregnancy.
The clinical picture in sactosalpinx depends on the severity of the pathology and the inflammatory process, as well as on the age of the disease and the associated processes in the uterus and appendages.
Allocate simple (the formation of one cavity) and follicular (the formation of several cavities in one tube) sactosalpinx. According to the form of the course, acute (active) saktosalpinx and chronic (sluggish) are distinguished. With different forms of sactosalpinx, the symptoms will be different.
Sactosalpinx: causes of pathology
The main reasons for the formation of sactosalpinx include inflammatory processes of the fallopian tubes, as well as the previous adhesion process. With a diagnosed sactosalpinx, the reasons for its development may be:
- Genital tract infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea);
- Adhesions of pipes after surgical manipulation;
- Adnexitis;
- Endometriosis;
- Salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis.

Also, with chronic sactosalpinx, the causes can be frequent inflammatory processes of the genital tract, proceeding without appropriate treatment.
Saktosalpinx: risks and complications of the disease
Sactosalpinx causes a malfunction of the fallopian tubes. With inflammation, an overgrowth of connective tissue occurs, affecting to one degree or another all layers of the fallopian tube, disrupting the functions of muscle fibers and ciliated ciliated epithelium. The growing adhesions in the lumen of the tube disrupt its patency, making it difficult for the egg and sperm to move. If the egg is fertilized, but due to the immobility of the ciliated epithelium, it does not move into the uterine cavity, the implantation of the ovum occurs directly in the fallopian tube, which leads to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. In chronic forms of saktosalpinx, they speak of tubal infertility.
Sactosalpinx and pregnancy: the chances of a successful conception
Sactosalpinx and pregnancy are one of the most serious problems facing modern medicine. Sactosalpinx increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. The chance of successful conception and implantation of the ovum in the uterine cavity is significantly reduced (up to 5%). The inflamed fallopian tube with sactosalpinx is a source of chronic infections. In most cases, with chronic forms of the disease, a decision is made to remove the fallopian tube. In the absence of fallopian tubes, pregnancy is possible only after IVF. With various forms of sactosalpinx and pregnancy, a woman should constantly be under medical supervision.
Sactosalpinx diagnostics, pathology treatment
The following methods are used to diagnose Sactosalpinx:
- Gynecological examination, in which an elastic, painless (slightly painful) formation is palpated between the uterus and the ovary;
- Ultrasound screening;
- Hysterosalpingography - X-ray examination.
Another method for diagnosing saktosalpinx is laparoscopic surgery, during which it is possible not only to diagnose sactosalpinx, but also to remove this formation at a time.
With sactosalpinx, treatment can be conservative and radical. In any form of sactosalpinx, treatment should be aimed both at eliminating the inflammatory process that contributes to the formation of adhesions and scars in the fallopian tubes, and at eliminating the symptoms caused by the formation in the tube. With the early diagnosis of Sactosalpinx, conservative treatment has a favorable prognosis. In chronic forms of the disease, radical treatment methods are used.
The most preferred method of surgical treatment for sactosalpinx is laparoscopy. Such an endoscopic operation makes it possible to assess the likelihood of restoring the functionality of the fallopian tube, to separate adhesions both around and inside the tube itself.
However, this manipulation does not guarantee complete restoration of the functionality of the fallopian tube. Even with the restoration of the patency of the tube, the ciliated ciliated epithelium remains inactive, and muscle tissue does not contract enough to move the egg into the uterine cavity.
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