Health Articles 2024, May

8 Unhealthy Ways To Drink Tea

8 Unhealthy Ways To Drink Tea

Tea can lose its positive properties and even harm the health of a person who is not familiar with the rules of its use. Our article focuses on common mistakes that are made when brewing and drinking tea

Energy Saving Lamps: 4 Facts About Possible Health Risks

Energy Saving Lamps: 4 Facts About Possible Health Risks

Energy saving lamps are one of the most popular products of innovative technologies, and this is not surprising: they are much more economical and more durable than the usual incandescent lamps. At the same time, there are concerns that energy-saving light bulbs may cause health problems. Unfortunately, some of these opinions have real grounds

Pine Cones Treatment: 4 Folk Recipes

Pine Cones Treatment: 4 Folk Recipes

Pine is one of the most common plants in our forests. Its needles and resin, not without reason called "resin", have been used since ancient times to strengthen the body's defenses, treat avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years, traditional medicines made from pine cones have gained wide popularity

Oral Hygiene - A Necessity Or A Conspiracy Of Marketers?

Oral Hygiene - A Necessity Or A Conspiracy Of Marketers?

Each of us has heard stories about people who never brushed their teeth and did not have any problems. So, most likely, these people either did not know about their diseases, because they did not visit dentists, or they lied (for some reason, no one is considering this option)

Benefits And Harms Of Donating Blood: 12 Misconceptions About Donation

Benefits And Harms Of Donating Blood: 12 Misconceptions About Donation

Donated blood transfusion has almost a century of history. Despite the fact that this procedure is quite familiar to many people, the process of donating blood itself is still surrounded by numerous myths. Today we set out to debunk the most common of them

12 Popular Myths About Helminthiasis

12 Popular Myths About Helminthiasis

Helminthiasis is one of the most common diseases. For many, the presence of worms is strongly associated with childhood or a marginal lifestyle. Unfortunately, this is not so: everyone can get sick with helminthiasis. Therefore, it is extremely important to dispel the most tenacious and dangerous misconceptions associated with pathologies of this kind

8 Basic Mistakes Aspiring Gym Goers

8 Basic Mistakes Aspiring Gym Goers

Modern townspeople suffer from physical inactivity. They begin to play sports to raise their tone, improve body parameters, normalize sleep and appetite. The easiest way to organize a regular workout is by going to the gym. This makes it possible to work on a variety of simulators, use the advice of experienced consultants, and the purchase of a subscription itself serves as a motivation to continue training

5 Medical Theories That Have Caused Trouble For Humanity

5 Medical Theories That Have Caused Trouble For Humanity

Scientists have always sought to provide fundamental explanations for medical problems. Their theories formed the basis of modern methods of treating the most severe pathologies and helped to save many lives. However, history also knows such theoretical constructions, the adherence to which has brought misfortune and torment to mankind, ruined the fate and health of many people

10 Myths About Sexually Transmitted Infections

10 Myths About Sexually Transmitted Infections

There are about 30 known sexually transmitted diseases. The wide spread of these ailments is greatly facilitated by an ambivalent attitude towards them: on the one hand, most people know very little about "shameful" diseases, and they do not seek to obtain detailed and reliable information. On the other hand, there are misconceptions about STIs that instill unreasonable confidence that troubles of this kind cannot cause serious harm to health

8 Unusual Symptoms Of Severe Ailments

8 Unusual Symptoms Of Severe Ailments

The words "disease" and "sick" do not come from the same root - "pain". As a rule, the symptoms of ailments seriously spoil the life of patients. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some diseases manifest themselves with symptoms that can even cause positive emotions. The only pity is that most of these ailments are severe and incurable

10 Little-known Facts About Babies

10 Little-known Facts About Babies

The baby, recently born, is surrounded by the love of adult family members and their concerns, without which the baby cannot exist. Some parents believe that tender affection and affection is enough for a child to develop correctly and be happy, but this is not so. Only "seeing" love will provide the little man with what he needs

Healing Product, Or 8 Reasons To Love Oatmeal

Healing Product, Or 8 Reasons To Love Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a product whose regular use not only helps a person maintain strength and beauty for a long time. Oatmeal has a special effect on the body, protecting it from serious health problems

7 Pathologies For Which Carrots Will Help

7 Pathologies For Which Carrots Will Help

Carrots have long been used as a healing agent that relieves a variety of diseases. Official medicine became interested in this plant relatively recently and has already managed to pay tribute to its amazing properties

11 Main Causes Of Leg Swelling

11 Main Causes Of Leg Swelling

Many people are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling of the legs. Most often, the problem quickly disappears by itself, it is enough just to give the legs a rest for a few hours. It is much worse when edema occurs regularly, accompanied by pain, discoloration of the skin and other alarming symptoms. This could be a sign of one of the diseases that we will talk about

4 Hidden Oral Problems

4 Hidden Oral Problems

Most of us face dental problems from time to time. This situation is very unpleasant: if you do not go to the dentist in time, severe pain and inflammation are guaranteed. However, there are other oral pathologies that are less noticeable than decayed teeth. Such diseases also pose serious problems and can significantly reduce the quality of life

5 Misconceptions About Pancreatitis

5 Misconceptions About Pancreatitis

Only a few modern townspeople do not experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract

10 Healing Novelties In Domestic Gardens

10 Healing Novelties In Domestic Gardens

Treatment of diseases and strengthening the body's defenses with the help of medicinal plants is one of the most ancient and effective areas of medicine. Most of the medicinal herbs sold in pharmacies are not wild plants. As a rule, they are grown in specialized farms. This is not only profitable economically, but also justified from the point of view of safety: there are not so many ecologically clean places left on Earth where you can collect wild-growing gifts of nature

7 Health Benefits Of Orange Peel

7 Health Benefits Of Orange Peel

Oranges have long ceased to be exotic for us. They are sold all year round, are easy to store, affordable, and very useful. And oranges are also a wonderful dessert. Orange pulp is included in salads and sauces. Orange juice is a favorite drink of many Russians. But orange peel is much less in demand. Today we will tell you why you should not rush to throw away orange skins and what benefits they can bring to your health

Anorexia And Bulimia: 9 Myths About Eating Disorders

Anorexia And Bulimia: 9 Myths About Eating Disorders

Bulimia and anorexia, these are severe eating disorders, cause death of patients much more often than all other nervous disorders combined. Each patient with anorexia and bulimia needs the help of a qualified psychotherapist, since it is almost impossible to overcome the developed pathology on your own

10 Causes Of Exacerbation Of Hemorrhoids

10 Causes Of Exacerbation Of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an extremely common condition. Recurrent inflammation and bleeding of hemorrhoids cause serious discomfort to nearly fifteen percent of adults. Meanwhile, having a clear understanding of the causes of the exacerbation of the disease and observing the precautionary rules, it is possible to significantly reduce the severity of discomfort and reduce the progression of the disease

5 Myths About Bio-labeled Products

5 Myths About Bio-labeled Products

A modern person does not always manage to find housing in an ecologically clean region and work that would not harm health. At first glance, the situation with food is much better: stores are overflowing with goods that are positioned by manufacturers as very healthy and completely safe. Many Russians are absolutely convinced that choosing products labeled “bio”, “eco” or “organic” guarantees them and their family members an optimal diet. Unfortunately this

Why Handwriting Is Useful: 4 Reasons

Why Handwriting Is Useful: 4 Reasons

We cannot imagine our life without electronic devices. Gadgets have become not only helpers at work and at home, but also a powerful means of communication. With their help, you can communicate with remote interlocutors, expand the network of contacts with people who have similar interests, and more actively do what you love

Improving Skin Condition: 8 Quail Egg Masks

Improving Skin Condition: 8 Quail Egg Masks

Quail eggs are one of the most useful dietary products that have practically no contraindications. They are recommended to be included in the diet of the elderly, children, as well as patients suffering from severe ailments. Unlike other eggs, quail eggs are completely safe: they do not need to be cooked, since they are not infected with salmonella

How To Increase The Immunity Of A Child?

How To Increase The Immunity Of A Child?

The role of immunity in the growth of a child is invaluable. Proteins-immunoglobulins produced by the immune system protect the child from diseases that can serve as a stress factor, cause many complications and delays in the development of the baby. If the immune system is weakened, the child's health is in direct danger and needs active actions to strengthen the body's defenses - preferably non-drug

Iodine Mesh Treatment: 5 Problems That Can Be Solved

Iodine Mesh Treatment: 5 Problems That Can Be Solved

Alcohol tincture of iodine is one of the most effective and affordable antiseptic agents. However, not everyone knows that this pharmaceutical preparation can be used not only for disinfecting the skin with cuts and scratches. Simple lines (called a grid) drawn on the body with an iodine solution help relieve a range of ailments due to the dual action that iodine has on the body

What Ailments Lie In Wait For A Computer User?

What Ailments Lie In Wait For A Computer User?

The convenience and efficiency of personal computers are undeniable, but people who work with them on a daily basis should also be aware of the health risks that computers can pose

8 Interesting Facts About Testosterone

8 Interesting Facts About Testosterone

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, an androgen, the main amount of which is produced by special cells located in the seminal glands. It plays an important role in the growth of the musculoskeletal system, the development and functioning of the male reproductive system. During adulthood, he is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in boys

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: 10 Signs

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: 10 Signs

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects 1% to 3% of people. The predisposition to the disease is largely determined by hereditary factors, but in young children, symptoms are practically not manifested. Most OCD is diagnosed first between the ages of 10 and 30

7 Ways To Activate The Body's Hidden Reserves

7 Ways To Activate The Body's Hidden Reserves

The increasing pace and complexity of modern life requires us to be highly resistant to stress and the ability to quickly restore the nervous system. Without such qualities, a person simply cannot be successful in a constantly changing world. Failure to use the hidden capabilities of the body in time inevitably leads to a deterioration in health, premature aging and a decrease in the quality of life

What Perfumes And Cosmetics Can Be Dangerous?

What Perfumes And Cosmetics Can Be Dangerous?

Every woman has her own preferences in the use of those products that help us look good, feel young and effective. It can be very upsetting when the purchased perfumery and cosmetic products not only do not meet our expectations, but also cause health problems

10 Symptoms Of Burnout

10 Symptoms Of Burnout

Burnout syndrome (EBS) is a negative reaction of the body to prolonged stress associated with the performance of professional duties. It often occurs among managers or employees in responsible positions, but they are not the only ones at risk. CMEA can also develop in a person, due to professional responsibilities, dealing with the troubles of other people (doctors, social workers, etc.)

6 Tips On How To Fight Properly

6 Tips On How To Fight Properly

A person lives in society. Each of us is constantly or from time to time surrounded by other people, forced to contact them, to face other people's opinions and unpredictable reactions to some words and actions. In this case, conflicts of interest are inevitable, which means that disputes and quarrels are inevitable

10 Myths About The Common Cold

10 Myths About The Common Cold

Everyone is familiar with the common cold, and almost everyone believes that they have sufficient knowledge and experience to properly treat it. In fact, most people make mistakes when trying to get rid of rhinitis, and share numerous misconceptions about it

Horseradish Treatment: 5 Homemade Remedies

Horseradish Treatment: 5 Homemade Remedies

Horseradish is one of the most common garden plants. It is unpretentious and requires almost no maintenance. In many garden plots, horseradish, like a weed, grows exorbitantly and causes a lot of trouble for the owners. All parts of the plant are used for culinary purposes: hot seasonings are made from the root, the leaves are added to homemade canned food, meat and fish are baked in them

Hormonal Disruption In A Woman: 7 Signs

Hormonal Disruption In A Woman: 7 Signs

Changes in lifestyle (for example, diet), emotional stress, infectious diseases, and taking certain medications can be the cause of hormonal disruption. In order to be able to consult a doctor on time and minimize the malfunctions arising in the body, hormonal disruptions must be monitored

5 Fears Of Future Women In Labor

5 Fears Of Future Women In Labor

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. At this time, changes in the hormonal background take place, which not only affect the work of all organs and systems of the body, but also cause new, unusual emotions. By the time of childbirth, many expectant mothers experience anxiety. Let's talk about the fears that most often worry women on the eve of childbirth

Art Therapy: Music That Heals

Art Therapy: Music That Heals

Music therapy is a method of treatment that has caused and is causing a lot of controversy regarding its effectiveness. However, the facts are unforgiving: in the course of numerous studies, the healing effects of music on the body have been scientifically confirmed. Since then, in a number of countries, the technique has been included in the complex therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, pain in the back and spine, psychosomatic disorders and many

9 Tips For A Man Who Dreams Of Healthy Offspring

9 Tips For A Man Who Dreams Of Healthy Offspring

The likelihood of conception is directly related to the quality of sperm that a man's body produces. This means that the father-to-be must take care of his health. In the period preceding conception, it is important to be especially careful and try to follow the advice that we offer to the attention of readers

5 Tips On How To Protect Yourself From Thrush

5 Tips On How To Protect Yourself From Thrush

Such a nuisance as an attack of thrush happened to almost every woman at least once in her life. The widespread prevalence of the disease is explained by the fact that the causative agent of the disease belongs to the so-called conditionally pathogenic microflora that lives on the mucous membranes of any human body and is activated only under favorable conditions

12 Misconceptions About Gray Hair

12 Misconceptions About Gray Hair

Sooner or later, everyone's hair turns gray. Many people try to hide these changes by restoring their natural hair color with dyeing, or by radically changing it in order to create a completely new look. Everyone knows that gray hair is a sign of approaching old age, which means that you need to get rid of it