9 Tips For A Man Who Dreams Of Healthy Offspring

9 Tips For A Man Who Dreams Of Healthy Offspring
9 Tips For A Man Who Dreams Of Healthy Offspring

9 tips for a man who dreams of healthy offspring

It's no secret that newborns are not always healthy enough. For centuries, women were solely responsible for the birth of weakened or sick babies. It was believed that not only the success of bearing, but also the presence of pathologies in the baby depends on the state of the mother's body.

How does a man's health affect his future offspring?
How does a man's health affect his future offspring?

Source: depositphotos.com

Modern science looks at such questions differently. Experts believe that the health of a newborn is largely dependent on half of the genetic information that he gets from his father. In addition, the likelihood of conception is directly related to the quality of sperm that a man's body produces. This means that the father-to-be must monitor his health. In the period preceding conception, it is important to be especially careful and try to follow the advice that we offer to the readers' attention.

Avoid overheating the body

Overheating of the body negatively affects the quality of sperm, reduces the number of healthy and mobile germ cells. A few months before the alleged conception, a man should give up going to the bathhouse or sauna, staying on the beach for a long time, and even from heating the car seat.

In addition, it is important to take care of strengthening the immune system: infection with influenza or ARVI with a strong increase in body temperature can also be dangerous for the reproductive system. It has been established that the probability of conception is significantly reduced not only during illness, but also within 2-3 months after recovery.

Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: avoid overheating the body
Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: avoid overheating the body

Source: depositphotos.com

Keep track of your weight

About half of cases of male infertility occur in obese men. Excess weight negatively affects sperm quantity and quality. There is evidence that fatty deposits on the abdomen can create an elevated temperature in the scrotum, which reduces sperm production.

An excess of adipose tissue in the body promotes the production of female hormones - estrogens - and has a depressing effect on testosterone production. That is why erectile dysfunction is often observed in fat people, which is especially characteristic of the owners of the so-called beer tummies. For a successful conception, a man's weight must correspond to a normal body mass index.

Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: watch your weight
Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: watch your weight

Source: depositphotos.com

Avoid foods containing trans fats

Correct lipid metabolism is important for maintaining the normal state of cell membranes, including the membranes of germ cells. Trans fats entering the body injure cell membranes, disrupting their structure. This is bad for health in general and for sperm quality in particular.

Equally important is the fact that consuming trans fats has a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, blood flow in peripheral vessels worsens, which may be the reason for a decrease in potency.

It is advisable for the father-to-be to stop eating foods rich in trans fats: fast food, purchased confectionery and pastries, spreads and margarines, canned food, etc.

Advice for a man who dreams of healthy offspring: Avoid foods containing trans fats
Advice for a man who dreams of healthy offspring: Avoid foods containing trans fats

Source: depositphotos.com

Minimize your caffeine intake

Experts believe that when caffeine enters the body, the number of active sperm in the ejaculate decreases. To ensure quick conception and preserve the health of the future baby, a man should limit the consumption of coffee and strong tea, and also completely abandon cola.

Tip for a man dreaming of healthy offspring: minimize your caffeine intake
Tip for a man dreaming of healthy offspring: minimize your caffeine intake

Source: depositphotos.com

Enrich your diet with vitamins

To optimize the male reproductive system, a variety of vitamins and minerals are required. It is especially important to get folic acid, vitamin E, selenium and zinc compounds.

There are pharmaceutical preparations containing balanced mixtures of these components and advertised by manufacturers as products intended specifically for future fathers. Despite the fact that such complexes are not drugs, their use must be agreed with a doctor. It is worth taking into account the fact that vitamins and microelements in food are absorbed better and work more efficiently than the same substances of artificial origin included in the composition of pharmaceutical preparations.

The modern concept of saturating the body with biologically active substances is based on the statement that a person who does not have serious health problems has a sufficiently balanced diet, and ready-made vitamin and mineral complexes are useless for him (in the worst case, they are harmful). A few months before conception, the future father should increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables in his diet: this will solve the problem of vitaminizing the body.

Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: enrich the diet with vitamins
Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: enrich the diet with vitamins

Source: depositphotos.com

Give up alcohol and smoking

The reproductive system is extremely sensitive to the effects of poisons. Any intoxication badly affects the process of spermatogenesis. This fully applies to alcohol and nicotine poisoning. In the semen of men who are addicted to drinking and smoking, there is a high percentage of germ cells with an irregular structure. For couples in whom the partner does not want to give up bad habits in advance, the risk of having children with serious illnesses increases many times.

Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: give up alcohol and smoking
Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: give up alcohol and smoking

Source: depositphotos.com

Be careful with medications

When preparing to become a father, a man must be very careful about taking medication.

The quality of sperm is negatively affected by the use of antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids, and some pain relievers. Drugs belonging to the group of steroid hormones and designed to accelerate muscle building are also at risk for reduced spermatogenesis. Taking antihypertensive drugs can worsen potency.

Advice to a man dreaming of healthy offspring: be careful with medications
Advice to a man dreaming of healthy offspring: be careful with medications

Source: depositphotos.com

Avoid stress

Stress lowers testosterone production and increases the concentration of free radicals in the body, which can damage sperm cells. Thus, mental and emotional overstrain negatively affects both the potency of the man and the ability of his sex cells to fertilize.

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations, but for the sake of the health of the unborn child, it is worth at least trying to be more relaxed about life's troubles.

Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: avoid stress
Advice to a man who dreams of healthy offspring: avoid stress

Source: depositphotos.com

Get tested and consult a doctor

It is especially important for the future father to visit a urologist and undergo an examination before the intended conception. The fact is that some sexually transmitted diseases in men can be asymptomatic. Ailments such as gonorrhea or chlamydia often cause blockage of the vas deferens and subsequent male infertility.

It is necessary to notify the gynecologist who will observe the pregnant woman in advance about the presence of hereditary diseases in the family (including from the side of the man). Such information will help in time to identify deviations in the future baby. In addition, a man preparing to become a father needs to donate blood to determine the Rh factor: if a woman has it negative, and a partner has a positive one, problems may arise at the stage of gestation.

Advice to a man dreaming of healthy offspring: get tested and consult a doctor
Advice to a man dreaming of healthy offspring: get tested and consult a doctor

Source: depositphotos.com

Conceiving a child is a very important and responsible business. Competent preparation for this event will ensure the health of the baby and his normal development, will help the whole family to avoid many troubles in the future.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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