How To Keep Your Pancreas Healthy: 5 Tips

How To Keep Your Pancreas Healthy: 5 Tips
How To Keep Your Pancreas Healthy: 5 Tips

How to keep your pancreas healthy: 5 tips

The pancreas performs two functions in the human body: the secretion of enzymes, without which it is impossible to digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and the production of hormones. One of them - insulin - is the main participant in carbohydrate metabolism, regulating the formation and utilization of glucose, the most important source of energy for the body.

Pathologies of the pancreas (acute or chronic pancreatitis, abscesses, cystadenoma, etc.) are manifested by girdle pain in the hypochondrium, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Diseases often proceed secretly, exacerbating after alcohol abuse, as well as fatty, spicy and fried foods.

Malfunctions of the pancreas are fraught with the development of diabetes mellitus and the appearance of various digestive disorders. A health conscious person can stay out of trouble by following a few tips to help maintain the function of this gland.

Include cabbage in your diet

All types of cabbage (especially cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli) contain components that have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in its tissues. The most preferred dietary food is broccoli, steamed or boiled in lightly salted water. It can also be eaten raw, including in vegetable salads.

To normalize the work of the pancreas, it is recommended to eat cabbage at least twice a week.

Cabbage is a vegetable that normalizes the work of the pancreas
Cabbage is a vegetable that normalizes the work of the pancreas


Quit smoking

It has been established that the substances that make up tobacco smoke not only destroy the lungs, have a bad effect on the state of blood vessels, spoil the appearance of the skin, teeth and hair, but also provoke pancreatic cancer: in habitual smokers, the risk of this disease increases by two or three times.

Smoking is a risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer
Smoking is a risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer


Give up harmful foods

Pancreas malfunctions most often occur in people who regularly consume alcohol, fast food, deep-fried foods, fatty meats, canned food and other heavy foods. Excessive enthusiasm for sweets, especially high-calorie confectionery products of industrial production, which, along with a large amount of sugar, include fats, does not in the best way affect the state of the organ.

Such dishes can be consumed little by little and infrequently. The daily diet should include vegetables, fruits, dietary meats, sea fish, fermented milk products and cereals containing fiber and slowly digestible carbohydrates.

Fast food negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas
Fast food negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas


Detoxify periodically

Keeping the pancreas healthy is greatly aided by periodic cleansing to help flush out toxins. The easiest way to do this is:

  • drink 10 glasses of clean drinking water. It can be partially replaced with infusions of medicinal plants. Especially useful are teas made from rose hips, chamomile herbs, calendula, mint, sage, string, plantain leaves, elecampane roots;
  • take an evening warm bath, followed by rubbing the skin in the abdomen with a coarse towel or terry cloth mitt. This procedure increases blood circulation and increases the temperature of the tissues, activating the work of the pancreas;
  • Include kicks of fresh fruits (especially kiwi and citrus fruits) and berries (strawberries and currants) in your diet. These foods are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that have a detoxifying effect and strengthen the tissues of the pancreas.

The scheme is designed for three days. If you have any chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor before starting the procedure.

Periodic detoxification will support pancreatic health
Periodic detoxification will support pancreatic health


Drink vegetable shakes

The pancreas reacts positively to the consumption of fresh vegetable juices. The following mixtures are especially useful:

  • a cocktail made from a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, half a glass of water, one celery stalk and a glass of steamed Brussels sprouts. Vegetables are ground to a mushy state using a blender and mixed with liquid. Drink the cocktail slightly warm, in small sips, slowly. You can include it in one of the afternoon meals (lunch or lunch);
  • a drink made from a large (about 100 g) piece of ripe papaya, three almonds and a tablespoon of flax seeds. It is suitable for a morning reception. The ingredients are ground in a blender and the resulting gruel is diluted with half a glass of drinking water. In addition to the beneficial effect on the pancreas, the cocktail tones up well, enhances physical and mental activity, and has a pleasant taste.
Vegetable shakes have a positive effect on the health of the pancreas
Vegetable shakes have a positive effect on the health of the pancreas


Taking care of your pancreas every day is not burdensome. You just need to follow a healthy diet, periodically carry out cleansing procedures and give up bad habits. If you experience any discomfort, pain, or digestive problems, you should see a doctor immediately. This approach allows you to preserve your ability to work for a long time and avoid the development of serious ailments.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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