Iodine Mesh Treatment: 5 Problems That Can Be Solved

Iodine Mesh Treatment: 5 Problems That Can Be Solved
Iodine Mesh Treatment: 5 Problems That Can Be Solved

Iodine mesh treatment: 5 problems that can be solved

Alcohol tincture of iodine is one of the most effective and affordable antiseptic agents. However, not everyone knows that this pharmaceutical preparation can be used not only for disinfecting the skin with cuts and scratches. Simple lines (called a grid) drawn on the body with an iodine solution help to relieve a range of ailments due to the dual action that iodine has on the body. Firstly, it produces a pronounced warming effect, since its molecules increase local blood flow. Secondly, penetrating through the pores into the subcutaneous tissues, iodine inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and reduces the intensity of inflammation.

Today we will talk about the pathologies in which the application of an iodine mesh is indicated.

5 health problems that iodine mesh can help with
5 health problems that iodine mesh can help with


Respiratory diseases

The use of iodine solution can significantly alleviate the obsessive symptoms of colds and speed up recovery. With a runny nose, a mesh is drawn on the wings of the nose and in the area of the bridge of the nose. To get rid of dry coughs, an iodine mesh is applied to the throat and upper chest. This should be done carefully, with light touches. To cope with any colds, the mesh is applied daily to the calves and feet.

Varicose veins

With varicose veins, the iodine mesh is recommended to be applied to problem areas of the legs at night. The procedures are carried out no more than twice a week, the course of treatment takes 60 days. The therapeutic effect of iodine in this case is manifested by a decrease in swelling and an improvement in the appearance of the legs. Patients note a decrease in fatigue and pain.

Bruises and bruises

The iodine net helps to get rid of hematomas. However, it is not worth immediately applying it to a bruise resulting from a bruise. The fact is that such damage is accompanied by edema, and iodine can interfere with their resorption. Therefore, a cold compress is first applied to the affected area, and iodine treatment is started a day later.

If bruises appear at the injection site, you can apply the iodine mesh immediately, repeating the procedure no more than twice a day.

Back and joint pain

With age, many people begin to worry about back pain that occurs after a long walk or when standing up. The iodine grid helps to solve the problem. It is applied three times a week in the middle of the upper back, placing vertical lines along the spine.

Pain in sore joints can also be reduced by using an iodine mesh. It is painted every evening before going to bed, after steaming the affected areas.

Diagnostics and elimination of iodine deficiency

A person receives the amount of iodine necessary for the body from food. In developed countries, the population of which eats well, iodine deficiency is rare. However, it can occur in people with metabolic disorders and in pregnant women.

Determining if the body is iodine deficient is very simple. To do this, draw a small iodine mesh on an area of the body with delicate, thin skin (for example, on the inner thigh). Normally, the strokes will gradually fade and disappear completely after 24 hours. If this happens much faster, the iodine is probably not enough in the body.

The iodine grid is sometimes used to compensate for iodine deficiency. For example, this method is recommended for expectant mothers who are deprived of the opportunity to take medications.

Despite the availability and safety (in general), iodine mesh treatment requires caution. It is important to observe the following rules:

  • the mesh is applied to clean, dry skin with a cotton swab, with light movements, without pressure. The lines should form cells with a side of at least 1 cm;
  • it is unacceptable for the iodine solution to get on the mucous membranes, as well as on open wounds and cracks;
  • do not apply the mesh to the heart and thyroid areas;
  • it is not recommended to carry out iodine procedures if the body temperature is elevated;
  • the method is not used in the treatment of babies under the age of three years, since their metabolic processes have their own characteristics. Older children should be tested for iodine tolerance before the first procedure. To do this, an iodine point or a small line is applied to the inside of the wrist. If there are no undesirable reactions (redness, burning, rash, etc.) within 20-30 minutes, treatment can be started;
  • for children, use a 2.5% tincture of iodine (for adults - 5%).

Treatment with an iodine grid has only two unconditional contraindications: thyroid pathology and iodine intolerance.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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