10 Symptoms Of Burnout

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10 Symptoms Of Burnout
10 Symptoms Of Burnout

Video: 10 Symptoms Of Burnout

Video: 10 Symptoms Of Burnout
Video: Insomnia, fatigue, irritable? 10 signs work is causing a 'burnout' 2024, October

10 symptoms of burnout

Burnout syndrome (EBS) is a negative reaction of the body to prolonged stress associated with the performance of professional duties. It often occurs among managers or employees in responsible positions, but they are not the only ones at risk. COMECON can also develop in a person, due to professional responsibilities, dealing with the troubles of other people (doctors, social workers, etc.). This is not so much a matter of specialization as of a pathologically conscientious attitude towards one's work. People who constantly strive to do everything “better than everyone else”, exaggerate their own responsibility for the work of an entire team, and who cannot be distracted from production problems sooner or later become victims of burnout.

Constant feeling of tiredness

One of the main properties of a recognized workaholic is the inability to be distracted from work. After a hard day, he continues to scroll through working moments in his mind, ponder them, look for ways to solve the problems that have arisen. As a result of proper rest, it is not possible even if a person seems to be following a sleep and wakefulness regime. Every day he feels more and more tired, work efficiency decreases, which, with his responsible attitude to his duties, only increases stress.

There is only one way to solve the problem in this case: you need to learn how to switch your brain and forget about the service for a while. In the most severe cases, patients need the help of a psychologist, but each person is able to do something himself:

  1. Outside of work, it is necessary to completely exclude the influence of any factors that can return thoughts to the professional sphere (do not communicate with colleagues, turn off the phone, do not go to the office e-mail page, etc.).
  2. Go in for active holidays related to sports or tourism (work in the country is also suitable).
  3. Try to find a hobby that is attractive enough to take your mind off work. In this sense, handicraft is the best option. Let us explain what has been said. The professional activity of most modern people is collective. In ordinary life, we are practically devoid of unusually strong positive emotions that cause the creative process itself and the creation of an object with our own hands. The choice of the type of needlework is a purely individual matter. There are many training courses, master classes, literature that can facilitate the search for a hobby and prevent a beginner master from getting confused in the abundance of techniques and materials.
Feeling tired all the time is one of the symptoms of burnout
Feeling tired all the time is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com


A person suffering from CMEA is afraid to do something wrong, to lose control of the situation. He is constantly in tension, which provokes a headache. The unpleasant sensations usually occur at the end of the working day and cannot be relieved with pain relievers. Headache reduces the quality of sleep at night and contributes to increased fatigue.

Breathing exercises can help solve the problem. It is better to entrust the doctor with the choice of a specific method and the development of an individual exercise regimen: insufficient information of the patient in such matters can lead to the fact that breathing practice will not bring the desired relief.

Headaches are one of the symptoms of burnout
Headaches are one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Back and chest pain

Constant stress negatively affects the condition of the muscles. Burnout syndrome is often manifested by muscle spasms in the back and chest. Obsessive pain arises, reducing the quality of life.

In this case, to get rid of unpleasant sensations, special complexes of breathing exercises and long walks in the fresh air are recommended, allowing you to relax and reduce the oppressive sense of responsibility. Psychotherapy sessions also bring significant relief.

Back and chest pain is one of the symptoms of burnout
Back and chest pain is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

The appearance of excess weight

Striving to be an eternal excellent student creates constant tension and negative emotional background. Many find a way out in the "seizing" of unpleasant sensations, which leads to weight gain. Body weight with CMEA can increase without overeating. The cause is metabolic disorders provoked by prolonged stress.

Trying to limit food intake and choose a diet for yourself in this case is useless. It is important to understand that the problem is psychological in nature and tackle it.

Being overweight is one of the symptoms of burnout
Being overweight is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Finding distractions

With emotional burnout, a person tries to find something to do that distracts from painful thoughts. Some in such cases prefer shopping, while others begin to abuse alcohol, smoking or gambling.

These types of remedies usually do not provide relief. People suffering from CMEA have a high sense of responsibility, and bad habits make them feel guilty. If a person ceases to enjoy even such a relatively harmless activity as shopping, this is an alarming symptom. It is necessary to consult a psychologist.

Finding distractions is one symptom of burnout
Finding distractions is one symptom of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Problems with current affairs

Emotional burnout leads to decreased ability to work and problems with performing routine duties. A person ceases to strive to receive new information, to produce creative ideas, becomes not flexible enough. For people in leadership positions, such changes are fraught with a decline in professional and social status. The realization that he has begun to work worse, brings a lot of suffering to the perfectionist.

In such a situation, the help of a psychologist is needed to change the patient's value system. It is important to learn not to compare yourself with others, to try to relax and stop taking on your own shoulders the responsibility for what is beyond your strength.

Problems with getting things done is one of the symptoms of burnout
Problems with getting things done is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Loss of interest in life

With burnout, a person experiences feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. The triggering of the psychological defense mechanism makes him more indifferent to his work. As a result, he loses interest not only in professional activities, but also in other aspects of life. In this state, the patient may refuse the most attractive ways of relaxation: interesting tourist trips, going to the theater or exhibitions, and even communicating with loved ones.

If a person ceases to be interested in news (including in the professional field), entertainment, becomes harsh with family - he needs immediate help.

Loss of interest in life is one of the symptoms of burnout
Loss of interest in life is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Sudden mood swings

One of the symptoms of CMEA is emotional instability. In this state, a person's mood changes rapidly (from complete calmness to excitement). Prolonged stress can provoke bouts of aggression, resentment, and suspicion. Sometimes the patient behaves inappropriately towards co-workers, clients or family members.

Mood swings are a symptom of burnout
Mood swings are a symptom of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Decreased self-esteem

With emotional burnout, there is not only a decrease in performance, but also a decrease in self-esteem, which is especially noticeable in those whose activities are associated with helping other people. These CMEA victims develop feelings of guilt towards clients and the illusion of a loss of professional skills.

Lowered self-esteem is one of the symptoms of burnout
Lowered self-esteem is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

Longing for loneliness

In advanced cases, burnout leads to isolation. The patient simultaneously avoids communication and suffers from the consciousness of his own abandonment. He refuses to meet with friends, not wanting to share negative emotions, moves away from colleagues, fearing that comparison with their success will exacerbate constant stress. Experts consider the desire for loneliness to be one of the most obvious signs of the CMEA.

The pursuit of loneliness is one of the symptoms of burnout
The pursuit of loneliness is one of the symptoms of burnout

Source: depositphotos.com

In the absence of help, burnout can not only lead to problems with work, but also lead to the development of chronic diseases. Meanwhile, the development of CMEA can be avoided. For this you need:

  • abandon the view of oneself as the only and irreplaceable "support" in the professional sphere, delegate some of the responsibilities to colleagues, learn to value their abilities and believe in their conscientiousness;
  • establish a normal rest, learn how to be distracted from work problems during non-working hours;
  • go in for sports, develop a system of regular physical activity;
  • diversify your interests (read fiction, go to theaters, etc.) in order to be able to be distracted from professional topics;
  • choose a creative hobby that will allow you to get positive emotions from the implementation of your ideas;
  • master breathing systems and other relaxation practices.

People who have a rigid, but not entirely objective system of values, who believe that the only way to realize a human personality is to have a successful professional activity, often become victims of the syndrome of emotional burnout. In fact, this is not the case. Life is much more diverse, and each person has many opportunities to prove himself worthily. The richer the spectrum of our interests, the more chances we have to maintain mental and physical health.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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