Art Therapy: Music That Heals

Art Therapy: Music That Heals
Art Therapy: Music That Heals

Art therapy: music that heals

Music therapy is a method of treatment that has caused and is causing a lot of controversy about its effectiveness. However, the facts are unforgiving: in the course of various studies, the healing effects of music on the body have been scientifically confirmed. Since then, in a number of countries, the technique has been included in the complex therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, pain in the back and spine, psychosomatic disorders and other ailments. Music therapy is especially widely used in pediatrics, in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with physical and mental disabilities, developmental disabilities, and communication difficulties.

According to doctors, the field of music therapy is so vast that it can be used in almost any field of medicine. At the same time, you can use the healing properties of music not only in the clinic, but also at home, having relaxed and tuned in to a harmonious mood. Despite the fact that music therapy cannot completely replace medical procedures, it can reduce the drug load, relieve pain, increase tone and accelerate recovery.

Musical instruments and their effect on the body
Musical instruments and their effect on the body


Musical instruments and their effect on the body

The method of music therapy is based on the ability of the human nervous system to respond to a musical rhythm. It can harmonize physiological processes in the body. The organ - a keyboard wind instrument with a powerful sounding - affects a person most strongly and in a complex manner. It is believed that it harmonizes the psycho-emotional state, brightens the mind, freeing it from fears, anxieties and obsessive thoughts.

According to the findings of the researchers, some instruments, unlike an organ, are able to pointwise influence specific organs of the human body and stabilize their work:

  • the piano corrects the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, thyroid gland;
  • the flute cleanses the lungs and bronchi, has a beneficial effect on the blood flow;
  • cello, harp, guitar harmonize the activity of the heart;
  • accordion, accordion, button accordion activate the digestive organs;
  • cymbals balance the activity of the liver;
  • trumpet, trombone eliminate bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • saxophone treats diseases of the urinary system;
  • violin calms the psyche;
  • bells eliminate melancholy, depression.

In addition to musical instruments, the sounds of nature have a relaxing effect on the body: the lapping of waves, birdsong, the sound of rain. Experts recommend that residents of big cities listen to such compositions from time to time, as well as include them for restless kids.

Musical works and diseases

Over the years of research, a relationship has been established between diseases and the works of composers, contributing to the cure:

  • for headache relief - Khachaturian, Liszt, Mozart;
  • to stabilize the heart rate - Verdi's arias;
  • to overcome neuroses, irritability - Tchaikovsky "The Seasons";
  • from depression - Mozart "Symphony No. 41 (D minor)", Beethoven "Symphony No. 5", "Symphony No. 9";
  • for restful sleep - Schubert "Serenade", "Ave Maria", Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", Tchaikovsky "Barcarole";
  • for the treatment of intestines, liver, with inflammation of the appendix - Mendelssohn "Wedding March";
  • with rheumatism - Bach "Toccata".

The main composer for child development is Mozart, whose works, according to research, activate almost all parts of the cerebral cortex. Sounds of high frequency, alternating in a quiet-loud rhythm, which is most inherent in the nature of the movement of biocurrents in the human brain, stimulate thinking processes and strengthen memory. According to doctors, listening to Mozart during childbirth and in the postpartum period reduces the risks of complications in the mother and child, and also contributes to a faster adaptation of premature babies to the outside world.

Art therapy for children
Art therapy for children


What is the right way to heal with music?

Unlike most healing techniques, music therapy favors and encourages self-healing. However, it is worth remembering that successful healing at home requires certain conditions:

  • only classical pieces should be selected. It has been established that the impact of pop music and rock, especially heavy, on the body is rather negative. Today there are collections of works of the classics, selected for the treatment of various diseases. You can use them or compose the program yourself, focusing on the information offered in the article and your preferences;
  • calm state of mind. During the session, the person should feel comfortable and relaxed. Better to sit in an easy chair, cover your eyes. In order not to be distracted by conversations, privacy is desirable. It is recommended to carry out the treatment without headphones, although micro-headphones are allowed, which affect acupuncture points.
  • the duration of the session is 30-40 minutes. To normalize the condition, a course of treatment is usually required, consisting of 15-20 sessions.

Finally, the main condition for a successful result is a feeling of listening pleasure. When treating, it is important that the music is liked and evokes pleasant associations. If the sessions are accompanied by rejection, it is better to use other methods of art therapy: painting, clay modeling, dancing, communication with nature, etc.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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