Step aerobics
Step aerobics is one of the most effective and simple directions and styles in the aerobics family. The workout is varied, fun and easy. It does not require excessive concentration of thoughts on the correct assimilation of certain exercises. Degree aerobics is indispensable for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Such training is very useful for athletes during periods of post-traumatic recovery and in preparation for a competition. Renowned fitness instructor Gina Miller first used step as aerobics or gymnastics at the end of the twentieth century. After a knee injury, she used the step for her daily workouts. Remarkable results after the simplest step workouts at home prompted her to create this completely new kind of aerobics. Over time, it became widespread among adherents of an active and healthy lifestyle. Several years ago, this new form of fitness was officially recognized as an independent sport.

Step aerobics lessons
A step aerobics lesson is usually divided into preparatory, main and final parts. This type of aerobics has about two hundred movements and is carried out using a special platform with devices that allow you to set the required height. Platform heights are usually between fifteen and thirty centimeters. The step height should be chosen depending on physical fitness. Step aerobics lessons for beginners are held on platforms with a minimum height, which increases gradually in the future. Exercises step aerobics can be performed by people with different levels of training. They help you lose weight and keep your muscles toned. As a result of the aerobic part of the warm-up, the respiratory rate and heart rate increase, the minute and systolic blood volume increases,the function of respiratory enzymes in the muscles is enhanced. The workouts alternate strength and aerobic exercise, unstable step workouts, workouts with alternating cardio loads and strength exercises, as well as all sorts of mixed workouts that combine classical aerobic exercises and muscle training of various groups.
Step aerobics lessons have a positive effect on the nervous system, reducing aggression and nervousness towards others and curing depression.
Basic step aerobics exercises for weight loss
This type of aerobics for the same period of time burns much more calories than classical dance aerobics. When doing step aerobics for weight loss, the following set of basic exercises is used:
- with the right foot, stand on the platform and put your left foot on it. Then repeat, starting with the left leg;
- with your right foot, you need to stand on the platform and put your left foot on it. Then lower the right leg to the floor, followed by the left. Then repeat everything, starting with the right leg;
- the right leg should be bent at the knee and placed on the platform. Next, the left leg must be raised above the floor and put back. Then the right leg must be removed from the platform and placed against the left. Repeat everything, starting with the left leg;
- with your right foot, you need to stand on the platform, and bend your left at the knee, pull up and put on the floor. Then remove the right leg from the platform and put it on the left leg. Repeat everything, starting with the left leg.
All exercises are recommended to be performed at least ten times. When performing step aerobics at home, it should be remembered that the ascent to the platform should not occur at the expense of the back, but at the expense of the legs. Also, you should not perform a movement with the same leg or arm for more than one minute. During the exercises, you should always keep your back straight and your foot completely on the platform.

Music for step aerobics
Music is an important part of training. Not all music is suitable for step aerobics. After all, it is music that maintains the necessary rhythm and mood. The effectiveness of classes and the magnitude of the loads depend on the correctly selected music for step aerobics. Music for step aerobics should be bright and lively. Before the final choice of music for doing step aerobics at home, you need to listen to the selected tracks several times. You should start your workout with unhurried and slow compositions. This kind of music is perfect for warm-ups and the final part of aerobics. Some instructors believe that music for step aerobics should be instrumental. Instrumental music will help you completely immerse yourself in the training process and not be distracted by the lyrics.
Contraindications for step aerobics
Aerobic exercises of this type should not be performed for diseases of the joints of the legs, cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, prerequisites for varicose veins.
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