8 Myths About Art Therapy

8 Myths About Art Therapy
8 Myths About Art Therapy

8 myths about art therapy

Methods of psychological correction based on the artistic creativity of patients have been used since the 40s of the last century. Despite the fact that the popularity of art therapy is growing, many people know almost nothing about this kind of treatment or sometimes share different misconceptions about it.

Dispelling the most common myths about art therapy is the task of this article.

Is any creativity art therapy?
Is any creativity art therapy?

Source: depositphotos.com

Any creativity is art therapy

This is not true. Art therapy is characterized by two main differences from independent creativity: the participation of a specialist (a psychologist with the appropriate qualifications) and the obligatory discussion of the results of the creative process, their analysis in relation to the condition of a particular patient.

A doctor taking part in a psychotherapeutic session sets a definite task for a person, selects the techniques and materials necessary for its implementation, and monitors the entire process of creating an art object. Then he helps to evaluate the result and draw analogies with the life situation that the patient has.

Only drawing is used in art therapy

Modern art therapy includes the following areas:

  • creation of works of fine art (drawings, sculptures, collages, photographs, mosaics, etc.);
  • literary creativity (creating your own works or using special creative techniques when reading fiction);
  • treatment with a creative approach to natural objects;
  • dance therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • drama therapy;
  • creation of dolls;
  • keeping notebooks or diaries;
  • epistolary communication with a doctor.

There are even such methods of psychological correction as a spiritual-fantasy immersion in history, creative collecting and therapy through travel (exploring attractions and museum collections). The choice of the technique remains with the doctor, who is guided by the individual characteristics of the patient.

Art therapy only helps creative people

To be treated with art therapy, it is not at all necessary to have pronounced creative abilities or to have the skills to create art objects. The doctor's attention is drawn not so much to the result of creativity, but to the patient's personality, his views on the world, the system of values, stereotypes and psychological problems. The task of a specialist is to help a person understand himself and see a way out of difficult situations.

When treating with art therapy, the patient is not limited by any framework

There is an opinion that in the process of treatment with the help of art therapy, the patient decides what to do, and literally "does whatever he wants." It is not true.

The skill of a doctor consists in correctly assessing a person's condition and setting specific tasks for him. The psychologist does not interfere with the patient's self-expression, but chooses the materials necessary for this and the method of their application. In addition, the doctor can intervene in the event that a person feels insecure, does not dare to engage in creativity for fear that he will not succeed. The psychologist helps the patient to liberate himself, never fixes his attention on the mistakes and failures caused by the lack of experience, and does not evaluate the quality of the created art object.

Any psychologist owns art therapy techniques

Psychological correction through creative activities is a scientifically based method recognized by official medicine. A doctor who is engaged in art therapy must have the necessary qualifications, confirmed by a document (certificate).

The art therapist explains the meaning of the objects created by the patient

The psychologist does not evaluate or explain the results of an art therapy session. It helps the patient to understand the meaning inherent in the resulting object and to interpret its connection with the existing problems. We can say that a doctor makes it easier for a person to understand his own condition and makes it possible to see ways to improve it.

Art therapy: the most common myths about creative healing
Art therapy: the most common myths about creative healing

Source: depositphotos.com

In the course of treatment, the psychologist can learn about the patient facts that he would like to hide

An art object created during a session of psychological correction, as a rule, does not carry accurate information about a person's past, his actions, moral qualities, advantages and disadvantages. The doctor does not look for data in it about what the person is afraid or ashamed of.

The patient himself evaluates and interprets the result of his work, and the psychologist only helps to use the art object as a ground for reflection and a reason for some changes in understanding reality.

Art therapy is intended for the treatment of children and mentally ill people

Art therapy methods can really be of invaluable help when the patient is not entirely adequate or has difficulty with verbal communication. However, the range of application of such methods of psychological correction is not limited to these cases. Art therapy is indicated for the treatment of depression, neurosis, emotional instability, the consequences of severe stress, age-related problems (including psychological changes typical for the elderly), chronic fatigue syndrome, phobias and many other pathological conditions. She helps people who have difficulties with social fulfillment and the establishment of family relationships.

Art therapy is a great way to cope with psychological problems, stabilize mood, increase self-esteem, discover the ability to look at the world in a healthy way and independently solve complex problems that life poses for a person. Such treatment is available and has practically no contraindications.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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