8 Basic Mistakes Aspiring Gym Goers

8 Basic Mistakes Aspiring Gym Goers
8 Basic Mistakes Aspiring Gym Goers

8 basic mistakes aspiring gym goers

Modern townspeople suffer from physical inactivity. They begin to play sports in order to raise their tone, improve body parameters, normalize sleep and appetite. The easiest way to organize a regular workout is by going to the gym. This makes it possible to work on a variety of simulators, use the advice of experienced consultants, and the purchase of a subscription in itself serves as a motivation to continue training.

At the same time, beginner visitors to gyms often note that classes do not bring the expected results, and sometimes cause a deterioration in well-being. As a rule, the reason is in mistakes that beginners make during training. Our today's article is devoted to such mistakes.

Newbie gym mistakes: what not to do?
Newbie gym mistakes: what not to do?

Source: depositphotos.com

Self-selection of exercises

Some people believe that the selection of exercises in the gym does not require special knowledge. This is a major misconception. The role of the coach is to select the right exercises for a beginner athlete, to determine the optimal intensity of the load and to track changes in physical condition. Also, he must correctly configure the simulators so that the ward does not get injured during classes.

To avoid trouble, a beginner needs to talk with a trainer, inform him about existing health problems and receive detailed instructions on the rules for using the equipment.

Repetition of someone else's sports program

The training regimen in the gym should be selected individually. At the same time, the specialist must take into account the level of physical fitness of the ward, his state of health, features of the figure and many other factors. Only such activities will be beneficial and will not cause health problems. Therefore, you should not give in to the temptation to repeat a set of exercises that someone from your relatives or friends successfully performs. It is possible that such training can harm you personally.

Improper nutrition

With any workout, a person pursues one of two goals: get rid of fatty deposits and improve the condition of muscle tissue. However, none of them can be realized if the body receives an excess of calories from food, or, conversely, is deficient in nutrients.

This means that a person who regularly plays sports must follow the rules of a healthy diet. You need to include in your diet foods that contain a large amount of protein: meat, fish, legumes, cheese and cottage cheese. Without them, it will not be possible to form a beautiful and powerful muscle corset. It is equally important to limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates, otherwise the accumulation of body fat will outpace the process of burning them. An athlete cannot do without fresh vegetables and fruits, enriching the body with trace elements and vitamins and helping to cope with physical activity. The best nutritional option is considered to be eating in small portions 5-6 times a day. The diet should be dominated by foods with a low glycemic index.

Violation of the training regime

One of the most common mistakes inexperienced gym goers make is not exercising regularly. People who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle often think of a pre-purchased sports pass a couple of weeks before vacation or New Year's holidays and begin to train hard, hoping to quickly correct figure flaws with intense training.

This approach is fundamentally wrong. You can not expect a significant improvement in appearance: a positive effect appears only with systematic sports, competent selection of a set of exercises and its gradual change depending on the result obtained. But a sharp increase in physical activity can lead to serious health consequences. It is especially dangerous from the first days to rapidly increase the intensity of loads without changing the usual way of life. A similar situation is fraught with injuries, problems with joints and the cardiovascular system.

Refusal to warm up

A well-planned workout should start with a warm-up that takes 5 to 15 minutes. This is a special set of exercises designed to increase blood flow in the muscles, warm them up, and also tune the central nervous system. Then it is recommended to stretch (stretch). It is needed in order to prepare joints and ligaments for stress. Failure to do this part of the activity doubles the risk of injury.

Abrupt cessation of training is also harmful to health, therefore, after the end of the main exercises on the simulators, it is necessary to do the so-called "hitch" - a series of smooth movements that allow to remove lactic acid from the muscles, smoothly reduce the load on the heart, relax the central nervous system and put the body into a state of rest.

Excessive exercise intensity

Starting to train in the gym, you need to understand that such exercises have nothing to do with competitions or any urgent means of influencing the body. Each person should perform a set of exercises, selected individually, gradually increasing the load and not going beyond the limits of physical capabilities.

Uncontrolled attempts to increase the load can lead to the most sad results. In the most harmless case, severe fatigue will appear, which will reduce the motivation to exercise.

Track your weight change results

For a person seeking to get rid of body fat or gain muscle mass, weight changes are an unreliable and biased indicator. The goal of training is not to lose a lot of weight or build up a muscle corset, but to create a slim, fit figure with beautiful shapes. It is important to achieve the optimal ratio of the volumes of adipose and muscle tissue at a certain height and build. Such a result is not associated with the loss or gain of a certain number of grams after each workout.

Attempts to correct a specific body flaw

For most inexperienced gym goers, the motivation is dominated by the desire to "remove fat" from the hips, waist or buttocks. Men most often want to tighten sagging triceps or create beautiful muscle cubes on the stomach. In fact, it is impossible to change exclusively problem areas with training, since there are no exercises that affect only one type of muscle.

Regular and well-planned sports activities gradually change the entire body, making it more resistant to disease. At the same time, the figure improves, the nervous system strengthens, and a positive outlook on life appears. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase a gym membership: you can train at home and even collectively, involving all family members in the classes.

Each person can choose for himself the type of physical activity that will bring him maximum pleasure and benefit. At the same time, it is important to take into account all the characteristics of the body, get the approval of the attending physician and consult with an experienced trainer who will select an individual training regimen and teach the ward the rules of training.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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