11 Effective Ways To Cheer Up

11 Effective Ways To Cheer Up
11 Effective Ways To Cheer Up

11 effective ways to cheer up

Effective Ways to Cheer Up
Effective Ways to Cheer Up

Hard work, long working days, constant sleep deprivation, long driving trips - all this leads to the fact that we become slow, sleepy and broken like snails.

Therefore, this article has collected 11 of the most effective ways to cheer up and regain the ability to work productively and concentrate.

1. Fresh air and physical activity

Even a small twenty-minute walk in the fresh air can give strength and restore clarity of mind. A stream of fresh air and physical activity will relieve drowsiness and invigorate. If you don't have the opportunity for a short walk, you can exercise. It is better if it will be strength exercises, for example, push-ups.

2. Chocolate

Natural dark chocolate contains not only caffeine, which helps relieve fatigue, but also flavonoids, which improve mood and improve brain activity. That is why experts advise students and schoolchildren to consume natural chocolate during the session and exams.

3. Food

Undoubtedly, too fatty and filling food causes drowsiness, but an empty stomach also leads to a breakdown. In order to stay awake, it is recommended to eat foods rich in carbohydrates (potatoes and flour dishes). Such food will return you to working condition and restore brain function.

4. The smell of citrus

It turns out that the scent of freshly peeled lemon, tangerine or orange contains essential oils that have an invigorating effect on the human body. Therefore, if you have a long car trip behind the wheel or strenuous work that requires intense attention for several days, a couple of oranges on hand can be very helpful. The citrus peel is especially good in that it retains its aroma for quite a long time, even if it dries a little.

5. Daytime sleep

Daytime sleep is a great way to relieve drowsiness and feel energized for the rest of the day. It is best if the duration of sleep is from ten minutes to half an hour. If you have strong nerves, you can easily use this way to cheer up, even at work. Ask a colleague to wake you up after a certain time. And if there is no one to wake you up, use the old key trick: while sitting in a chair, put your hand on the armrest and grasp a heavy bunch of keys in it. When you fall asleep soundly, your hand will relax, the keys will slip out of it and fall to the floor, making a loud sound that will wake you up just at the right time.

6. Loud singing or shouting

A song sung out loud can cheer you up for a short time. If you are simply "turned off" and completely unbearable, use the proven method - shout. You can even swear at someone's address. For example, scold the government or bosses for making you work when you want to take a break.

7. Work

Our brains need periodic rest. If we constantly do not get enough sleep, and then do not provide the brain with sufficient load, then it will seek free time and turn off on its own. Therefore, you can spur your own body, providing yourself with urgent work, and the more, the better. True, it is necessary to know when to stop, otherwise it is not far from exhaustion.

8. Enjoyable activity

When you really want to relax, but there is no such opportunity, this is just the best time to occupy your brain with some pleasant activity in which you have a sincere interest. In this case, sleepiness fades into the background.

Chocolate is a product that helps relieve fatigue
Chocolate is a product that helps relieve fatigue

9. Correct use of time

Biorhythms are not just an invention of English scientists, but a reality that actually affects our productivity and well-being. Therefore, you need to listen to your body. For each person at a certain time of the day, productivity falls, or, conversely, increases. If you see that at eight o'clock in the evening you feel tired and overwhelmed - rest, and if at eleven o'clock in the morning you have a "second wind", then it is a sin not to take advantage of it. It is necessary to plan your work and your own day, taking into account your biorhythms, resting at the moments of "decline" of your own activity and working at the moments of its "rise". Then you can make the most of your own time.

10. Regulation of air temperature

Fatigue and drowsiness can be caused by too high or too low room temperatures. If it is too cold, then the body begins to spend a lot of energy in order to warm up, which reduces physical and mental performance. If it is too warm, then the body begins to vigorously cool itself in order to avoid overheating. Therefore, the optimal temperature for a person is from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. With such a temperature regime, a person has the opportunity to fully focus on solving urgent problems.

The influx of cold air, contrary to popular belief, is not invigorating. But it is important to know that a lack of oxygen causes drowsiness.

11. Change of occupation

Monotony also leads to drowsiness and fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change the occupation. For example, if you need to drive a car for a long time, stop periodically and stretch your legs. And during the exam, you can go to the toilet. Even such short breaks relieve the brain and make it feel more invigorated.

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