Teenage acne

Teenage acne is associated with the restructuring of the gonads, and although it is not something out of the ordinary, it is still not the norm. Why do teenage acne appear? One of the side effects of increased production of sex hormones is that the sebaceous glands in the skin produce more sebum. Normally, it serves as an additional protection for the skin, but in this case there is so much of it that excess fat clogs the lumen of the sebaceous gland. The gland swells, becomes inflamed, then an infection that is always present on the skin joins, and a pimple is obtained.
There is one point in this mechanism that is often overlooked. Blockage of the gland alone is not enough for the infection to settle in the created plug. It is also necessary to reduce immunity, both local - a deterioration in the protective function of the skin, and in general. Precisely because this factor is overlooked, the fight against teenage acne so often fails. The fact is that it is impossible to completely get rid of the infection. You can treat your skin with any amount of lotions and soaps, but without even going outside, you will get millions of microbes on your skin again in half an hour, because they are found everywhere in the air, and it is impossible to live in a sterile operating room.
Therefore, the only effective way to beat teenage acne is to strengthen the immune system. America will not be opened by the news that it requires a healthy lifestyle, and that proper nutrition is especially important. Let's remember what kind of food teens gravitate towards? All kinds of fast food, croutons soaked in a hell of a mixture of flavors and preservatives, chips fried in trans fats, chocolate bars with an incredible sugar content, rolls, and all this is richly washed down with sweet carbonated drinks. Alas, one of the forms of adolescent freedom is to afford all the most harmful. It is not surprising that at the same time, and even in conditions of hormonal changes, the body becomes especially vulnerable, and

teenage acne is not the worst thing that can happen during this difficult period.
The battle against teenage acne must start with a healthy diet. Fast food, sweets, baked goods, sugar-sweetened sodas and other junk food are ruthlessly excluded. Anything that strengthens the immune system is useful. Lightweight sports, outdoor walks, positive emotions, adequate sleep, personal hygiene are important components of restoring compromised immunity. As a rule, after that, teenage acne disappears without a trace.
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