Effective Teenage Diet - Menu, Diet

Effective Teenage Diet - Menu, Diet
Effective Teenage Diet - Menu, Diet

Adolescent diet

Adolescent diet
Adolescent diet

Overweight is not only a problem for women who have given birth or middle-aged men. Convenience foods, fast food, sugar substitutes, trans fats all take their toll on a teen's figure, and worse, may have future repercussions. Therefore, parents of children whose obesity becomes pathological should consider an effective diet for their teenager.

The difference between a teenage diet and an "adult" one is that fasting and mono-diet are out of the question - you need a balanced diet. Proteins are important for a growing body, but the amount of carbohydrates can be reduced, as well as salt and sugar. In addition, one should not forget about fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins, so the emphasis is on fermented milk products, meat, vegetables, fruits. Baking, condensed milk, jam are excluded.

Nutrition during a teenage diet is recommended fractional - so the child will not feel hunger and the associated psychological discomfort.

Due to the fact that physiological processes of different nature occur in the body of a 12-18 year old child, adolescent diets also differ depending on the child's age.

An effective teenage diet for children from 12 to 15 liters

Teenage diet menu number 1

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge - 100g with 100g of boiled chicken (sirloin), unsweetened tea.
  • Second breakfast: 250ml milk
  • Lunch: lean vegetable soup, dried bread with 20g butter, 50g cheese, boiled egg.
  • Second lunch (afternoon snack): 1 apple, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked potatoes served with herbs and vegetables.

Teenage diet menu number 2

  • Breakfast: 150g of rice or oatmeal porridge, in milk, tea and honey. Remember that honey cannot be added to hot tea.
  • Second breakfast: an apple with low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: lean borscht, 150g of boiled chicken breast.
  • Second lunch: 250 ml of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables, a glass of milk.

Teenage diet menu number 3

  • Breakfast: 150g of durum wheat pasta, a spoonful of olive oil, tomato.
  • Second breakfast: dried bread with low-fat cheese, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: 150g vinaigrette and 150g low-fat boiled or baked meat, tomato juice.
  • Second lunch: 40g of any nuts.
  • Dinner: baked fish served with tomato or cucumber.

Teenage diet menu number 4

  • Breakfast: two boiled soft-boiled eggs, toasted bread and butter, sour or sweet and sour juice.
  • Second breakfast: 1 banana.
  • Lunch: 150g of boiled veal or beef, vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice, dried fruit compote.
  • Second lunch: fruits - two kiwis or one orange or three tangerines.
  • Dinner: low fat cottage cheese, honey, milk.

Teenage diet menu number 5

  • Breakfast: soup with rice and meatballs, herbs, a slice of black bread.
  • Second breakfast: dried bread with low-fat ham, juice.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, garnished with stewed vegetables.
  • Second lunch: an apple.
  • Dinner: baked potatoes, served with tomato, low-fat cheese.

For a change during the diet, alternate these menus, so the child may not feel that he is on some special diet. A good result is observed if the parents adhere to such a diet.

Teenage diet for children 16-18 years old

Teenage diet menu number 1

  • Breakfast: tea / coffee without sugar (weak), 2 toasts with butter, cheese, tomato, one soft-boiled egg.
  • Second breakfast: 1 apple, low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: 150g durum wheat pasta, vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack (second lunch): kefir, boiled cauliflower, carrots.
  • Dinner: lean fish baked with bell pepper, tomato and herbs, tomato juice.

Teenage diet menu number 2

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole without sugar, with dried fruits, milk, honey.
  • Second breakfast: 1 banana, yogurt.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, stewed cabbage, baked potatoes, tomato juice.
  • Second lunch: sponge cake with fruit.
  • Dinner: dried black bread with liver pate, tomato, herbal tea.

Teenage diet menu number 3

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with boiled veal, weak coffee or tea.
  • Second breakfast: kefir, walnuts (40g).
  • Lunch: 150g rice, stewed mushrooms, half a grapefruit, dried bread and butter, juice.
  • Second lunch: baked pumpkin, honey.
  • Dinner: dried apricots, low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, milk.

Teenage diet menu number 4

An effective teenage diet can help you lose 5 pounds
An effective teenage diet can help you lose 5 pounds
  • Breakfast: an omelet from 2 eggs, with herbs, cheese. Dried bread with cheese, weak coffee.
  • Second breakfast: 1 apple, low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: lean borscht, boiled beef.
  • Second lunch: tea and some nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, dried bread with low fat ham, milk.

Teenage diet menu number 5

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, coffee.
  • Second breakfast: toasted bread with cheese and tomato.
  • Lunch: 2 steam cutlets, vegetables stewed with olive oil, milk or kefir.
  • Second lunch: fruits.
  • Dinner: baked fish fillet, dried bread, tomato, herbal tea.

The recommended duration of a teenage diet is 2 weeks, in the future, you can add a little of the usual foods for the child, sweets.

The proposed menus are considered effective diets for adolescents: weight loss is about 5 kilograms during the diet, while the child is not threatened with anemia, disruption of the endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract.

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