Diets Don't Work - Possible Reasons What To Do

Diets Don't Work - Possible Reasons What To Do
Diets Don't Work - Possible Reasons What To Do

Diets don't work

Why don't diets work?
Why don't diets work?

It's no secret that the world's population is rapidly gaining weight. In one of its reports, WHO called obesity an epidemic of modern humanity. Excess weight leads to systemic disorders in the body, the emergence of severe chronic diseases and premature death. At the same time, numerous media outlets are crammed to the limit with all kinds of diets, which, in fact, turn out to be ineffective.

Why diets don't work

Experts from the University of Massachusetts Medical School understood this issue. They found out to genius a simple fact that for the normalization of body weight, it is not the quantity and quality of food that is important, but the lifestyle of a person as a whole.

They came to this conclusion after analyzing hundreds of works on dietetics and the results of their practical implementation. It turned out that nutritional correction, of course, gave its positive result, but it could not be maintained for a long time, that is, diets in isolation do not work.

Do you need diets

In those cases when a person completely corrected his lifestyle, of course, including the nutritional system, the achieved effect accompanied him for all subsequent years.

Speaking about the way of life, one should imagine a set of certain processes. First of all, you will need tough self-discipline. You also need to work regularly to maintain your own motivation. Of course, regular cardio exercises, treatment of existing diseases and a scientific approach to organizing the diet are necessary. Then you don't have to ask yourself the question of whether diets are necessary or complain about the fact that diets don't work - on the contrary, any chosen diet will be effective.

Bad diets

Some popular nutritional trends in medical science are poor diets that can cause irreparable harm to human health.

The worst diet is the Atkins diet. Its essence lies in the hypertrophied consumption of proteins and a decrease in carbohydrates in the diet below the permissible physiological minimum. Such a diet is acceptable in certain emergency cases (for example, when an athlete needs to lose weight for a competition), and then for a limited period and under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, chronic gastroenterological and psychiatric diseases can become an objective reality. In addition, after the diet, weight is gained again.

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Also, bad diets are all mono-diets, low-calorie diets or diets with an emphasis on some exotic product (apple cider vinegar, soda, activated carbon, fructose, grapefruit, etc.), as well as diets with a claim to uniqueness (like "the latest methods of losing weight using recent achievements ").

Weight is on the diet

Many argue that certain diets do not work, since at some point the weight on the diet begins to stand. Experts call this effect a dietary plateau. Its appearance is explained by the fact that against the background of a systematic decrease in calories consumed during the initial period, the body experiences a deficit of them and rapidly gets rid of excesses (primarily water).

By the time the excess fluid is removed from the body, he has already managed to adapt somewhat to new conditions for himself. In addition, the disposal of adipose tissue is much more time-consuming than disposal of fluids. Faced with the fact that the weight is on a diet, do not despair. It should be understood that this process is natural, and you are moving in the right direction. Do not stop exercising and soon you will continue to "melt".

In addition, certain diet disturbances have an unexpected effect in overcoming the dietary plateau. As it turned out, they serve as a kind of impetus for accelerating metabolism and losing weight.

Some diet irregularities can be tolerated once or twice a week, for example on weekends. At the same time, you should not abuse this opportunity and in due time it is necessary to resume the required food intake.

Obviously, the claim that diets don't work is ambiguous. To eliminate weight gain after a diet, you should decisively change your own taste habits and lifestyle in general.

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