Hermann's Symptom - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Hermann's Symptom - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Hermann's Symptom - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Video: Hermann's Symptom - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Video: Hermann's Symptom - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
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Herman symptom

Herman's symptom (E. Herman, modern Polish neuropathologist).

  1. Herman's symptom (synonyms: grasping phenomenon of the toes, Hermann's grasping symptom) - tonic flexion of the toes accompanying the dashed irritation of the sole; indicates damage to the frontal lobes of the brain.
  2. Herman's symptom - noted in a patient lying with straightened legs on his back, extension of the big toes, against the background of a passive tilt of the head forward; indicates tuberculous meningoencephalitis.
  3. German symptom - extension of the big toe, which occurs when the examiner tries to bend the patient's leg, straightened in the knee joint, in the hip joint; is a sign of meningitis.
  4. Herman's symptom (synonym: cotton symptom) - the appearance of the sound of cotton when hitting the Achilles (heel) tendon; it is noted with lumbosacral radiculitis at an early stage of the decrease in the Achilles reflex.

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